
289 Reviews
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How Poor Character Decisions Are Killing Horror Movies
20 July 2024
One reviewer pointed out that people often do dumb things in horror movies, a trope that supposedly comes with the genre. However, this expectation only stands if the writer or director lacks imagination. Classics like *Psycho* and *The Exorcist* didn't rely on such clichés; instead, their characters acted logically within the given premises.

This movie, on the other hand, seems devoid of any coherent premise. The blame falls squarely on the script, especially since the director also wrote it. One might even wonder if there was a script at all, as the film appears improvised. If the director believes this approach is avant-garde, they might need a refresher at film school.

The notion that characters in horror movies must act foolishly underscores the genre's decline. Character development's golden rule is motivation: actions should be driven by clear reasons and a bit of common sense, only to end up in the monster's clutches. Here, the monster's motivation is unclear-demon, cannibal, or something else entirely? And ultimately, why should the audience care?

As for the leads, their acting skills are hard to gauge, given the minimal demand placed on them. The male lead witnesses something horrific, becomes excessively traumatized, and is rendered almost speechless-though he seems barely communicative to begin with. This aligns with Roger Ebert's observation about movies where straightforward actions or dialogue could resolve the plot.

The constant camera focus on the protagonist's horror-stricken, panicky expressions quickly grows tiresome.

The overall decline in horror quality is evidenced by recent remakes like *Carnival of Souls* and *The Haunting*. Hopefully, true horror, marked by intelligence, wit, and minimal special effects, will make a comeback.
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The Empty Man (2020)
A Flawed but Intriguing Dive into Psychological Horror
20 July 2024
"The Empty Man" stands out as a superior horror film compared to the average releases in the genre today. It offers a plethora of intriguing ideas, though, unfortunately, many remain underdeveloped, resulting in a somewhat disjointed narrative that struggles to find its footing.

The film's introduction, which spans over 20 minutes, feels unnecessarily lengthy and disconnected from the main plot until the very end. This raises questions about the purpose of crafting such a complex backstory if it's not more integrally woven into the film.

James Lasombra, the protagonist, is a former cop grappling with a significant trauma. The slow-burn approach to unveiling his story is compelling, effectively building suspense and tension that kept me engaged throughout. The concept of a cult capable of summoning the Empty Man is fascinating, but the film falls short in fully exploring this aspect. Key questions about the cult's origins, its role in the deaths depicted, and its methods remain unanswered, leaving the viewer with more questions than resolutions. Expanding on these elements would have significantly enriched the narrative.

Despite these shortcomings, the beginning and middle sections are strong, with the mystery and murder investigation gradually revealing dark, twisted secrets. Technically, the film excels. It avoids cheap jump scares, instead building tension through subtle, effective sounds. The cinematography, lighting, and sound design are masterful, creating a visually and aurally immersive experience. The special effects are top-notch and add to the film's realism. Hollywood could learn from this approach.

I appreciate filmmakers who push boundaries and experiment, particularly when backed by major studios. While some unresolved elements might be intentional, inviting viewers to interpret the ending, the abundance of unexplained aspects results in noticeable plot holes. Despite its flaws, "The Empty Man" is a worthwhile watch, featuring solid acting and engaging moments. Horror fans should give it a chance; it might just surprise you.
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Who's the good guy now?!
20 July 2024
I've been wanting to watch this for a while but had trouble finding it since I was searching for "Little Bone Lodge" when it's actually listed as "The Last Exit" on streaming platforms. Personally, I prefer the title "Little Bone Lodge," but that's beside the point.

This film turned out to be more interesting than I expected. It offers a layered story with several intriguing elements. While it includes familiar tropes, the way they're combined here is unique. Some of the suspense was slightly diminished due to its predictability, but it remained engaging.

The pacing felt a bit off, likely because the film straddles the line between horror and thriller, though it mostly plays out as a drama.

Despite these issues, the story is filled with exciting twists and turns, supported by stellar performances. It's close to being something really special but just misses the mark. Still, it's above average and worth a watch.
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The Exorcism (2024)
A Lesson in Absurdity
18 July 2024
The only redeeming quality of this film is David Hyde Pierce. Everything else is a disaster. It's as if an alien watched 50 years of horror movies and tried to mimic them without understanding any of it. Despite being a color film, the palette is mostly black and white, with an overwhelming amount of black, making it difficult to discern what's happening half the time.

The script is utterly incomprehensible. At one point, Russell Crowe dramatically arches backward, seemingly breaking his spine in front of a studio audience, then falls out of an apartment window. Moments later, he's back, not as a demon, but as himself. He's alive. What just happened?

Characters behave in ways no real person would. Who wrote this mess? Who approved it? Why does it even exist? Setting aside these questions, the film is just plain dull, except for the moments when it unintentionally becomes hysterically funny, which happens quite often.
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Orphan (2009)
A Modern Horror Triumph
17 July 2024
Jaume Collet-Serra's *Orphan* revisits familiar territory with a fresh twist on the classic "evil child" narrative seen in *The Bad Seed*, *The Good Son*, and *The Omen*. Despite the echoes of its predecessors, *Orphan* stands out with its unique surprises and unexpected originality, particularly regarding Esther's secret.

While it may not surpass those iconic films, *Orphan* is a notable improvement over more recent attempts like *Joshua*-another film starring Vera Farmiga in a similar motherly role. Don't be misled by the trailer into thinking this is just another generic horror flick; *Orphan* offers much more depth and intrigue.

Both my audience and I found it to be one of the more compelling horror films in recent times.
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Navigating a Twisted Tale
15 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This review is for those who have seen the movie or are curious about its gist without watching it.

The story revolves around a previously depressed protagonist who loses her husband to suicide. She remains in their shared home and experiences paranormal activities (or possibly dreams). Her bleak outlook on life and death stems from a near-death experience where she felt "nothing," which deeply troubled her. She believes her depression contributed to her husband's mental state and subsequent suicide.

As the plot unfolds, she discovers her husband led a secret life, sleeping with women resembling her in a house he built to mirror theirs. Things take a darker turn when she realizes he murdered those women. In a moment of despair, she begs what she believes to be her husband's ghost for comfort, which is ironic given his actions. The entity turns out to be a demonic presence, the "nothing" she encountered during her near-death experience. This entity, angered by her survival, possessed her husband in an attempt to reclaim her. Her husband tried to deceive the entity by killing women who looked like her in the reverse house, but the entity, surprisingly gullible, didn't catch on despite the numerous deaths.

Ultimately, her husband commits suicide to protect her, but the demonic force still manages to control her, nearly convincing her to end her life.

The narrative flaw lies in the entity's unnecessary manipulation of the husband, as it ultimately achieves its goal on its own. The actress delivers a stellar performance, and the suspense holds until the storyline becomes illogical and frustrating. I expected a more grounded revelation of the husband's double life, perhaps involving a discovery of the reverse house filled with traps and a final rescue mission. Instead, the ghost element led to a disappointing conclusion. Despite this, the movie earns five stars for the lead actress's performance and the visually engaging, distorted house effects reminiscent of "The Haunting" (1999).
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Abigail (2024)
From Potential to Predictable
13 July 2024
This movie could have had a great twist, if only the trailer hadn't given away that Abigail is the bloodthirsty vampire killing everyone. Instead, the first part of the film tries to make you guess who's the "undercover" one in the house, but it's just Abigail the entire time... like the trailer said. Okay? What a waste of a potentially intriguing plot point.

And then there's the cliché of "everybody makes horrible decisions!"

"Let's split up while we're being picked off one by one!"

"Let's keep splitting up!"

"Let's continue to split up until there are only two of us left. Clearly, this strategy is working wonders."

Lambert's last-ditch plot twist: "Hey, I know I could have just said this from the beginning and resolved everything in seconds. I ALSO know I'm the one in control and could open a window at any time to kill Abigail. But I thought it would be best to wait until almost all of you are dead, then ask the person I lured here for help. At night. I prefer to fight her 2v1, even though we could have killed her when she was drugged asleep or simply opened the window during the day. But hey, this is much more dramatic for the sake of the movie!!"

"I'm the glasses guy, and for unknown reasons, I suddenly hate Joey now that I'm a vampire. I failed to kill Abigail, she told me where I went wrong, and then I failed again! LOL! So, I turn Joey into a puppet! And fail at that too. I couldn't be a worse last-ditch villain than if I were Dr. Drakken from Kim Possible, explaining my entire plan to my enemies!"

Also, I'm tired of regular humans being beaten, stabbed, impaled, thrown through furniture, and slammed into walls, only to walk it off like nothing happened. The last fight scene was so agonizingly bad and long that I actually got annoyed in the theater. The drama of the violence loses all meaning when regular people just won't die from literally anything.

Stabbed? Ah well.

Impaled? Pull that sucker out and keep going! You'll barely even bleed. We save the buckets of blood for ridiculous scenes, like getting turned into a vampire in 20 seconds with projectile vomiting.

Broken bones? Doesn't happen in Hollywood la-la land.

I'm begging someone out there to make a good horror movie.
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Scream VI (2023)
Common Sense vs. Movie Logic
9 July 2024
I watched this film just to complete the series, and I regret it. It was a total waste of time.

I feel bad for Dermot Mulroney and Hayden Panettiere (however you spell her name). They're excellent actors, but unfortunately, they got stuck in a terrible movie.

The storylines were hard to believe.

The opening scene in the alley was downright silly. Most women know better than to do what she did, especially when meeting a man for the first time. Plus, there's Google Maps with the "walking" option. Common sense would have her pin her location and let him find her.

The major issue I have with the violence is how unrealistic it is. Apparently, you can be stabbed, have a knife dragged through your abdomen towards your heart, and be just fine. You can be stabbed in the back and be okay too. The violence was cartoonish, like something out of Family Guy.

I'm not recommending this movie to anyone.
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Smile (V) (2022)
When the Therapist Becomes the Patient
7 July 2024
Sosie Bacon portrays a hapless therapist who mumbles clichés and passively observes as calamities befall her patients. Despite her glaring incompetence, the real trouble begins when she herself starts experiencing eerie phenomena. These supernatural occurrences, seemingly more intent on unsettling her than causing actual harm, add a layer of dark humor to the narrative. It's as if the spooky elements are mocking the overall ineffectiveness of all the characters, be they human or otherworldly.

While the plot may be brainless drivel, the production quality is top-notch. The film features commendable acting, impressive cinematography, precise editing, and engaging direction. Even with its lackluster characters, formulaic writing, dreadful dialogue, and overused tropes, it manages to be a fun and occasionally thrilling ride. This polished yet superficial horror flick is an entertaining watch, if only for its high production values and sheer absurdity.

It's worth a single viewing, just for the amusement factor.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
Grit Meets Precision!!
5 July 2024
A gritty, old-school crime thriller with a standout performance from Jason Statham

Returning to his lower-budget roots that catapulted him to fame with films like "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" and "Snatch," Guy Ritchie follows up his well-received "The Gentleman" with "Wrath of Man." This crime thriller reunites him with his favorite leading man, Jason Statham, delivering a hard-boiled, gritty 90s-style action film.

The last collaboration between Ritchie and Statham was the somewhat forgotten "Revolver," which might be better than you remember. "Wrath of Man," however, is more straightforward. Ritchie adapts the European film "Cash Truck," crafting a tense thriller that provides Statham with some of his best material in years.

Surprisingly, this reformation of Ritchie and Statham shows the typically flamboyant director dialing back his usual hyperkinetic visuals and edits, with his trademark cockney humor mostly absent. Instead, the film presents a largely humorless narrative, following Statham's mysterious character, H, as he takes a job at a cash truck company recently targeted by a deadly heist and likely to be hit again by elite robbers.

With bleak yet atmospheric cinematography by Alan Stewart, moody and effective scoring from composer Christopher Benstead, and solid performances from co-stars Holt McCallany, Jeffrey Donovan, Scott Eastwood, and a rare appearance from Josh Hartnett, "Wrath of Man" is a well-rounded package. Ritchie's experienced hands guide a non-linear exploration of what led H to this new job and who is behind a series of meticulously planned robberies in Los Angeles.

Though the central plot of "Wrath of Man" doesn't break new ground, it follows the crime thriller playbook to perfection. The film's professional sheen and well-executed set pieces, culminating in a pulse-pounding finale, make it a treat for genre enthusiasts. Statham's joy in reuniting with Ritchie is palpable, enhancing the overall experience.

**Final Say:**

"Wrath of Man" is a restrained yet stylish throwback crime thriller with a captivating lead character and memorable set pieces. While it doesn't offer anything revolutionary, it's a consistently fun and impressively filmed watch, reaffirming Ritchie's skill behind the camera.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Action Over Substance
4 July 2024
**Review: "The Beekeeper"**

**Overall Rating:**
  • Jason Statham: 8/10
  • Action: 8/10
  • Story: 6/10
  • Agent Parker: 1/10

"The Beekeeper" delivers solid action and an engaging story, with Jason Statham giving his usual stellar performance. Unfortunately, the supporting cast, especially Agent Parker, falls short. Her performance was particularly disappointing and detracted from the film.

Despite this, if you're a fan of Jason Statham and enjoy high-octane action, "The Beekeeper" is worth a watch. It stands up well alongside Statham's other films like "Transporter," "The Mechanic," "Crank," and "The Expendables." Ignore the weak supporting roles, and you'll find it an enjoyable action flick. Enjoy the ride!
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Plotless, Aimless, and Disappointing
23 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
**This movie was absolutely dreadful!** The storyline - calling it a plot would be giving it way too much credit - was utterly tedious! Some claim it offers a great perspective on class? Are you kidding me?! From the HORRIBLE acting to the complete and utter lack of dialogue, characters changed motives, desires, and allegiances so quickly without any second thoughts. Moreover, a lot of scenes just plain didn't make any sense!

*SPOILER ALERT* I get that the two troops were sent to keep an eye on our main characters, but why in the world did the big guy suddenly knock out that woman?! What was that all about? And the gratuitous female-on-female scene? What purpose did that serve? Only the one zombie guy seemed to be learning anything and leading the troops, yet he was somehow able to avoid huge blasts from explosives while zombies around him exploded? These characters have such amazing aim at such strange points, but then they can't kill this one zombie? And everyone in the van just blindly follows Choro, then immediately switches allegiances? And what was with the girl who was ready to nuke the entire city, but when asked to fire on a bunch of zombies and half-eaten civilians, all of a sudden she has a heart? Plus, even after Choro turned into a zombie, he was able to carry out his revenge? Not only was he able to remember to kill that CEO guy, but also he was able to find him that easily? And what was with the horribly cheesy ending where they just want a place to live?! Uh, hello, have we forgotten that THEY ARE DEAD?! Kinda the premise of the movie!!!

Oh, I was SO disappointed - and I didn't even have high expectations or anything! I just couldn't believe how bad it really was. My boyfriend and I looked at each other after the movie and were so angry - he had been particularly excited about this one, and I thought the idea that the zombies would possibly be learning something was neat. OH SO SAD when a great series like this jumps the shark!
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Scream (1996)
Why "Scream" Made Me Scream... In Frustration!
23 June 2024
Alright folks, gather around, because I'm about to tell you the tragic tale of "Scream." You might want to brace yourselves - it's scarier than the movie itself.

### Wes Craven: The One-Hit Wonder

First up on the chopping block is Wes Craven. Oh Wes, dear Wes. He gave us "A Nightmare on Elm Street," which was good - I'll give him that. But that's like saying, "I baked one good cookie in my life, so now I'm a master chef!" Everything else from his cinematic kitchen is just reheated leftovers from a horror buffet.

### Kevin Williamson: The Pen Behind the Pain

Next, let's talk about the writer, Kevin Williamson. At least, I think that's his name. I didn't bother to look it up because, quite frankly, he doesn't deserve the Google search. This is the guy who also wrote "I Know What You Did Last Summer," which should have been called "I Know You Stole This Plot from 'Prom Night'." The only thing good about that movie was imagining a spoof called "I Forget What You Did Last Summer."

### The Movie: A Carbon Copy Catastrophe

"Scream" starts off like a cheap knockoff of "When a Stranger Calls" - you know, the kind of knockoff you'd find in a dollar store bargain bin. That movie was fifty times scarier than everything Craven and Williamson have ever done, combined, and then multiplied by ten.

### Characters: Who Cares?

The characters? Let's just say we have as much reason to care about them as we do for a soggy piece of toast. Rose McGowan is there, looking nice, but that's about it. The real cherry on top of this horror sundae is the killer. Oh boy. They wanted to break the cliché of the indestructible horror villain, but instead, we got Mr. Bean in a Halloween costume. The guy trips over air! Why is he dressed in his spooky getup at the grocery store in broad daylight? Was he hunting for fresh victims in the frozen food aisle?

And when the killer's identity is finally revealed, it's like finding out your surprise birthday party is actually a tax audit. No shock, no awe - just pure soap opera nonsense.

### Horror or Comedy? Make Up Your Mind!

Is "Scream" supposed to be a horror or a comedy? It's like trying to be a vegan at a barbecue - it fails at both. Craven and Williamson thought name-dropping classic horror films would make theirs a classic too. All it did was make me want to rewatch "Halloween" and mourn the lost time I spent on this drivel.

### The Aftermath: An Army of Clones

But wait, there's more! The worst thing this movie did was inspire a legion of awful imitators. If you see a movie poster with a fresh-faced teen cast posing dramatically like in "Scream," do yourself a favor - run. Not walk, run. Because any movie influenced by "Scream" is like a cheap cologne knockoff - it stinks and gives you a headache.

### Final Verdict: Anti-Horror

"Scream" is the anti-horror movie. It's everything a horror film shouldn't be: shiny new teen actors, bright lights, a klutzy villain, choppy editing, bland directing, forgettable music, and more horror movie references than a film student's thesis. And the comedy? About as funny as a tax audit.

Do yourself a favor - skip this movie. Watch something truly great, like "Rosemary's Baby." Now, that's a horror film that won't make you scream... in frustration.
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Spiral (2021)
Can Spiral Surpass Expectations?
23 June 2024
I felt quite anxious before watching Spiral since Saw is among my beloved franchises. The selection of Chris Rock for the lead role was intriguing, though I initially couldn't shake off thoughts of Marty from Madagascar. However, once I moved past that, I found his performance genuinely impressive.

The number of traps was underwhelming. While they were intriguing, I perceived them as mild when compared to previous installments. The victims also seemed less desperate to escape these traps. I was particularly let down by the introduction of a new puppet and voiceover, although I can see why they made the change. Disappointingly, I quickly guessed Jigsaw's identity within the first 20 minutes.

In general, the movie was relatively good on its own. It maintained the suspense and tied up loose ends. Will there be a sequel? I can't predict. Nevertheless, given that Saw is one of my favorite franchises, I would eagerly watch any forthcoming movies.
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Al Atawla (2024– )
Avoid This Clichéd Mess
5 June 2024
Wow, sounds like El Atawla is really hitting all the wrong notes! It seems like the series is a perfect 1/10 in terms of toxic masculinity, demeaning portrayal of women, glorification of thieves, and the absurd depiction of violence as a symbol of heroism and chivalry.

I mean, come on, who wants to watch a show that's just a cringy, over-the-top mess of exaggerated reactions and cheap, meaningless violence? It's like they took all the worst tropes and rolled them into one unwatchable ball of awfulness. Plus, it's just distasteful to see Egypt being portrayed in such a negative light. We all know that Egypt doesn't need more negativity, shhh!

And let's not forget about the missed opportunity for some real adrenaline-pumping, fear-inducing scenes. It's like they didn't even try to make it engaging or thrilling, just a total waste of time.

It's a shame really, because I'm sure the cast and crew put in their best effort, but it sounds like the end result missed the mark by a mile. I'd say steer clear of this one, unless you're a glutton for punishment or in dire need of a good laugh at the expense of a terribly made series.
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Kasablanka (2019)
Stars Flicker, Plots Flounder
20 April 2024
Hey there! So, I totally get where you're coming from with this one. It can be super frustrating when you're all geared up to watch a movie with some stellar actors, only to find yourself drowning in a sea of confusion right from the get-go. It's like, you're there all pumped to see your favorites do their thing, but then the story just leaves you scratching your head, right?

I mean, it's a bummer when you're trying to follow along, but the plot is just all over the place, and you're left feeling like you missed the memo on what's actually happening. And don't even get me started on trying to remember all those names and keep track of who's who! It's like a mental workout trying to piece it all together, and let's be real, that's not exactly the kind of exercise we signed up for when we hit play.

And let's not forget about the action and chase scenes. I mean, those are supposed to be the heart-pounding, edge-of-your-seat moments that get your adrenaline pumping, but if they're falling flat and leaving you yawning instead, then what's the point? It's like, if you're gonna do action, do it right, you know?

So, yeah, it's a real shame when you're all set to enjoy a movie, especially when you're a fan of the actors involved, only to end up feeling like you wasted your time. It's like a missed opportunity to showcase their talents in a way that really shines. But hey, not every movie can be a winner, right? Just gotta chalk this one up to experience and maybe steer clear of this flick in the future. Life's too short to spend it on movies that leave you feeling meh.
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Kira & El Gin (2022)
When Movies Fall Short
20 April 2024
Honestly, I couldn't agree more with this comment. I mean, I get that movies sometimes take creative liberties with historical events for the sake of entertainment, but when they completely butcher the facts, it's just frustrating. And don't even get me started on the acting. It's like some of the actors didn't even bother to put in any effort. I mean, come on, at least try to make it believable! And the foreign actors? Ugh, it's like they didn't even bother to learn the language properly. It's so cringeworthy to watch. And let's not forget about the pacing. It's all over the place! I couldn't tell if I was watching a fast-paced action movie or a slow-burn drama. It was just so inconsistent. Overall, I was pretty disappointed with this movie. It had so much potential, but it just fell flat in so many areas. Oh well, you win some, you lose some, right?
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30 Years Ago (2016)
Wealth's Woe
19 April 2024
"Curse of Wealth" is a film that really caught my attention with its exploration of family dynamics and the consequences of greed. Sherif Mounir's portrayal of Omar was so captivating and really drew me into the story. And Ahmed El Sakka's performance as Emad added another layer of complexity to the narrative.

The plot of the film had me hooked from the start, with the curse adding a thrilling element to the story. The tension kept building throughout, and I found myself on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen next. The cinematography and soundtrack really added to the eerie atmosphere, making the whole experience even more intense.

However, I have to agree that the ending was a bit of a letdown. It was unexpected, for sure, but it left me feeling unsatisfied and a little disappointed. I think a more fulfilling conclusion would have really elevated the film to another level.

Despite the ending, I still think "Curse of Wealth" is a solid film. The performances were top-notch, the storyline was engaging, and the direction was spot-on. I would give it a 9 out of 10 overall. But that ending... it's definitely something that will stick with me for a while.
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3 El Zero (2023)
From Zero to Zilch
19 April 2024
Honestly, the movie "On Zero" didn't resonate with me at all. It didn't impress me; rather, quite the opposite-I felt extreme annoyance and disdain towards it. For me, this film was a bad experience by all standards.

Firstly, the storyline didn't even reach the level of average expectations, and despite the efforts of the actors, the script and dialogues were shallow and lacking depth.

Moreover, I wasn't impressed by the directorial choices and how they handled the situations and developments in the story. Some of the violent scenes were overly sensationalized to the point of gratuitousness, without any real added value.

In the end, I couldn't find any positive aspect that justifies the time spent watching this film. For me, it was a wholly negative experience, and I can't recommend it to anyone, not even to fans of action and thriller movies. That story certainly isn't a cinematic experience worth investing in. My rating for this film is 1/10.
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Shining Bright or Losing Luster
19 April 2024
Marei El Breemo is an Egyptian comedy film that tells the story of Marei, a watermelon seller who inherits a fortune in diamonds.

The film is a light and entertaining comedy with a good pace. Mohamed Henedy is in good form as Marei, and he is well-supported by the rest of the cast. The film is also visually appealing, with some beautiful shots of the Egyptian countryside.

However, the film is not without its flaws. The plot is a bit predictable, and the characters are not particularly well-developed. Additionally, the film's humor is sometimes a bit too broad and relies on stereotypes.

Overall, Marei El Breemo is a fun and harmless comedy that will provide a few laughs. However, it is not a must-see film, and it is likely to be quickly forgotten.


Light and entertaining Good pace Beautiful shots of the Egyptian countryside


Predictable plot Underdeveloped characters Broad humor that relies on stereotypes

If you are looking for a light and entertaining comedy to watch, then Marei El Breemo is worth checking out. However, if you are looking for a more thought-provoking or character-driven film, then you may want to look elsewhere.
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Aamil Sefer (2023)
From Zero to Hero
19 April 2024
Agent Zero (2023) is like a rollercoaster ride through the vibrant world of Egyptian action comedy, where the lines between heroism and hilarity blur in the most delightful way possible.

At the heart of the movie is Saqr Abdel Latif Shadad El Hmaim (played by the charismatic Akram Hosny), an ordinary security guard with extraordinary dreams of becoming a legendary hero akin to the iconic James Bond. Little does he know that his mundane life is about to take a sharp turn into the realm of espionage and danger, transforming him into the enigmatic "Agent Zero." As Saqr navigates through a series of comedic mishaps and thrilling escapades in his quest to fulfill his mission and save the world, audiences are taken on a whirlwind adventure filled with laughter, action, and heart.

One of the standout aspects of Agent Zero is undoubtedly its exhilarating action sequences that keep viewers on the edge of their seats, coupled with Akram Hosny's impeccable comedic timing that adds a layer of charm and humor to the film. The blend of adrenaline-pumping moments and laugh-out-loud comedy creates a unique viewing experience that is both engaging and enjoyable.

However, amidst all the fun and excitement, some viewers have pointed out the film's reliance on a somewhat predictable plot and its lack of groundbreaking originality. While Agent Zero may not break new ground in terms of storytelling, it more than makes up for it with its sheer entertainment value and the sheer joy it brings to audiences.

In conclusion, Agent Zero is a cinematic treat for fans of action comedies, offering a delightful mix of humor, action, and entertainment. While it may not revolutionize the genre, it certainly succeeds in delivering a good time and showcasing the talents of the Egyptian film industry. So, grab your popcorn, buckle up, and get ready to join Saqr on his hilarious and action-packed journey as Agent Zero - a film that may not go down in history as a classic but will surely leave you with a smile on your face and a skip in your step.
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Another One (2022)
Finding Second Chances
16 April 2024
Oh boy, where do I even begin with this film? Let me tell you, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, and not just because I couldn't find the remote to pause it for a bathroom break. Ahmed Helmy's performance as Mustafa was just top-notch. I mean, the guy had me laughing one minute and tearing up the next. Talk about range!

And can we talk about the writing and directing? It was like a rollercoaster of emotions, but in a good way. The story had me hooked from the start, and the characters felt so real and relatable. I even found myself rooting for Mustafa and his journey of self-belief and second chances. I mean, who knew a comedy could be so heartwarming and inspiring?

Overall, I have to say, Another One really hit the mark for me. It's like a warm hug on a cold day, or a funny meme in a sea of political rants. It's the kind of film that sticks with you, like that piece of gum you accidentally stepped on and now it's stuck to your shoe forever. But in a good way, of course.

So yeah, if you're looking for a film that will make you laugh, cry, and maybe even rethink your whole outlook on life, then Another One is definitely worth a watch. I give it a solid 10 out of 10 stars, and that's saying something coming from a tough critic like me. Trust me, you won't regret it.
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Tarzan & Jane (2002 Video)
The Legacy Continues
14 April 2024
While not quite as good as the original (which is a tough act to follow, given that I first saw it on YouTube and then in the cinema back in '99), I don't think it deserves all the harsh criticism it gets.

Like many Disney movies, there are elements that may go over the heads of young children, like the nod to a "love triangle" made by Tantor later in the film.

It's not a must-see for those seeking the same magic as the original "Tarzan," but it's worth a watch if you're in the mood for some light entertainment.

I'd rate it a 7 out of 10 because it did manage to bring a smile to my face now and then, no small achievement considering Disney's recent reliance on large-scale CGI spectacles that often miss the mark.
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Tarzan II (2005 Video)
Revisiting the Jungle
14 April 2024
A significant improvement over 2002's 'Tarzan & Jane' - this is a proper sequel. Impressive what can be achieved with effort, right Disney?

'Tarzan II' may not reach the heights of the original 1999 film, but this third installment (despite the misleading title) in the series is actually quite good. There is a consistent storyline, albeit a prequel, and the return of Glenn Close (Kala) and Lance Henriksen (Kerchak) onscreen, with Phil Collins providing the music.

The plot is simple yet enjoyable, with heart, meaning, and decent humor. It could be better, but I still appreciate its contribution.

A worthy return to the 'Tarzan' universe, unlike its predecessor.
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Between Chuckles and Eye-Rolls
14 April 2024
The movie's trailer consistently made me groan in recent months. Surprisingly, the trailer highlights some of the movie's weakest aspects.

My main gripe lies in the humor, which often falls flat. Jokes are incessantly forced, appearing every 10 seconds, regardless of their quality. It's not a matter of "kid-humor" that eluded me as a 25-year-old; even the young audience members in my theater remained mostly silent.

Nevertheless, approximately 10% of the jokes resonated with me, prompting genuine belly laughs unexpectedly.

The standout aspect of this film, for me, was its characters. Each character possesses distinct traits, quirks, and flaws that they navigate emotionally throughout the narrative.

Despite its formulaic, cliched, and predictable nature, the movie remains engaging, offering cathartic moments in nearly every scene for at least one character. Remarkably, I found myself invested in these animal characters, despite the film's absurdity.

While nothing groundbreaking, the movie's vibrant and competent execution earns it some merit. It may not be entirely original, but its colorful presentation and solid execution make it a decent watch.

Spending an hour and a half on this film isn't the worst way to relax on a weekend with the family.
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