Şarkı Sözleri

I'm trying my best
To keep you satisfied
Let you get your rest
While I stayed up all night

And you don't wanna know
How alone I've been (how alone I've been)
Let you come and go
Whatever state I'm in, ah

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Man, am I the greatest
My congratulations
All my love and patience
All my admiration
All the times I waited (waited)
For you to want me naked (naked)
Made it all look painless (painless)
Man, am I the greatest

Hm, hm, hm

Doing what's right
Without a reward
And we don't have to fight (fight)
When it's not worth fighting for (fighting for), mm

And you don't wanna know (know)
What I would've done (done), hm
Anything at all (anything at all)
Worse than anyone (than anyone)
Hm, ooh, and

Man, am I the greatest (greatest)
My congratulations (congratulations)
All my love and patience (love)
All my admiration (admiration)
All the times I waited (waited)
For you to want me naked (naked)
I made it all look painless
Man, am I the greatest

The greatest
The greatest, ah
I, I loved you and I still do
Just wanted passion from you
Just wanted what I gave you
I waited and waited (oh)

Man, am I the greatest
God, I hate it
All my love and patience
You said your heart was jaded
You couldn't even break it (break it)
I shouldn't have to say it (say it)
You could've been the greatest

Writer(s): Finneas Baird O'connell, Billie Eilish O'connell

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