Şarkı Sözleri

A broken heart is all that's left
I'm still fixing all the cracks
Lost a couple of pieces when
I carried it, carried it, carried it home

I'm afraid of all I am
My mind feels like a foreign land
Silence ringing inside my head
Please carry me, carry me, carry me home

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I've spent all of the love I saved
We were always a losing game
Small town boy in a big arcade
I got addicted to a losing game

All I know, all I know
Loving you is a losing game

Do you love me, love me not?
Giving pieces from my heart
Tomorrow's coming and has gone
Still I carried, I carried, I carried on

All I know, all I know
Loving you is a losing game

All I know, all I know
Loving you is a losing game

I don't need your games, game over

Get me off this rollercoaster

All I know, all I know
Loving you is a losing game

All I know, all I know
Loving you is a losing game

Writer(s): Cari Fletcher, Will Knox, Joel Sjoeoe, Duncan De Moor, Wouter Hardy

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