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Post Titan sub catastrophe
23 June 2023
I watched this after learning about OceanGate's missing sub the Titan which resulted in a fatal catastrophic implosion. After watching James Cameron's documentary it's more apparent that the CEO's hubris including him bragging about how it was impossible for the sub to fail. Sadly, everyone on board his sub paid the price, classic ego. Cameron in his dive to Challenger Deep obsessed about every SINGLE DETAIL. This is the kind of attention to detail and seriousness required for such a dangerous venture.

I watched this after learning about OceanGate's missing sub the Titan which resulted in a fatal catastrophic implosion. After watching James Cameron's documentary it's more apparent that the CEO's hubris including him bragging about how it was impossible for the sub to fail. Sadly, everyone on board his sub paid the price, classic ego. Cameron in his dive to Challenger Deep obsessed about every SINGLE DETAIL. This is the kind of attention to detail and seriousness required for such a dangerous venture.
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Her story is not a "woe is me" story
1 February 2023
I didn't know much about Pamela Anderson Lee outside of the sex icon, Baywatch, and her marrying rocker Tommy Lee, so wasn't sure what to expect. Her story is inspiring, it's honest, transparent and makeup-free. She's a survivor and her story is an unabashed, unscripted tale of survival. Much respect to you, Pamela, for this sneak peek into your past, present and future. Your legacy isn't going to be that horrible tape but the two beautiful, loving sons you've raised so well. My hat's off to you, ma'am.

I didn't know much about Pamela Anderson Lee outside of the sex icon, Baywatch, and her marrying rocker Tommy Lee, so wasn't sure what to expect. Her story is inspiring, it's honest, transparent and makeup-free. She's a survivor and her story is an unabashed, unscripted tale of survival. Much respect to you, Pamela, for this sneak peek into your past, present and future. Your legacy isn't going to be that horrible tape but the two beautiful, loving sons you've raised so well. My hat's off to you, ma'am.
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Can't recommend. Where's the compassion for the victim?
23 January 2023
I was fascinated about the Slender man urban myth and this trial in particular. This documentary was a complete let down. It's sadly very one-sided and sympathetic to the two perpetrators and their families. The documentary wants you to feel sorry for them and provides many excuses for their horrific crime. Zero accountability from the two girls or their parents. Where were the parents in all of this. They couldn't be bothered to monitor what their kids were into or watching on the Internet? The victim and her family are hardly mentioned, again, all the attention is placed on the perpetrators. Their is a grossly long documentary, very drawn out with lots of "filler" Morgan and Anissa deserve what they got and should not be given leniency.
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Just go away already
8 December 2022
They claim they don't want to be in the limelight (hence stepping away from their duties w/the royal family) yet, hey let's make a video diary and make a documentary for all to see. If they truly wanted their privacy, they wouldn't have made this. If you're interested in watching two entitled, narcissistic, egotistical, spoiled people cry and complain about their "sacrifices" then this is the documentary for you.

There are actually real people that are suffering in this world, with real-life problems. The focus shouldn't be on these two, honestly.

Here's a brief summary of the documentary: "Poor me, I'm so rich, I'm royalty and grew up in a palace surrounded by servants and diamonds. Feel sorry for me please."
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Disturbing to the tenth power. You'll have nightmares.
11 October 2022
One word to describe this man: insidious. This documentary is thorough, perhaps even too thorough. Arguably the only documentary you'll need to see about serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer but proceed with caution. It's rough to even watch. What sets this apart from other documentaries and re-enacted versions is the never-before-released videos, newscasts, photos, testimonials and actual interview recordings. Documentary also describes each victim's unfortunate demise one by one. It's a lot to go through visually and mentally. Definitely not for the faint hearted. Wish I could unsee it. The depravity of this man was too much to take.
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Not good.
29 September 2022
Started out to be promising but went downhill after 10 mins. Spare yourself there are bettter documentaries out there about the Queen. This one doesn't know what it wants to be - is it about Meghan Markle or the Queen? Is it a look back at the Queen's beginnings or what she is doing currently? I was entirely confused. Also this documentary suffered from terrible editing, poor transition and overall lack of cohesion throughout. This could have been good but it simply just isn't. Go find yourself one of the million other pieces about the royal family and the Queen. It'll be much better than this waste of time.
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Blonde (2022)
Dreary. Tasteless. Sadistic. But de Armas salvages the film
29 September 2022
Film focuses on the most miserable aspects of what we already knew about Marilyn's life, put under a literal microscope. Yes folks, a speculum-view into Marilyn's vagina. Why focus on her lonely desperation, miscarriages, daddy issues and need for love rather than her intelligence, comedic timing, style, sassy persona and talent. It's saddening and unfair to Marilyn and her legacy. Marilyn was more than this.

A 7 for Ana de Armas acting alone. Her physical likeness to Marilyn is precise and remarkable. She's has captured Marilyn's essence very convincingly. Although this movie has reduced Marilyn's artistry to the machinations of a dumb blonde sex bunny. I hope for Ana, she receives the glories she is due for salvaging this film.
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Elvis (2022)
A 2.5 hour music video, not a movie
5 September 2022
I had to hit the pause button in order to settle my brain. There literally is no scene longer than 8 seconds, each scene jumps from one to another without a moment to breathe and sink in. Why even call this movie Elvis when the focus is on the Colonel? Does Tom Hanks have to be the center of attention of every movie he's in?

Austin Butler made a good attempt but he does not look like Elvis. He's more an exaggeration of Elvis, perfectly coifed, not a strand out of place, eyeliner too much, lipstick and blush, makeup was over the top. I felt like I was watching someone spoof Elvis.

Also didn't care for the modern music, didn't quite fit in and took away from the era. Overall, disappointing take. Glad I waited for this to stream.
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The Princess (II) (2022)
The only documentary about Princess Diana that you need to see.
15 August 2022
I've watched every documentary out there about Princess Diana. This is the most unbiased, objective and straightforward one to date. It provides a thorough and concise background as well as context into the individuals and relationships. For later generations that never saw Diana while she was alive, this provides a good foundation. What sets this documentary apart from most are the never before seen videos and footage.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Better than the original
8 August 2022
Watch this. You won't regret it. Action packed with heart and story. Only thing missing was the awesome handshake from the original. We really enjoyed the cinematography, action scenes, etc.
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More like a documentary, personal stories.
30 July 2022
I don't think this series knows what it wants to be. It weirdly transitions from food trucks and places to eat to personal stories and struggles of people in food trucks. What the heck is this that I'm watching? I was expecting a fun light-hearted show about food and street food and new places to eat, what I got was a documentary about sons with daddy issues.
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Just no.
25 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How do you kill off the freaking main character? No Time To Die is a horribly ironic title.

What was everyone thinking when they decided it was a good idea to kill off Bond? This is truly a sad day for Bond fans.
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The Requin (2022)
The ending was a disappointment
22 June 2022
A shark enjoying a peaceful swim finds itself a victim of an unprovoked attack by a couple swept away from their villa. In order to survive, the shark is forced to fight the elements, while the couple attacks from above.

The shark's sheer amount of emotion and the couple as terrifying villains, this movie was emotionally and physically painful to watch.

If you were thinking that this movie would be a shark horror movie, you'd be wrong. So very wrong. The humans were scarier than the sharks.
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Go see it in the theater. You won't regret it.
21 June 2022
Went to see this with my teenage sons who loved it just as much as we did. The OG movie was good but this sequel is better. Loved all the nostalgia and the aerial shots were amazing. Going to see again.
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Wait, I have several questions...
4 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
1. After Jenny tells Boot that she had lost her memory and was in a car crash, what's up with Boot's reaction? He didn't bother to ask if she was alright, physically and mentally? Selfish.

2. Jenny knows her husband lied about Boot's death but decides to stay with him anyway. But wait, she quickly decides to leave after husband threatens that she would lose in a divorce? Selfish.

3. Why didn't Jenny look for Boot after she eventually left her husband?

4. Why didn't Boot leave a forwarding address or telephone number just in case Jenny changed her mind in the future?

5. Last but not least, who played Ellie's love interest?! Poor casting. Chemistry wasn't believable.

Overall, cute movie but story could use work.
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Less to do with casting, more to do with public opinion
28 April 2017
Fascinating performances by Colorado local actors. Who would have thought this state garnered so much talent. I was memorized by personal stories told by Hack Hyland, Suzanne Yazzi, Kit Thompson and Ronda Belser. This film is less to do with JonBenet and more to do with human emotions.
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Me Before You (2016)
Not happy how it makes suicide, as long as it's justified, OK
18 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
*** MAJOR SPOILERS *** I thought the acting was great. I adore Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin. My objection is it seemed to me to be promoting the assisted suicide movement. I am strongly opposed to that way of thinking. People have the right to make movies about it, I just didn't agree with it.

I was hoping for an uplifting message of true, lasting love overcoming all of life's possible challenges. This had the potential to be full of inspiration. I loved the relationships with family and other characters and how their lives unfolded.

I hope to never have to be a part of anything remotely near to Will's situation. I am vehemently against taking ones own life. God brought us into this world and we must rely and depend on him in all situations to the very end. If Will had faith in his heart, the outcome would have been different and he and Louisa could have led a live filled with love.
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Pete's Dragon (2016)
A movie with soul.
12 August 2016
In a summer largely dominated by lousy sequels and tired franchise extensions, Pete's Dragon is a movie with soul. A meditative kids' film, in a great way. The movie was well told, with likable characters and a theme of family and friendship. It will have you believing love can conquer all. Bring your tissues. This story is a tearjerker that strips away the excess and keeps on stripping. On the most basic level, all that's left is the elemental friendship between boy and beast and a lovely affirmation of family. First and foremost, Pete's Dragon is a movie about real people. The dragon that brings them together is secondary. I found the lesson of the movie Go and see it and enjoy with your kids. 9 out of 10.
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I love the movie. I love the message. Great remake.
16 July 2016
Saw it tonight with my 10 and 8 year old sons. All of us found it hilarious and looked forward to this reboot. Just for full disclosure I have been a ghostbusters fan since I waited for three hours to see the first one in theatres opening night. We have probably watched the originals (even the second one) hundreds of times. The new one is very true to the spirit of the originals. All the performances don't feel forced as if to say "hey, we're Lady Ghostbusters!" (they're just 4 funny human beings), and Chris Hemsworth steals the show single-handedly (who knew Thor had a comedic side?). If you plan on leaving your inner hater that hasn't seen it yet at home and just want to see a good popcorn flick this weekend, this is absolutely it. Belly-laughed many times.
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I love Meryl Streep. Hated this movie.
10 December 2015
Firstly, I really wanted to like this movie. It's Meryl Streep. She can act in anything, play anyone, right? Wrong. As much as I tried, I just couldn't buy Meryl as "Ricki" the guitar playing rock 'n roll lead singer of the "Flash." Most UNconvincing role she's played. Having to sit through each and everyone of her songs annoyed me to no end. I'm sorry to say this, but her singing voice was terrible. I know she also sang in "Into The Woods" but at least she was convincing as a witch in that film. Very disappointed that director Jonathan Demme decided to film each Meryl song through its entirety. Just didn't work for me. 2 out of 10.
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Kung Fury (2015)
So bad, it's good.
7 December 2015
PURE GOLD. Informative short film documentary about Hitler in the 40s. In my opinion, ideal to use in history class to teach kids what really happened. That being said, the movie is like a car-wreck, as much as you try, you just can't look away. Watchable in its own twisted way. The sci-fi-adventure- comedy manages to cram every trope of the 1980s cop movie genre into one incredibly action-packed 30-minute short film, complete with everything from mutants to vikings to larger-than-life arcade-game robots. Bring back the 80s! Enjoy this journey back to this legendary decade. 80s pop culture fans will love this. *** Disclaimer! The audiovisual content contains epic levels of nonsensical-over the top awesomeness with some laser eyed raptors and David Hasselhoff thrown in for good measure. You've been warned. Enjoy! Thor's pecs were awesome.
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The Drop Box (2015)
See this film!
22 November 2015
This documentary will change how you view your life.

This film tells the story of a humble, hardworking pastor living in South Korea. It is a documentary about how a fiercely tender man has made a remarkable, redemptive impact saving the lives of those Jesus called "the least of these" or unwanted babies. The Drop Box is truly a story about good new. It is a story about what the Gospel looks like in action. In Pastor Lee, we see a reflection of this. And in the broken and abandoned children that are saved and served, we see ourselves and in the process understand more fully our own redemption. A must-see documentary. You won't regret watching this.
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Meryl Streep's Acting
22 November 2015
Family dinner scene... CLASSIC. Streep's acting is phenomenal. Words rule all in this screen adaptation. Streep relishes her words in this part. Her voice is layered and deep, what you'd expect if you saw her do Shakespeare. My God, what an incredible actress.

Some might find the subject of the movie disturbing. Story was pretty sick. And all that reaping and sowing. I think it was spot-on. You can continue the reaping. Or you can try to sow something new. The movie leaves you to decide which of those paths makes the most sense. The intelligence and the delivery of the film's story made the gruesomeness surrounding it not only bearable, but engrossing.
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Pretty darn convincing.
22 November 2015
I was skeptical about this documentary but this film has made the fact as clear as day that Cobain could NOT have taken THREE times the lethal amount of heroine, and proceed to pick up a shot gun and effectively shoot himself in the head. How is that even logical to attempt to shoot oneself after taking an absolutely fatal dose of heroin and hold it in such a way that the shell casing ends up on the opposite side of the room? It defies the laws of physics. There is no doubt that the investigation into Cobain's death was completely botched by the Seattle PD. Excellent documentary. The case should be reopened in order for justice to be served.
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Awful. Just plain awful.
22 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I begin? This movie was a travesty to the entire Terminator franchise. John Connor as a Terminator. Give me a break. I wanted to like this movie, came into it with an open mind, but this is ridiculous. I couldn't have predicted how awful it truly is. There are no adequate words. Swarzeneggar is back except this time he's called "Pops" - now if this wasn't a warning bell it pretty much explains why the rest of the movie was so terrible. Not only is this film awful on its own but it takes T1 and T2 and drags it through the dirt. This movie left me horrendously traumatized, a soul-crushing excuse for a movie. Not recommended, I repeat, this film is not recommended for viewing as to do so is not only dangerously infuriating but can also put viewers at risk of potentially giving into the urge to gouge one's own eyes out.
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