
322 Reviews
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Fortnite (2017 Video Game)
The worst matchmaking system I've ever seen
19 July 2024
Seriously. My brother and I have not played in over a year, and in this newest league where we're levels 3 and 4, we're pitted again sweats who are level 300+. It's an absolute JOKE. The makers of this game should be put in jail for how badly they designed the matchmaking.

I started online console gaming when Call of Duty 2 was brand new. I've never experienced matchmaking so skewed and unfair. Screw this game, screw the tryhards, this game is a joke.

Laaalalaaaaalallalalallalalallala IMDB wants more you goooooo.....screw youuuuul... blah blah blah fortnite is for wussies anyway it's all about PUBG anyway.....lolol.
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Evil: Exorcism Part 2 (2019)
Season 1, Episode 9
By this point, if your complaints of the show are directed at all to the "religious" nature of the show, you're the one to blame.
17 July 2024
At this point, it's obvious that religion is a heavy theme. Yet, I see morons here complaining about how religiously focused it is. Here's an idea: WATCH SOMETHING ELSE. It's not hard. You have, Real Housewives, or, Jersey Shore. If you're afraid of a LITTLE BIT of religious "propaganda," then, this show is obviously not for you, so you can focus on something something more easily absorbable for your cerebral capacity. You know who I'm talking about Mr/Mrs "Now we veer into Religious Propaganda". This show is for the open-minded, and those who are not immediately biased of the religious community.

This show is for those who are either open-minded, or those who believe there is a POSSIBILITY that there is a God, or some sort of supreme being out there.

It doesn't prove anything, it doesn't prove one side or the other. That's the best thing about this show. Nobody really wins in the theoretical or spiritual debate. But you get a good sense of WHO SHOULD......
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Evil (2019–2024)
Nothing wholly original on its own, but a fun entertaining derivative of supernatural, mystery thrillers
11 July 2024
"Evil" is the spawn of neglectful, biological tv show parents "Supernatural" and "The X-Files," raised by its dedicated and influential grandparent "Fringe," and who also grew up with its close friends "Bones" and "Hannibal," in the neighborhood of "Every Catholic-based paranormal tv show & movie ever."

"Evil" went to school at "Fake it 'till you make it" because it has that feeling that the writers are intelligent and have done their research, but still come across as community college post grads trying to impress high school seniors. Arguments are made by characters which make sense, but seem rather "basic." Especially when it comes to dialogue pertaining to law.

What is really cool about the show however, is that it has deep scientific AND religious themes. It doesn't outright defend (nor mocks) the beliefs of any side of the religious spectrum: atheism, agnosticism, or any form of deity belief. The writers seem to attempt a delicate balance of religion, science, and skepticism.

While a lot of the show is cliche, derivative, and low effort, so far halfway through season one it's certainly entertaining and worth watching.

Going back to my analogy at the start of my review, the show I feel like to which Evil is most similar, is "Fringe." Great show, highly recommend.
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Nekromantik (1988)
It's terrible, but there is great potential
4 July 2024
Ok first of all, let's all agree, it's horrible what happens to the cat, and we're all so glad that it's obvious the kitty wasn't harmed in real life. I mean, that shot where he pushes the cat to the side and pulls in a trash bag of something with mass but obvious non-organic, I mean, you're not fooling anyone with a quarter of a brain.

But if you watch some of the camera work, some of the cheap, low/no-budget special effects, the movie's creators have an eye for horror for sure. Jörg Buttgereit had something going for himself. I love that he was willing to go places so many others were scared of even considering of going. And he did so many things right.

But, aside from the controversial nature of the film, I feel like it will still always scream of "amateur hour." I love his take on death, sex, desire, and mental illness in this film. It definitely could have been executed better by a pro, someone more experienced. But for someone inexperienced, this is rather well done.
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The Boys: Department of Dirty Tricks (2024)
Season 4, Episode 1
They just had to ruin it
4 July 2024
Aside from the obvious real-world ignorance of the writers, with their bullcrap political and social propaganda they inject into the show, this is a freaking awesome and entertaining show. I have been looking forward to season 4, hoping that they would reach the climax of the main story arch soon so they could stop using the show as a medium to blatantly and shamelessly spread lies about the American Republican party (specifically Trump supporters). But alas, my hope was soon demolished during the first episode of season 4.

I have no problem with the gay community. Most people, even republicans, don't. But I think I speak for most of us when I say we're tired of it being shoved in our faces by the entertainment media. It feels like every show and movie that is heavily produced, is obligated to make at least one character gay, in order to wave their vain false flag of how accepting they are.

So viewers of this episode can probably understand why (I'm not betting a lot will agree though) I'm frustrated with this show because of this episode. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO MAKE A CHARACTER BEING GAY AS A PATHETIC ATTEMPT OF A PLOT TWIST?!?!?? They ruined an emotional, potential and growing subplot of the relationship between two characters by suddenly making one of them gay. I have no problem with a gay character, but they way they do it, is so obnoxiously OBVIOUS that they're merely pandering to the gay community in an effort to show "how APPROVING they are."

It's become a joke, this show. I can only come to the conclusion that intolerant bigots would give this show a 10/10.
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The Boys: Life Among the Septics (2024)
Season 4, Episode 2
Funny, but not in a good way
4 July 2024
The writers are so woke and hardcore leftist that it's laughable. Aside from politics, it's a decent episode. Entertaining, brutal, but there's also too much CGI gore. Such a cop out.

But it's so politically skewed, it's insane. There's even a reviewer calling the right "fascists," which is a constant lie people like to believe in. These kinds of people, like that reviewer and also like the villains in this show, want the government to control everything. Usually I can turn a blind eye to political and social bigotry, but it's so blunt and obnoxious, I can't ignore it. The writers are creative, I'll give them that. But this episode is the toughest one to get through so far, because it's obviously following some misguided, corrupt agenda for the left.

And to that reviewer who said the right are fascists and that the left are a "little bit nicer," sorry buddy but the truth hurts. I'd rather have a leader of the nation who's somewhat mean on Twitter, than a brain-dead puppet ran by psychotic, murderous, economy-killing, traitor liberals. Or any liberal for that matter. It's the PEOPLE who matter, not your "precious feelings." Really the psychotic bigotry of the antagonists in this show are a fantastic representation of "art imitating life" when it comes to American liberalism.

Oh "The Boys" paints a real good picture of how America is as a society and how dysfunctional our system of government is. Except not in the way the writers intended. This episode is the one that voids the benefit of the doubt.

The Boys have hit their low-point. It's become such a political statement at this point that it's painful. I imagine it should be painful for anyone on the political spectrum. At least, for anyone with a brain and common sense.
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On the surface, it's derivative. But there's a lot to appreciate here.
3 July 2024
EDIT: currently I have 0 out of 8 users who agree with me. That only further proves my point, and exonerates my review. So many people are unfairly judgemental of this film, they are quick to judge those with opposing views and hide in their slimy cowardice when they see someone who opposes their view. I thrive when people like these surface and show themselves.

I get the move title now. There are a LOT of "nature shots".

The POV shot of the killer has been around since the 80's, or even the 1970's, but it hasn't been portrayed in such a manner until now.

The haters are children, new to the true nature of horror, dependent on the newest horror fad to know what to like and dislike.

It's good, different, but there is no much lacking. It seems like it tries to meet the level of past legends, only to fall a teensy bit short each time.

Real good, real different, real entertaining. But a bit of a disappointment. The decisions of the characters are at times, laughable.

Still, really awesome and worth a watch.
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Nine Dead (2009)
Underrated mix of Saw, Exam, and just satisfying story
6 June 2024
Great, under-appreciated horror movie. Holds your interest. Like a lot of elimination-based reality shows, a lot of characters are removed from the story early on, leaving the focus on a few essential characters. Very interesting. Decent plot, ok acting. Lots of flaws, but it's still such a fun movie.

If you like stuff like Squid Games, Saw, Truth or Dare, Would You Rather, than this is the movies for you. Give it a go. Sure, it's low budget and kind of predictable. But it's got enough originality to be different, enough rising action to keep interest, despite enough exposition to kill a theatrical mule.

Definitely recommend, unless you're a horror purist. In which case, best of luck to being satisfied more than once a decade.
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King of the Hill (1997– )
I only wish I had a neighbor like Hank Hill
6 June 2024
This is such a great show. It touches on relatable subjects, and you can't help but love the main and supporting characters. Well, most of them. Luanne is the worst, incredibly obnoxious, and Khan has his moments where you're sick of him and his blatant racism towards his white neighbors. And sometimes Hank's innocence and naivety is too grossly exaggerated.

Aside from these minor flaws, this show is something special. It drives me to yearn to have a neighbor like Hank, where it pays to be a respectful neighbor, where neighbors look out for each other, despite all our flaws. And where the simple life is total bliss. And where the most valued traits are loyalty and honesty.

Not gonna lie, despite his flaws, Hank Hill really sells the desire to live in a neighborhood where community is high priority, where the lawns stay green, manners are not obscene, and the morals are clean. Aside from Luanne and Khan, you can't help but love the main characters. Even Hank's father, who is an absurd character, despicable, but loveable somehow.

I love this show. It's dear to my heart. I only wish my neighbors in real life were so well put-together, honest, dignified, loyal, courteous, Christian, innocent, and handy.
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A powerful statement about the struggle of those who have a loud voice, but are seldom heard
1 June 2024
Great, intense piece of art right here. I love this movie. The acting is absolutely superb, the drama and tension is constantly high, it's just such a great story, it's hard to turn away from it.

It's a great representation too of the "average American" who are trampled under the foot of the higher authority. As someone who proudly and passionately supports our emergency responders, including the police force, there are certainly cases where those who defend the law and those who make judgements based on the law, are lazy, incompetent, or even outright corrupt. This film is about one lonely women fighting against such a force.

You really feel for her struggles, and for the situation laid out. It's a mystery, aggregated with a dramatic realization that life just isn't fair. Great representation of art imitating life.
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Sinister (I) (2012)
One of the most effective and disturbing modern horror movies
25 May 2024
You'll never look at home movies the same again.

Ethan Hawke is absolutely awesome in this. I'm so happy he's in this. The plot is highly disturbing. Do not watch if you are susceptible to violence involving children.

One of the most effective horror movies of this modern era. Like Hereditary, it's shocking and horrible. And awesome. Be warned though, not a happy story. It sets effective modern horror trends. I love it. You should love it too.

Hello IMDB character limit. Do you folks at IMDB realize how stupid the character limit is? Look, I'm getting past the limit. So dumb, what's the point?
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It's basically a violent, emotional Mulan, only thing missing is Mushu
24 May 2024
I'll admit, I had my doubts at first. Even after the first couple episodes. But by the 5th, I was hooked.

The show is about a vindictive, half-Japanese half-caucasian female samurai who's talented enough to give Kenshin a run for his money. Hurt by her past, she's out to make some people hurt by her blade. It can be a cruel show, majestic, even funny. And it seems like an accurate period piece as well, there's a heavy dose of Japanese culture, old and modern.

It could do without the nudity, it's a bit off-putting. And at times it comes dangerously close to being woke, but thankfully I don't believe it crosses that line.

A very enjoyable show, with some real badass animated choreography. Highly recommend.
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Bob's Burgers: The Plight Before Christmas (2022)
Season 13, Episode 10
This episode hits, and it hits HARD
24 May 2024
Yes, it has all the typical Bob's Burgers quirky humor. But this episode was seriously written by people who wanted to capture the essence of the human spirit. In this episode, the music attacks your soul. The plot is on a whole 'nother level for animated modern tv. You get the feeling the episode wasn't created for views, or for ratings, or to satisfy the constant, unrelenting needs of major network producers.

Instead, what you get is a heart-felt depiction of what family is, or what the Christmas spirit is all about. The sibling bond of the Belcher family is proven. I remember the first time viewing, and it's the same reaction I have every time I watch it. I tear up. As the kids say these days, this episode SLAPS.
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The Strangers (2008)
Not a happy film. But I happily enjoy it!
17 May 2024
If you're a fan of movies such as Funny Games, Speak No Evil, Straw Dogs, The Purge, Eden Lake, I think you would very much enjoy this film.

Bone-chilling, this film is a modern horror trend-setter. It takes the slasher genre, mixes its familiar tropes with a few creative, surprising elements, sets a crazy, paranoid atmosphere, and voila! You got yourself an instant classic.

It's not without faults. Some parts are mundane, maybe boring. Drab. But man, the rest makes up for it.

And it has introduced one of the most chilling, scary horror lines of all time. I won't ruin it, but for those who have seen it, I think y'all know the line. It's the reason why the "Strangers" are doing what they are doing. A simple, effed up reason.

I love showing this one to people. It's one of those movies where the majority isn't all that special, but a few traits is what makes it so darn great.
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Redundant, derivative, and still awesome
17 May 2024
The haters are wrong. I mean, there's a chance that you, a reader who has not yet seen the movie, may be one of the folks who will not enjoy this film. I'm not here to insult those people. But if you are one of those people, you are wrong. And I'm willing to bet that the majority of people watching this film would enjoy it, because it's so much like the original. Sure, it's not as memorable or impactful, but it's the same formula.

As far as sequels go, this one is pretty solid. Great cinematography, acting, plot, and scares. It lacks mostly in originality, it is fairly predictable, and it abuses the standard "psycho killer slasher" horror tropes. But c'mon. If you're complaining about character decisions, when it is CLEARLY possible that irl people would make the same decisions (or worse) under similar circumstances, why are you even watching horror movies in the first place? Maybe it's not for you?

And I do agree with another reviewer, that the soundtrack is pretty good, certainly memorable for a horror film.

Unless you're one of those horror "pureists" who scoff at sequels simply for existing, I would bet you would enjoy this film, at least to a degree worth enough to warrant a single view in your lifetime.
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Fawlty Towers (1975–1979)
Sheer joy
16 May 2024
I have fond memories growing up and watching this show. This is one for the ages. And aside from Monty Python, this is classic John Cleese, and you will never see him better than this. He plays an impatient hotel owner whose greatest hobby, besides mocking who he thinks are his lessers, is digging himself a greater hole than the one in which he is already.

This is comedic GOLD, and an absolute must in British comedy. Right besides Monty Python (the movies AND Flying Circus), The IT Crowd, The Office, Mr. Bean, The Thick of It, every Guy Ritchie project, and Have You Been Served.

You really can't get any better than this when it comes to British comedy.
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Family Guy (1999– )
Despite all its flaws, it has more replay value than even The Simpsons
16 May 2024
Sure, there are plenty of flat episodes, especially after season 13. Sure they sometimes get more political than they should. But all in all, it's such a funny show. Just something to let your brain relax and take in a bunch of absurd humor. It's adult humor at its finest.

Now IMDB demands a character limit. I will say that I love this show with a passion and have seen all episodes at least 3 times, and every episode before season 13 at least 6 times each, but there's not much else to say other than: watch it.

Hoo boy. 72 characters left. Have you also tried Robot Chicken? That's a good show.
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South Park (1997– )
Legendary adult content
3 May 2024
I have memories of watching the South Park movie and episodes as a young adult, despite growing up Mormon and quite sheltered. Still loyal to my religion to this day, but this show opened up my eyes. This it the epitome of parody comedy. Matt Stone and Trey Parker hold no punches. They make fun of literally EVERYONE. No one is safe. And as a result, no one should feel specially targeted.

South Park offends. And if it offends you, know this: The fact that this show offends you, gives it more power to offend you. You think you're doing the world good by submitting formal complaints to Comedy Central about the show's content? I guarantee if you do, they quote your "lamentations" about the show in custom, printed-out vinyl decal letters in their breakroom, and all the employees, maybe even Stone and Parker themselves, get a chuckle at it on a daily basis as they mingle in the break room, eating their microwaved beef stroganoff lunches and their off-brand cheesy poofs during lunch hour.

These guys are pros at not giving a F---. And it shows. Honestly, if you're not offended by anything they do, something is wrong with you. And I come to the same conclusion if you don't laugh your butt off at almost every episode.

They set the bar high and early. Not even The Simpsons can top this show. And if you think they can, well, @#$! You too.
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South Park: Casa Bonita (2003)
Season 7, Episode 11
Classic non-political SP episode that shows how far Cartman can go to get what he wants
3 May 2024
A lot of South Park, especially the last decade and a half, is based almost entirely on current events and social trends. This episode is one of the purest, most absolute, episodes where it focuses on events contained purely within the universe of South Park, free from political commentary.

This is absolute South Park perfection. It's not the only "perfect" episode, it's not even the only episode that depicts the epitome of Cartman's ability to manipulate his "friends" and Butters, but despite how horrible he is, it's far from the worst thing he's ever done, and still it's one of the best episodes of South Park, and of Cartman, ever.

Watch it. And if you have a problem with this episode, just remember...."if you leave me now, you take away the biggest part of me, ooOOOoohh girl baby please don't go..."
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Some of the best South Park has to offer
30 April 2024
It's got everything South Park is good at: innocence tainted by adult content in a comedic manner, a sharp contrast of the nerdiest media entertainment to a mature, confrontational social situation, social commentary of what it's like for an adult couple with an "active" lifestyle while raising children, the life and minds of young boys, movie parodies and references to modern trends (at its time) up the butt, situational humor on an animated level, offensive humor masked by innocent animated characters, and just good 'ol classic South Park shenanigans.

A perfect episode for the serious fan, and cautious investigator unfamiliar with the series. Welcome to the best of animated adult humor. So good.
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The latest and greatest in original modern horror
27 April 2024
Late Night with the Devil is about a late night talk show host struggling not only with ratings and being able to keep up with the then sovereign late-night televised power known as "Johnny Carson," but also with his personal hell as well. He's willing to pay a price though, at the expense of others....

The acting was great. The direction and writing, pretty freaking good. What really hit the mark, was the set design, the atmosphere, and the contrast between what was fake, and what wasn't.

I will say, the ending was a bit confusing and clouded. The build up was almost masterful. Then the climax hits, you're excited and thrilled for 60-90 seconds, and then, POOF. Horror momentum slows to a crawl. You expect more, but less is given. I will say, I love the direction most of the time, and even though the climax was a bit disappointing, I enjoyed the film from start to finish.

However, if you are expecting a total blood bath, you may be a tad disappointed. Still, don't let it discourage you from watching it. It's worth at least a FEW views in your lifetime.
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Mandy (I) (2018)
An absolute helluva psychotropic METAL trip
20 April 2024
Mandy is cosmic horror and beauty all rolled up into one. By the time I've written this review, I've seen the movie four times. Each time, it gets better and better, and more surrealistic.

Mandy is a tragic love story that is one of those "hail marys" of independent cinema. Nick Cage is a real treat for this film, especially considering how so many of his recent films are such absolute garbage (let's be honest).

This is a gem in the rough. The beginning starts off with the male version of "Yoko Ohno" singing, and it's rather offputting. But holy damn hell balls, the viewer is in for a treat. It becomes beatiful, sad, honest, gorgeous, cerebral, and absolutely insane. A couple who just wants to escape is thrown into an 80's infuled trip to hell. It's as engaging as it is tragic.

The acting is incredible, and the violence is unbelievable. Nick Cage really sells it, more than usual. Andrea Riseborough nails it. It's both surrealism, and pure modern art in its most raw form. I love this movie. I hope you do too. No drugs influenced this reviewer's opinion.
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Deliver Us (2023)
Pretty underrated religious horror flick
20 April 2024
Deliver Us plays with emotions. A lot is predictable, yes. A lot has already been covered by previous religious sect horrors, yes. And yes, the whole "catholicism rules all" angle is extremely cliche (and argumentatively FALSE).

But in reality, it's a riveting story with some decent scares. Cinematically, it's well done. The acting is above average at best, and it should be entertaining enough to warrant a distraction-free watch. That's right, I feel like a lot of the reviewers who negatively critique this film spend more time on their phones than on the movie screen.

It's pretty good. Nothing that warrants it being a cult classic or something that is monumental in the horror genre, but it's still worth a watch!
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Fallout (2024– )
I am in love with this show
14 April 2024
THIS is how you make a video game to movie/tv show series. THIS is how you pander to gamers while appealing to new audiences. THIS is excellent 21st century entertainment.

I won't waste time explaining the premise, I'm sure you've gotten the gist by now from other reviews. Just know that it seems like gamer who are fans of the game series (such as myself) are quite happy with it, and that people unfamiliar with the game series (like my wife) are also engrossed with this show.

SO MANY REFERENCES to the game makes it fun to watch as a long-time gamer fan. Everything, from junk decor like magazine racks and plastic jack-o-lantern buckets, to power armor, enemies, factions, food, chems, characters, and weapons, is familiar.

Sure, it may be a bit overproduced, have some cheesy and weak CGI effects, and contain a lot of the "modern formula" in its script and story. Aside from that, it's got everything anyone would want for a riveting sci-fi, action, drama, comedy, horror adventure. Seriously, this show, like the game series, covers all the bases.

And oh my goodness, mini fan-gush moment here, but, I was so excited to hear Matt Berry's voice, I was totally not expecting it, and it was an awesome cameo as one of the easily recognizable robots in the universe of Fallout. And let's just say his is not the only shocking and awesome cameo in the series. Fans of shows like Archer might be pleasantly surprised in Episode 6.

What's also so cool, is that like the stories you run into in the game, there are a lot of really interesting plots with crazy twists. The vaults may seem more like a paradise than on the surface, but when you dig deep, sometimes, the vaults are scarier than reality under the sun...

Fallout has been around for two and half decades, and it's taken them this long to finally come out with a tv/movie adaptation? You know what? Since they nailed it, I'd say it was worth the wait.
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Fallout: The End (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
"Call the doctor, we got a BLEEDER!"
12 April 2024
Like most reviewers out there right now, I've been a Fallout game series player for many years (quick self-plug, check out my YouTube video: "Fallout 3: The Many Deaths of Tenpenny"!). When the trailers first came out, I was skeptical. Video games to movies usually turn out poorly. But this one, did a pretty good job staying true to the nature of the games, while appeasing both loyal fans and audiences hearing about the game series for the first time.

Fallout is a world that poses the hypothetical question: what if the WWII era lived on for over a century, never evolving socially, only technologically, and eventually leading to a complete nuclear apocalypse? Once the bombs were dropped, people led their whole lives underground, from birth to death, having never known the way of life on the surface. But certain "vault-dwellers," as they are called, yearn for freedom and adventure. On the surface, it is a harsh, cruel reality. But by braving hostile organisms and environments, treasure can be found. Usually, bottlecaps.

Let's get the negatives out of the way. First, CGI is once again, too much of a special effects crutch. It's sloppy and cheap looking. I'm mostly talking about the heat-of-the-battle gore effects. You might as well have characters biting down on firecracker berries. Secondly, it's yet another big-budgeted project with a carefully selected balance of gender and racial roles, because we just can't afford to offend anybody these days. Third, it sometimes feels like it tries too hard.

That's mostly it. So far, one episode in, and I am doing my best to hurry this review up to start the next episode. It's fun, it appeals to modern audiences (especially those who hate a dull moment and rely on immediate satisfaction and constant action. Kinda like those die-hard Call of Duty players, and no I'm definitely certainly most likely possibly not one of them), because it follows the modern tv show formula, and features violence that'd make your great grandparents pull you out of their will if they knew you were watching it.

Game references are certainly abundant. From chems like jet and stimpacks and food like Cram and tatos (and drinks like nuka-cola!!), to the structures and tech, to enhancements and perks, to the different factions and enemies. It's almost like they want you to play a drinking game where if you took a sip of beer every time there's a game reference, you'd be sloshed after the first episode.

The game series does a tremendous portraying a seemingly innocent and amiable atmosphere at first glance. As you play the game, the apparent charming mood of the world of Fallout is often disrupted by moments which bring about an unnerving feeling that something isn't quite right. Sometimes these moments are subtle, and eerie. Sometimes the moments are shocking interactions of blatant, spine-tingling horror.

The way this first episode is pulled off makes me think that one of the goals of the show was to capture this bi-polar quality. It can be light-hearted and comedic, but also unnerving, and sometimes violent and freaky. But while I appreciate them staying true to the nature of Fallout, of all the creepy things that occur in the the world of this first Fallout episode, nothing can be creepier than the heavily implied "cousin stuff."

Things I'm hoping they'll include in future episodes: Nuka-Cola Quantum, a jacked up raider on psycho-jet, unnecessarily excessive powerfist use, Strong from Fallout 4, a cool action sequence using the VATS system, heavy gun modding, wacky easter eggs, and a friggin' DEATHCLAW!!!
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