
Dear Readers,

The Gap event at Berkeley is an historically significant development.

The Stupak comments at a Town Hall meeting appear to be alarming. He certainly seems to indicate that if his very praiseworthy efforts to stop the funding of abortion fail, then he would nevertheless vote for the bill. Does he not comprehend that many consider this would be a vote for government funded baby killing? Perhaps if he replaced the word “abortion” with “slavery” or “racism” or “rape” of a certain category of people, he would then understand concerns that the bill cannot be supported no matter how many other “good” things are in it. We will attempt to interview Bart tomorrow.

The Hoffman campaign is astonishing. We may be seeing the beginnings of an American political revolution. However, the Democrats and their Acorn troops are likely to start getting nasty now, so it ain't over til its over. Will the traditional principles conservatives be able to muster enough forces and funds? It is quite the drama.

The U.S. hate crimes bill is now signed into law. Fasten your seat belts.

Steve Jalsevac