WASHINGTON, November 29, 2002 (LifeSiteNews.com) – U.S. President George W. Bush announced Wednesday that he had selected former secretary of state Henry Kissinger as chairman of a new independent commission to investigate the September 11 attacks. Pro-life leaders were surprised by the selection given the President’s aversion to coercive abortion and Kissinger’s close association with it. President Bush was praised by the pro-life community internationally for his defunding of the United Nations Population Fund due to their association with the forced abortion and coercive sterilization practices in China. However, Kissinger was intimately associated with coercive population control as he is the author of the now-declassified national security study memorandum calling for population control – coercive if necessary, in the third world.
Gilles Grondin, a veteran United Nations diplomat and past President of Le Mouvement en faveur de la Vie/Campaign Quebec Vie, (the pro-life movement in Quebec), told LifeSite that he was surprised by President Bush’s selection of Kissinger. Grondin, who with his vast UN experience has been one of the most successful pro-life lobbyists at the UN, points out that Kissinger’s memo NSSM 200 formed the basis of U.S. foreign policy in the area of population.
Grondin explained that the Memorandum suggested that competition from new world powers would rise when developing nations had sufficient populations to utilize their national resources to their full potential. Thus, NSSM 200 was about ensuring U.S. strategic, economic, and military interest, at the expense of developing countries, by proposing population control including by coercive means if mere propaganda could not succeed. For more on NSSM 200 including the actual document see LifeSite at: https://www.lifesitenews.com/waronfamily/nssm200/index.html See Bush’s announcement of his selection of Kissinger: https://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/11/20021127-1.html