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IMDb member since August 2016
Upstairs Inferno (2015)
Forgotten Gay History in America
30 August 2016 - 1 out of 1 users found this review helpful.
The 1973 arson of the UpStairs Lounge in New Orleans was the deadliest day for LGBT people in America until the massacre at Pulse. During a beer bust on Sunday, June 24, 1973, someone soaked the wooden staircase to the lounge in lighter fluid and set it ablaze.The fire trapped around half of the patrons, who couldn't make it to an exit. And now Upstairs Inferno reminds us all of the darkest day in gay history in America, a day that all Americans should never forget when 32 lives were lost. Thank you Robert Camina for bringing this film to life and sharing the history of that day at 141 Chartres Street in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana.
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