About Us
Asian Studies at LSU is an interdisciplinary minor that draws upon the resources of a wide range of departments and provides a framework for a focused study of Asia.
The goal of the Asian Studies Minor is to provide a broad background in Asian culture, language, history, and politics. It will appeal to those students who recognize the unique importance of Asia in both human history and in the flow of current events as well as the unparalleled opportunities emerging in this part of the world.
The countries and cultures of Asia present the student compellingly different models of social organization, historical development, and cultural commitments. A significant participant in the world community and home to over half of the world’s population, Asia is a region of particular importance to contemporary global society and responsible for much of the economic growth of the last few decades.
The Asian Studies Minor is intended to complement the student’s major discipline. It will allow the student to explore Asia from a variety of disciplinary perspectives and will help lay the foundation for pursuing opportunities to live and work in Asia; for obtaining employment with private firms, nonprofit organizations, or educational institutions working closely with Asian countries; and for entering graduate programs in the Humanities and Social Sciences as well as other academic fields, including Law.
Within the Asian Studies minor it is possible to pursue a truly interdisciplinary program and freely take courses in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Language and Commerce.
The Minor offers a rewarding educational experience with a diverse set of courses in Chinese language, arts, geography, history, politics and business. The program provides you with a working knowledge of Chinese cultural environments and business practices as it prepares you to become a future leader in U.S.-China economic exchanges. Graduation with the Minor is an important credential to help you build a productive career related to China and international endeavors.
Contact Us
Asiya Alam, Director
Department of History
231-B Himes Hall
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone: 225-578-2671
[email protected]