Email address is already registered

Last updated: 2 years ago
If you get an error message that indicates that your email address is already in use it means the email address you've entered is assigned to an existing LinkedIn account. It's possible that:
  • You've selected the Join now link instead of the Sign in link to access your existing account.
  • In the past, you accepted a LinkedIn invitation and/or created an account.
  • An email address previously used by another user was re-issued to you by your employer or ISP.
  • You’re using a canonical form of a Gmail address that includes periods or other symbols in the first part of the address like [email protected] or [email protected] instead of [email protected]
To access your account:
  1. Click Sign in.
  2. Enter your email address and your password. If you are using a canonical email address, enter the email address without any periods or other symbols in the first part of the email address.
To access your account if you don’t remember your password:
  1. Click the Forgot password? link. We'll send a message to that email address to help you access the account.
  2. Once you reset your password, click Sign in and enter your email address and new password.
Note: If you suspect you have been issued a recycled email address, please contact LinkedIn Support for help adding the email to your account. Please note that if this address is registered to another account, there may be a delay adding it to your account. In some cases, it may not be possible to add it to your account.

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