
In a way, I'm figuring it out at my own pace
Just a girl who overthinks about proportions or her waist
The creases on her face
Day like no other, and just another bad day

All I wanna do is find the words to make it up to you
Makin' all the same mistakes, I guess there's still a lot to prove
And there's something I can't say in an ordinary way
Day like no other, and just another bad day

Suite des paroles ci-après

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Wakin' up to hardly recognizing my own face
Just a stranger in the mirror, thinkin', "Oh, what a shame"
Didn't think she'd look this way
Don't look no different to how I looked yesterday

All I wanna do is find the words to make it up to you
Makin' all the same mistakes, I guess there's still a lot to prove
And there's something I can't say in an ordinary way
Day like no other, and just another bad day

My brain's no good at fighting
My hands are tied and I'm out loose
And I'm no good at lying
I'm better at denying the consequence that stands
Damn, I need a helping hand
Day like no other, and just another bad day

Writer(s): Beatrice Ilejay Laus

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