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Bumblebee (I) (2018)
Bumblebee doesn't really have 'the touch'
22 December 2018
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Warning: Spoilers
Though Bumblebee is filled with heart and touching moments between Charlie and Bumblebee, thanks to the efforts of Travis Knight. The disappointing aspects of the movie overshadow the good parts.

The movie felt like a dull, generic, contrived 80's film at times, complete with high school bullies, an idiot military and a useless love interest to develop Charlie's story.

I felt like the movie was missing something after finishing it.

I'm always asking for more heart in movies, but for once I thought it could have used more action. The first half of the movie is amazing (Cybertron and Blitzwing hunting down Bumblebee) and shows great promise, but there's too many areas for improvement.

Things such as the Decepticons, who could have had more personality besides sadism, John Cena's character could have gradually had a change of heart rather than the black and white transition of: hating bumblebee and then accepting him after the Autobot saves him.

If he actually used his brain for a moment and realized a 'dangerous criminal' wouldn't be shielding a young girl, then his character could have been more than the angry, military type.

If you do decide to watch this movie as a Transformers fan, please adjust your expectations so you won't be disappointed.
Worth a watch
10 February 2018
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Warning: Spoilers
Most of the reviews for this movie here are negative. So from the perspective of someone who watched this for free and gave it a chance, here's a positive one.

The frequent fart jokes (coloured in green) in this are a bit much and there was one scene (mother singing 'Silent Night' when the crowd thinks the family is a band) I had to skip, because it was too cringey.

But since this movie is told with a visually pleasing package thanks to the character designs and environments, I can forgive some of the inappropriate humour. When the humour does manage to be good, it's memorable e.g one of the bats bathing in a fruit punch bowl and Fay thinking Imhotep introduced himself as Johnny Depp.

Lastly, heartfelt moments of the movie such as Emma remembering the happy moments the family had when they were monsters and her saying as a mother you have you have to take the good with the bad, made the movie feel refreshing enough that it felt worth my time.
Better than the original!
21 June 2013
It's not often that a hit animated film's sequel surpasses the original film. Despicable Me 2 is one of those rare cases. From the moment it appears on the screen to the end of the film, Despicable Me 2 is a fast paced, fun film that never ceases to be entertaining.

This film has you laughing quite often, contains humour that both kids and adults can appreciate, and had at least one moment that was worthy of clapping out loud to.

The character development is to be praised, as is the warmth and soul that Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud put into this film.

This film leaves you feeling joyful and satisfied and happy for the characters and the new direction their lives are taking.

This film is not to be missed and I can't recommend it enough.
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