From the course: Scaling Your Small Business

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Find your viral channels

Find your viral channels

- The good news is, there are so many avenues to reach our customers today. The bad news is, there are so many avenues to reach our customers today. The problem is, you can't do 'em all, or at least, you shouldn't try to do them all. So you have to spend some time prioritizing these channels and figuring out what are going to be the best ones to work for you. Now, the first step in doing that is to look at the ones that are working for you today. Why are they working for you? How are those channels that allow you to get customers? How could you do them better? So for example, is sales your primary way that you get customers? How could you do it better? How could you look at other channels to make it even stronger? Now, there are certain channels that are just more viral by nature. And that's something we want to tap as we try to scale the business. So many of the new channels are much more naturally viral. Things like social media, if you think about it, people have followers, people…
