Edit your LinkedIn Page or Showcase Page

Last updated: 3 months ago

LinkedIn Pages represent collective organizations, and can help members learn about the organization’s business, brand, products and services, and job opportunities.

A Showcase Page can be used by a Page admin to represent a brand, business unit, or organization initiative. They’re intended to develop a long-term relationship with a specific audience. 

As a super admin on a LinkedIn Page or Showcase Page, providing accurate details about your organization helps members make an informed decision about following and engaging with your Page and organization. You can edit details on LinkedIn Pages or Showcase Pages to display in the Home and About tabs in the member view.

To edit your Page:

  1. Go to your Page super admin view.

  2. Click Edit page in the left menu.

  3. Edit the desired section.

Adding key sections of your Page can help improve your organization’s presence on LinkedIn. For example, Pages with information such as logo, description, and website URL are more discoverable and potentially receive 30% more weekly views.

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