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Jform Features for Photographers

Create advanced online forms for your photography website, no matter what you shoot. Jform provides the tools you need to bring your business into focus.

The Best Data Collection Tool

With an online form, there are only two steps: fill out the form and press submit. Talk about easy! Making your client’s experience as simple and straightforward as possible is vital for standing out from the crowd in a saturated market. If you’re a photographer still using paper, now’s your chance to switch to the wonderful world of online forms.

코딩이 필요하지 않습니다

Photography can get technical; you need to buy the right equipment, find the right lighting, and press the shutter at the right moment. With our drag-and-drop Form Builder, you won’t need any technical skills to make your online form look and work exactly how you want it.

Integrate With Your Toolkit

Jform offers hundreds of integrations so you can connect with the tools you already use. Send submitted data to your CRM, email marketing lists, cloud file systems, spreadsheets, and payment processors to streamline your workflow.

Forms as Personal as
Your Photos

Just like your photos, your online forms need to stand out. Jform makes it easy to customize your forms to look as good as your photographs. Edit your forms with our easy-to-use Form Builder and embed them right into your portfolio.

Automate Your
Photography Business

Create online forms so advanced your photography business will run itself. Set up your form to instantly schedule sessions on your calendar, send confirmation emails and reminders to your clients, and turn submitted contracts into PDFs.

Faster, Safer Online

Accept online payments and deposits for photo shoots and prints with 30 popular payment gateways, including Square, PayPal, Authorize.Net, and Stripe. You can even collect recurring payments through your form if you offer payment plans to your clients.

Quickly process photo shoot bookings

Automate your booking process with Jform Approvals. Approve or deny photo shoot requests using Jform Inbox, Jform Tables, or Jform Mobile Forms, our free app for iOS or Android! Each client will instantly get an autoresponder email informing them of your decision — giving you more time to spend where it counts.

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