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Art & Action blended at its best, first rate.
30 August 2013
When Wong Kar Wai announced he will start to make a movie about Ip Man, a few followed, all made and shown with success before Wong complete his. Knowing that a WKW movie is never straightforward story-telling, I know his will be different from all others but wonder how different will it be compared to his "Ashes of Time". I will not write anything about the story or the script as I believe it will take some joy away from anyone who is going to watch it. I watched the original first released version. I am dumbfounded, especially with Zhang Ziyi(Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Memoirs of a Geisha, 2046)and Tony Leung's action. They are not Jet Li or Michelle Yeoh but in this movie, they fought so convincingly well that you will think they really know Wing Chun(a type of Chinese Kung-fu). For those who find Wong Kar Wai's past movies too stylish, artistic or difficult to understand, this one is different and most suitable for the general audience but without lacking in style or arts. If there is any complaint, it will be from fans of Tony Leung who may feel that he is overshadowed by Zhang, especially in the action scenes. Just like her Crouching Tiger movie, I believe she acted so well, so much so that the director kept more of her scenes for the final movie.(She is nominated for best actress in the coming China-equivalent of the Oscar). Never have I seen any movie in the past where an actress did so well in both action and drama scenes in the same film. Another actor deserved a mention is Taiwanese Zhang Chen; he is equally as compelling as Zhang in both action and drama here although his screen time is short. Tony Leung did not give me any surprise aside from the action scenes. As for the cinematography, editing and the rest, I think others have already raved enough. Go watch it before reading too much. This is what I call a real movie. It's meant to be seen, not read.
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Pee Mak (2013)
Highly Entertaining - worth the price of 3 tickets.
11 June 2013
This is another movie that you will best enjoy if you know less of it. The more you know of the details and events in the movie, the less you will enjoy. So don't read reviews of those who gave the full story away. The comedy appears too rowdy or overdone to me, but most audience will like it. The horror part is well done too but I find the romance part the best, very touching. So it's like watching 3 nice movies of different genre for the price of one. I enjoyed those twists as the film goes along. Very intelligently done. The male lead, probably the best-looking actor today put away his good look and proved that he can act well. Don't miss the end credit parts where they show in a small screen. There are many scenes there that continues after the movie end. They may use it as a sequel since the movie was so successful in Thailand and most neighbouring countries. Don't miss it. I give it 9 because I watch the movie without knowing much.
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Full of actions & unconvincing coincidental happenings
23 January 2012
This is another typical action movie from HK that will be loved by those who watch with their right-sided brain but not those with left-sided brain. Better still if watch without working on the brains.Anyway, you have no time for the brain. Scenes are fast, action start right from the beginning till end, mostly well filmed, fast paced but the whole story, main plots and sub-plots right to the action details are full of multi-layered coincidental happenings or actions and events all in the nick time that the audience will find it unconvincing and unbelievable. If only they have paid more attention to the script instead of the action. Revealing the characters or more of the story will spoil the fun, there are also too many loose ends. One important role's mum actually got lost in the middle of the action. Most of the acting are good except for Jay Chou who look lost throughout the movie but it's OK considering his "problem". The location of KL(Kuala Lumpur) made the movie better; instead of usual HK.
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Dragon (2011)
Serious work but wrong title & concept, Karma will be a better title
22 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I decided earlier not to go for this movie after seeing Peter Chen's Warlords, a remake of 70s Blood Brothers that turned out to be disappointing. After reading some "good" reviews here and curious to know how is this movie related to One Armed Swordsman(as the publicity used during shooting and since Jimmy Wang Yu is having an important role too), I watched it on the big screen last night. I am disappointed. Here are my reasons: 1) The Chinese title Wu Xia is misleading. Whether it's the story, theme, concept or action, it's the LEAST wu xia-like action movie ever. 2) You can tell the production is very serious but there are just too many major flaws(esp in the script,I will detail some under no. 6, SPOILERS below). Although the story is very simple, they don't know how to end the movie well. The ending will make you feel very dissatisfied if not laughingly ridiculous. 3) Peter must have realised his mistake in Warlords and made great improvement here with clear cinematography and actions but that's about all. Every other aspects are quite wrong. The CSI is far too much, the action scenes are clear but nothing outstanding and far too few(over 60 mins of non-fighting scenes), the CG here is inappropriate, the voice over by Takeshi's role is also irrelevant, the 2nd Takeshi and his double roles are funny. The sudden scenes on insects, animals and karma are just not suitable and inconsistent with the entire movie or wu xia concept. To make it worse, the movie made in a light comical manner is also a big mistake. 4) I have not seen HISTORY OF VIOLENCE but this this movie is clearly copied from REIGN OF ASSASSINS(Donnie's hidden identity, temporary death the rest of his story) & DETECTIVE DEE(Takeshi's role) 5) Donnie just cannot act(YET) although many will agree that this is his best acted movie so far, thanks to Peter's direction obviously. I only find 2 scenes from him that he acted, his final scene with Kara Hui & a crying scene at night minutes later. Takeshi, as usual seldom disappoint and I find him flawless here. In fact, he has successfully created a character and no surprise if some follow-ups are made with his role. Tang Wei did not prove any better from her first movie. Jimmy Wang Yu gave a memorable performance, unlike any role he did during his superstar years. Although old and fat, he upstaged Donnie and took the final scenes like his own movie 6)*****SPOILERS***** a) The happy look from Kara Hui with a situation & expression copied directly from Briggite Lin's Dong Fang Bu Bai don't make sense at all; b) Not knowing how to end the final climatic fight, Wang Yu just got struck by lighting. Very original, acceptable as god's will or karma but absurd for a wu xia movie; c) Throughout the movie till his final scene, Takeshi's role is determined to arrest Donnie for his crime; so the story has Takeshi killed to give Donnie a happy ending.

If Peter think a new kind of Wu Xia movie can be created, he is wrong.
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A satisfying Wu Xia movie.
22 July 2011
I did not watch this movie until very recently because I don't expect it to be good due to an unknown director and the well-known poor acting of Michelle Yeoh. Bing a big fan of wu xia movies, I can't resist it any further and watched it along with Detective Dee & Wu Xia(Dragon). Surprisingly I find Jianyu to be much better than the other 2. Here are my reasons: a) The script and story is is well paced, full of mystery and intrigue, convincing and flawless except the romance part is a little too much and too long but by the end of the movie, you will understand and accept why it was done so. b) The action scenes are clear, convincing and enough to satisfy any action fans. c) All the actings are up to expectation. Even Michelle Yeoh don't appear woody as in all her past movies. This is probably her best acted movie. d) The ending is highly satisfactory.
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A movie all Bruce Lee fans must watch.
28 November 2010
I watched this movie without reading any reviews and I have not seen any of the movies or TV series made about Bruce Lee. I trust this movie because it's based on the book written by his own brother who is still living and judged from the title, I thought I will get to see his whole life story; and curious how they will show his last 4 movies that made him a superstar and legend. More curious is who will play Lo Wei, Raymond Chow, Nora Miow, Linda and Ting Pei ? Will his rejection to Shaw Brothers' offer be shown ? I must admit I am quite disappointed that I will not get to see them but instead it's mainly focused on his family background, upbringing, his childhood movie days, friends, some romance and finally the 3 major events that brought the movie to a satisfying end; a dance competition, a boxing competition and a climatic event that caused him to leave HK to the States at around the age of 19. Overall I am happy with the movie although there is no big names in the cast but a lot of actors and actresses characters from HK black and white movies of the 50s are shown, obviously to please the elderly fans. It's a pity they did not show the role of Pak Yin, HK's most popular actress of that time who acted and danced with Bruce in his last movie before he leaves HK in "The Orphan". They only showed he was offered that movie. You will enjoy it better if you are familiar with those 50s HK celebrities. They tried to cast them as close as possible to the original people in look and behaviour; that's why at times we find these acting a little poor or weird, with the exception of the actor playing Bruce. I think we will not get a better one. We don't know if the last event that caused his father to send him away is true or not but as a movie, it's simply good although not perfect. If this movie do well in the box office(I think it will), I am sure the producers will make at least 2 sequels; "Bruce Lee in U.S." and "Bruce Lee, the superstar" which will certainly be more interesting to watch than his childhood days. I look forward to them. So Bruce Lee fans, just go and watch it. I am sure you wish to know about his earlier life.
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Overheard (2009)
A movie spoiled by too many unnecessary subplots
26 November 2010
I saw this movie from DVD just recently.

This is another typical HK movie with an interestingly unusual main plot that could have carried the movie well but like most HK movies, they add in a lot of subplots built on the characters to make the movie's script easier to write or give the audience more value for money. This spoiled the film. Someone having an affair with a colleague's wife; another needs money because the son needs an operation and need even more when discovered he needs an operation too; while the 3rd one need more money so that he don't need to depend on his rich future father-in-law. Then 2 other polices having a secret affair. A stock market scene with someone paying hard to her Lord. Then suddenly all went into further trouble just because someone recognized some's face and all towards the end, a fairytale like ending that is unconvincingly unbelievable, especially on the part of Lau Ching Wan, Louis Koo and Micheal Wong. The overall cast acted well except for Micheal Wong, his speech and acting(as usual)was disgusting.

I am very surprised an experienced reviewer could give it a 9/10.
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Slice (2009)
Another Thai surprise - don't read reviews, just watch it !!
3 September 2010
This is the type of movie that is most difficult to give a full review and also cannot say why this movie is good or satisfying. It will become a spoiler for the smart audience. In fact, I find both reviews before me being a spoiler !!

With so many Thai thrillers and horrors recently, I doubt there will be any more new ideas or surprises. I went to see this movie simply out of curiosity; to find out what is the "suprise" this time.

Throughout most of the movie, although I find the camera work and colour scheme quite annoying, it's good enough to make me carry on without any other complains.

When the movie come to the end, I am very SATISFIED. Sorry, I cannot use any other words to describe it or tell you why in order not to spoil your fun. Just watch it. You will not regret.
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Too much ingredients spoiled the soup !!
3 September 2010
I have no intention to watch this movie in the cinema if not because of having read 2 or 3 reviews up here. Someone even give it a 10 !! I am not a fan of HK actions. My Internal Affairs dvds are still unopened.

The story - The opening subplot before the main title makes a perfect opening for this movie but as the movie moves along, there are just too many ACCIDENTS, CO-INCIDENTS and INCIDENTS beside the main plot that makes the audience feel that the scriptwriter don't know how to end the story or because they are not confident enough, thinking that more to see will please the audience. In this case, it certainly spoil it. Many subplots like Cheung's past with his wife, his dancing class, the ending part of the opening informer, the cops tailing someone to the car park, how Nicholas has met the boss's girlfriend before, etc. They are all unnecessary. They could be much better ways to show the characters or carry on the story. There are also too many situations that are UNBELIEVABLE too, making the audience to lose excitement. At the end, you only want to know what will happen to Nicholas Tse and his sister as they have the most sympathetic characters.

The direction and styling - Can easily tell the director is a big fan of Wong Kar Wai. A different colour bar scene, the night train scene,the music, some old English and Chinese songs styling. They are all like ideas from WKW movies but without William's editing and Doyle's jerky camera-works. .

The acting - Overall good. Nicholas's acting has really matured. He made the character so special like no one else can replace him there. The Taiwanese actress is also good. The actor who played thug Taiping is outstanding. Cheung is also good but the director let him show-off in the wrong scenes.

I think the director should emphasize more on the scenes between Nicholas and Cheung and between Cheung and his boss(near the end) instead of putting in so many unnecessary subplots and happenings that spoil the movie's concept.

Without those flaws, I would have given it a 8 or 9 but at most 7 now. Anyhow,if you have enjoyed such movies from HK, go for it.
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The best Chinese movie related to the Hiroshima bomb.
19 July 2010
I remember watching this movie in the early or mid-70s. The story is about a family in Hiroshima and how their members and loved ones got affected 28 years after the bomb. It has a great cast, all Chinese acting as Japanese in Chinese dialog. Charlie Chin and Josephine Siao got married not long after this movie. The others, Kwan Shan, Tang Ching, Chiao Chiao, Meggie Lee, Jing Chuan supported well. A very unique and well made movie directed by Lung Kong, one of the best Chinese director in the 70s. Like King Hu, he directed very few movies and always maintained good standard. I remember this movie as his best and most special. I wonder why none of his movies are available in DVD yet.
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Unexpectedly good !!
25 February 2010
From the Chinese title, i thought this is one of those silly movies and since ratings here is so low, I wanted to give it a miss. But having not seen Maggie Cheung on screen for so many years, I think I must go for it. From the poster, I thought it's about 3 relationships but it turns out to be 5, real value for money !!

Overall the actings are good, stories good but with some forgivable flaws. The most touching part turns out to be from some unknown actors. Unfortunately, it don't have any good music or song.

I don't understand why quite a few number of voters give it only 1. I give 7/10.
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Missing (2008)
Meant for audience who are new to movies and maybe for kids !!
19 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I don't mean to be insulting with my title but to have such a movie from a veteran director of close to 30 years and whose name have been big in HK during the 80's, I guess he must have make this movie for these 2 selected groups of audience.(I will explain later in the SPOILERS part). Yes, we know this director Tsui Hark has been making remakes or following others' box office successes formulas since the 80s and most of his recent movies have been flops. This movie give me the impression that the Tsui Hark & wife team knew the movie will not turn out well but they enjoyed the producer job. In HK cinema, producers control the fund and expenses. So the more complicated the script and more the scenes mean better money-making opportunity for the producers. The reason I guess so is all the unnecessary subplots and "extended endings" actually made the movie worse. The movie has hardly anything original. We get to see too many scenes(see SPOILERS) and ideas copied(lacking the style and class) from HK's recent years' 4 best horror, 3 from the Pang Brothers' "Eye 1 & 2", "Re-Cycle" & Leslie Cheung's last movie, "Inner Senses", and of course, Hollywood's "Ghost". This is the reason why I mentioned it's great for those who are new to movies and the reason why for kids is the logic and concept of the movie is totally out !!(see SPOILERS). Another major flaw if this movie is the dialogue. Just like his previous Chat Gim, TH is not sure of the dialogue. There are too many times dialogue changed and dubbing has been used, making the scenes very unnatural. Most obvious are the opening scenes in this movie. At the end we a get a movie which is a mix of romance, mystery, horror & thriller. As usual in all Tsui Hark's movie, we get some messages that is irrelevant to the story and in this case laughable(see SPOILERS). The only thing worth seeing is the deep ocean idea but matured audience have seen it in "The Deep". The result is like a salad dish with too many types vegetables(mostly stale), served with Japanese sauce, on a Chinese porcelain bowl. Will you like it ?

***WARNING:SPOILERS***(Read only if you are sure you will not watch it)

1)Nearly all the ghostly scenes are copied from Eye 1 & Eye 2 - 4 scenes in a row of 2 minutes here - Ghost behind Angelica in elevator, hungry ghost eating at a restaurant, lonely ghost in bedroom, ghost coming down from ceiling. 2)This is supposed to be a mystery thriller but Hark throw in a GHOSTLY part which turned out to be totally the character's imagination. For such a concept which is overused in Asian movies, I am sure many better ideas for subplots but don't understand why yet so many mistakes. The first ghostly scene where the funeral caretakers carrying the ghost is out-of -logic. It's a scene not seen by the character and in fact many more.So such scenes should not appear. 3)Angelica Lee's character and idea is directly out of Leslie Cheung in "Inner Senses". 4)Just too many "coincidental" happenings to tie up the loose ends to end the story. Most obvious being the sister "accidently" left the camcorder in someone else' house, placed it on a shelf such that it "accidentally" shakes to drop the recorder when she closed the door. The tape dropped out. Look, it's a high class condo, how could the other wall shakes ? She came back for it but 3rd "accidentally" the person(1 out of 4) who knew where it was placed must be "coincidently" just out for lunch. My maths told me for this whole incident to happen, the chance is 1 out of over a million, in fact, impossible. 5) The love story part is of course, "Ghost" 6) The humanity part is out of "Re-Cycle". 7) The ending message on "environmental safeguarding" which has nothing to do with the story is a big joke !!
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Hormones (2008)
Good Value !!
28 April 2008
I am not a great fan of Thai movies but happened to watched it recently during my visit to Thailand.

One of those movie that is really good value for money.

It's like having watched 4 movies for the price of 1 ticket. The movie is both a good comedy and a touching romantic in some parts. Not perfect. In fact I find one of the story not so logic but the rests and overall are all well acted and I think the director did a great job. I find the the 2 stories with the younger actors and actress most interesting and original although the "eldest's" story more touching.

It really deserve only a 7 but I give it 8 because of added value and entertainment.
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Ashes of Time (1994)
A Timeless and Unique Masterpiece !!! Be Warned !!
12 August 2005
I have my message headed with a WARNING because I don't want any readers to be misled and go rushing for this movie thinking it's like anyone of those Chinese Wuxia movies. This is not an action based movie, it only has "sword fighting" world as a background. This is what always made WKW's films different from any others'. This film has probably the least action scenes compared to any other sword fighting films made within the last 15 years.

I called it Timeless because seen again today, you don't find it outdated like some others' films. This is among the only 4 Chinese films that I will enjoy watching again every 2 or 3 years and I think this is the most "timeless" among the 4.(The other 3 are Love Eterne(Li Han Hsiang), A Touch of Zen(King Hu) and Days of Being Wild(WKW))

This is the kind of film that you know it's great even if you don't understand it. You don't need to understand its story in order to enjoy it. It's message is simply about "memories" and "regrets". It said something like "Regrets is the most painful feeling" and "regrets and unhappiness because of memories".It's the most complicated among WKW's 7 or 8 films(till 2046 and Eros). I don't fully understand it during the first viewing but I was totally surprised and mesmerized. I am the type that will consider a film good only if after watching, surprised me and felt that i could not thought of such a film. If I can expect or imagine a film's outcome, I will not call it great. Even after 4 viewings now, I am not totally sure I have figured out all its sequences yet but it doesn't matter. Some of the scenes and editions are paced so fast that you may not recall seeing it. Just like his recent 2046. This is the work of a brilliant director,because you need more than 1 viewing to fully get it so you must buy a copy for future viewing. Heard that even the Venice Filmfest Jury has to give it a prize although they don't understand what's it about.

Those who don't know how to appreciate a good film may not understand a WKW film as he seldom stick to a particular genre, his films' genre is simply WKW and it's all about sights and sound in WKW-style. Original, stylish and trend setting. After his Ashes of Time and Fallen Angels swept all the major awards during the HK Film Awards in the same year, 2 most prominent HK directors changed style and tried to follow WKW-style but both failed(Tsui Hark in Dao(Blade) and Stanley Kwan in Hold Me Tight.

WKW has mentioned that movies, to him is most is sights and sound and we see it clearly in this film. The music and the cinematography is the best.

Those who don't like WKW films may criticize that he don't has a script or don't know what he wants until the final edition. I totally disagree. I think WKW always know what he wants and completed the film just the way he wants it, otherwise how could all his films are being so well received by critics ?. As for the viewers, what we want is the finished work. We don't care the original idea or the casts. We only care for the outcome. I mentioned it because this film took 2 years to complete and along the way, plot and actors have changed.

Leslie Cheung - nominated for best acting here but I find him better in 2 other WKW films, Days of Being Wild and Happy Together(WKW won best director at Cannes). Brigitte Lin is superb in a dual character role/s. Tony Leung and Carina Lau are always good(usually and only) in WKW films. Maggie Cheung(unbilled) has her best 2 single take shots(her fans must keep this.) Even pop idol Michelle Yeung who never act well appeared like she acted.

I strongly recommend this film to any film student or critics. Those who like "2046" or Tsui Hark's The Blade will like it. This is not WKW's best but I consider it his most UNIQUE. Like any other WKW movies, it's a collectors' item and a future classic, if not already one.
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A poor imitation of Wong Kar Wai movies- A Fallen Effort
8 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I prefer Stanley Kwan's films in his "old-fashioned" way like his earlier films, Rogue, Centerstage, Love Unto Waste, Full Moon in New York etc. This film saw a major change in style. Very obviously, we can see that he was very much influenced by WKW's 2 recent hits, Chungking Express and Fallen Angels. The story-telling, screenplay and cinematography styles are very similar, even the Chinese title has the 2 words "dor lok"(fallen), a very unusual 2 words ever used in a film title, in fact none before WKW used it.

************SPOILER*********begins The big publicity hype created during its time of release, a full frontal for the first time by a actor(Chen Kam Hung in a Chinese movie is really unnecessary, so is the scene, which is actually "far" and "blur" and nothing to do with the script. ************SPOILER********ends
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Simply The Best Chinese Classic
6 August 2005
A very simple tale but great direction by Li and great acting by the 2 leads, simply the 3's best movie. All the songs are the best of this genre too.Legendary Classic Beauty Betty Loh Ti(her fame then was only next to "evergreen" Li Lihua and 4 times Asian movie queen Lin Dai) proved to be a great actress again, considering her role is more difficult(she need to play both sexes) and the singing is not her own voice and she has to "act" the songs too. The opening part where she imposed as a male to fool his dad, the rest of the scenes which she imposed as a male against his male classmate and secretly in love with him, till she appears as a female to face him are all great acting, seldom seen anywhere else.Her acting is natural and seeing it 40 over years later now, you don't feel outdated like some of the acting by others in the early days. Observe her body language too while as a female and male, is so natural you just don't feel she is acting. Those who enjoyed her should also watch her 2 other great movies, available in DVD now,"Enchanting Shadow"(remade by Tsui Hark, Chinese Ghose Story) and "Dream of the Red Chamber". Tsui Hark also remade this into "Butterfly Lovers". Ivy Ling Po who acted as the male did a good job(her own singing voice) too although she overacted in some scenes. She became an instant hit and continued to acted many male roles in such genre but none of her films to follow come close to this. WARNING; Foreigners who are not used to such films may find it hard to accept as more than 95% of the dialogs are done in songs. This movie created a craze in all Chinese areas and broke all box-office records. Reported that someone in Taiwan saw it 40 over times during the original release !! A great pity so few people in IMDb saw it. Note: This movie is voted among the Top Ten of HK films, wonder why not mentioned in this site.
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One of the Best Chinese Film !! But Be Warned !!
5 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I will like to justify some comments on this classic film and also WARN those who are looking forward to watch it. If anyone expect this movie to be full of action, I suggest they stick to Hollywoood films. If they expect a lot of swordplay, go for the Shaw Brothers releases, there are plenty of them.

Touch of Zen(Xia Nu) is a great piece of 3 hrs Chinese art like the Belle noiseuse,La, a 4 hrs French art, but not as long or as slow. I watched it 30 over years ago as a kid and found it boring(a box office flop then) but when I watched it on DVD recently, I really appreciate and enjoyed it. It's not like the usual Chinese sword-fighting movies, there are very few actions here, in fact, for the first half(Part 1) there is only 1 short action scene(I don't consider this a spoiler)at the climatic end, which I consider a classic. Here is where the recent "bamboo action scenes" from other movies got the idea. Bear in mind, there is no digital effect at that time. I think Cannes gave it a technical award due to that scene. Those who think that Crouching Tiger or Flying Daggers' bamboo scenes are better, they should take a second viewing and try to figure out how those scenes are shot.

Those who enjoyed King Hu's or sword-fighting films should also watch Come Drink With Me, Dragon Inn Gate(the original), The Valiant Ones and The Fate of Lee Khan.(Too bad the latter 3 are not available in DVD yet) and those who appreciate Chinese art must watch his Raining in The Mountain and Legend in the Mountain. King Hu only directed around 15 movies in 30 years(probably the least for an Asian director of those times) and I recommend the above mentioned 7 to foreigners as I consider them as classics. I will give them a 8 or 9 for IMDb ratings.
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Seven Swords (2005)
Another letdown from Tsui Hark
5 August 2005
Beside some of the background scenery and the 7 swords which are quite well designed, nothing else is memorable in the film. For publicity, Tsui Hark has mentioned that unlike other sword-fighting films(obviously referring to Hero, House of Flying Daggers and CTHD),7 Swords will emphasize more on characters background and development, did we get it ? Tsui Hark has certainly lost his magic touch. Nearly all his recent films are failures. What I don't understand about him is why don't he come out with some original ideas like most Asian filmmakers. Nearly all his directed or produced films within the last 15 years are remake or ideas taken from Chinese or foreign classic films but none turn out to be better than the originals. Very obvious,the idea of 7 Swords is to cash in on Seven Samurai too. Many people thought Swordsmen 2, New Dragon Gate Inn and Chinese Ghost Story are directed by him but actually not, he was just the producer.
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