British North America Act, 1871 - Enactment No. 8

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Order of Her Majesty in Council admitting all British possessions and Territories in North America and islands adjacent thereto into the Union, dated the 31st day of July, 1880

At the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, the 31st day of July, 1880.


WHEREAS it is expedient that all British Territories and Possessions in North America, and the Islands adjacent to such Territories and Possessions which are not already included in the Dominion of Canada, should (with the exception of the Colony of Newfoundland and its dependencies) be annexed to and form part of the said Dominion.

And whereas, the Senate and Commons of Canada in Parliament assembled, have, in and by an Address, dated the 3rd day of May, 1878, represented to Her Majesty "That it is desirable that the Parliament of Canada, on the transfer of the before-mentioned Territories being completed, should have authority to legislate for their future welfare and good government, and the power to make all needful rules and regulations respecting them, the same as in the case of the other territories (of the Dominion); and that the Parliament of Canada expressed its willingness to assume the duties and obligations consequent thereon:"

And whereas, Her Majesty is graciously pleased to accede to the desire expressed in and by the said Address:

Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered and declared by Her Majesty, by and with the advice of Her Most Honourable Privy Council, as follows:

From and after the first day of September, 1880, all British Territories and Possessions in North America, not already included within the Dominion of Canada, and all Islands adjacent to any of such Territories or Possessions, shall (with the exception of the Colony of Newfoundland and its dependencies) become and be annexed to and form part of the said Dominion of Canada; and become and be subject to the laws for the time being in force in the said Dominion, in so far as such laws may be applicable thereto.


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