Please inform Kobe University through GEMs if you leave Japan temporarily.
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Re-entry means that you leave and then enter Japan again during your period of stay in Japan.
A special re-entry permit
When foreign nationals with a valid passport and a residence card (or alien registration card) re-enter Japan to continue their activities within one year of the departure date (or by the expiration date of the period of stay if it expires within one year of the departure), they will, in principle, not be required to apply for a re-entry permit. This is called a special re-entry permit. There is no fee for the special re-entry permit.
Upon departure, you are required to present your valid passport and your residence card (or alien registration card) to the immigration officer and submit the “Embarkation and Disembarkation Card for Reentrant” (ED card). If you wish to re-enter Japan using the special re-entry permit, please be sure to put a tick on the appropriate check-box on the ED card.
If you leave Japan with a special re-entry permit, you cannot extend the permit’s validity date while abroad. Therefore, if you plan to re-enter Japan after the current period of stay specified on your residence card expires, please make sure to extend your visa in Japan beforehand.
The special re-entry permit system also applies to those in possession of a passport stating “A resident card is to be issued later”, or an alien registration card deemed to be equivalent to the resident card.
Immigration Services Agency of Japan Website
The Embarkation and Disembarkation Card for Re-entrants (ED card) (source: The Immigration Bureau)
Special Re-entry Permit
Re-entry permit
When foreign nationals with a valid passport and a residence card/alien registration card with a remaining period of stay of more than one year before the expiration date leave Japan temporarily and re-enter Japan after more than one year to continue the same activity, they do not have to obtain a new visa from the Japanese embassy or consulate abroad as long as they have obtained re-entry permission before leaving Japan. However, since re-entry permission technically does not amount to permit to land, upon re-entering Japan, the permission holder must be re-examined by an immigration inspector at the port of re-entry.
There are single re-entry permits and multiple re-entry permits. The re-entry permit is only valid within the person’s remaining period of stay, and the maximum term is 5 years (or 6 years in the case of special permanent residents).
How to apply
Documents to be submitted:
- Application Form
- Form available from the Immigration Bureau:
- Passport (Original)
- Residence Card (or Alien Registration Card) (Original)
- Processing fee (¥3,000 for single re-entry; ¥6,000 for multiple re-entry)
Application Procedures
Submit the above documents to the Immigration Bureau which controls your residing area.
If you leave Japan without a “Special re-entry permission” or “Re-entry permission”, you are considered to have relinquished the status of residence that you previously held. In this case, you must obtain a new visa before returning to Japan. It may take considerable time to obtain a new visa. If you temporarily leave Japan while enrolled at the university, please be sure to obtain a “Special re-entry permission” or “Re-entry permission” before leaving Japan.
Immigration Services Agency of Japan Website
Re-entry Permit:
Application for Re-entry Permit (Procedure):
Immigration Bureau Organization:
Re-entry Procedure due to the impact of COVID-19: