Legal Information

Software Licenses

Lighterra offers software under a number of different licenses, both commercial and open-source.

Please see the software licenses page for details.


Unless specifically stated otherwise, the content of the Lighterra web site, including text, images and video, and all other works authored by Lighterra, are copyright Lighterra with all rights reserved.

A small number of images, such as stock photos, are copyright to other entities and used here with permission.

Copying of brief sections of this web site is hereby permitted for technical or scholarly purposes without requesting formal permission, provided appropriate reference or credit is given. All other copying, reproduction or distribution, in any form or by any means, requires prior written permission from Lighterra.

Enquiries regarding the copyright of Lighterra content should be directed to [email protected].


Please see the trademarks page for a list of Lighterra's trademarks.

All other product names mentioned on the Lighterra web site, and in all other works authored by Lighterra, are the trademarks of their respective owners. Mention of third-party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.


Lighterra currently holds no patents. While Lighterra does have some technology which could potentially be patented, for the moment that technology is simply being kept secret.

Lighterra strongly supports reform of the patent system towards something shorter term, lighter weight, and which promotes or even requires licensing, not blocking all derivative works. We need a system which rewards innovators while still allowing us to stand on each other's shoulders, not stomp on each other's toes.

Privacy Policy

Lighterra will never collect information about you without your knowledge and consent, will only use information for the purpose for which it was supplied, and will never give or on-sell that information to other parties (unless required to by law).

Please see the privacy policy page for details.


The authors of content on the Lighterra web site have taken great care in the preparation of that content, however no warranty or representation of any kind, either expressed or implied, is made as to the correctness or completeness of the information, example source code, opinions or conclusions contained herein. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Lighterra accepts no liability for any losses or damages in connection with or arising out of the use of this web site, including, without limitation, any liability arising from fault or negligence.

Company Information

Lighterra is a privately owned, proprietary, limited liability company located primarily in Queensland, Australia. You may thus see Lighterra referred to as Lighterra Pty Ltd, Lighterra P/L or Lighterra PL.

Like all Australian companies, Lighterra is registered with the ASIC corporate regulatory agency. Lighterra's ABN is 18 138 043 222 and its ACN is 138 043 222.

Lighterra operates under its own company constitution, which replaces the generic ASIC Replaceable Rules for Companies.

Contacting Lighterra

If you need to discuss any legal issue, including issues of software licensing, copyright, trademarks or patents, the appropriate email address is [email protected].

Email from Lighterra concerning legal issues will generally be PGP signed so that its authenticity and integrity can be verified. If you wish to verify signed email from Lighterra, please use these PGP keys.

Please see the contact information page for more general contact information, including the postal address for physical mail should you wish to send physical documents.