From the course: Programming Foundations: Open-Source Licensing

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Dual licensing

Dual licensing

- [Voiceover] Another option available to you is to specify multiple licenses for your project. You may be familiar with the javascript library jQuery. Once upon a time, jQuery was licensed under both the MIT and GPL licenses. It was done so in order to provide the public with a choice on which licensing alternative they wanted to pursue. It was a sound way to circumvent potential licensing compatibilities. For example, if I wanted to establish a project and wanted to make sure that any subsequent modifications were subject to the same license, I'd pick the GPL option. On the other hand, if I wanted to permissive as possible and leave it to others to decide which route to pursue, I'd choose the MIT option. Today, jQuery foundation projects are only licensed under the MIT. This gets back to our previous discussion on compatibility. By retaining the MIT license, the public is free to re-license under GPL because the MIT license is compatible with GPL. Further, because of it's permissive…
