The School of Medicine places a strong emphasis on medical research as well as education: it was the first place in Japan to assign all medical students to attend lectures and experience research in every core field of medicine. As a result, we have produced medical researchers who are world leaders in fields such as intracellular signal transduction and iPS cells. Our School aims to train medical researchers who will contribute to medicine on an international level, and clinicians and scientists who can work with highly advanced medical technologies. We are also committed to raising standards of regional medical education and healthcare.
In order to successfully cultivate this broad range of talented personnel, it is essential to recruit outstanding students who understand the importance of their respective missions. To achieve this, in addition to general admissions the School of Medicine implements Admissions Office (AO) entrance examinations, second-year transfer examinations, and regional special admissions in order to select first-class students. We are also carrying out educational reforms that include investigating the possibilities of increasing the places available for medical research specialists.
First year medical students spend a year studying core subjects at Rokkodai Campus. From the second year their education becomes more specialized and takes place in Kusunoki Campus. In addition to the prerequisite subjects, students can also choose options which reflect their individual interests and goals. The direction of future educational reforms will focus on dynamic curriculum changes such as improving regional medical treatment and education, and increasing the scale of bed-side learning (BSL) in order to meet international standards. By providing an organic medical education including post-graduation bedside learning, we hope to produce graduates who will contribute to the front lines of medicine as doctors and researchers, whether in Japan or overseas.
Key Information
- Degree Programme
Bachelor of Medicine - Subject area
Medicine, Basic
Medicine, Social
Medicine, Surgical Clinical
Medicine, Internal Clinical - Duration
6 years - Total Intake (AY 2015)
Contact Us
7-5-1 Kusunoki-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe 650-0017 Japan
Tel. +81(0)78-382-5205
E-mail: [email protected].
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