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Adam-12: Suspended (1973)
Season 5, Episode 20
Rancho Supermarket employee
20 February 2024
Considering that grocer actually tried to blame Reed for shooting an unarmed man - something he did not do - I sure hope Reed never patronized that grocery store ever again. In fact, I hope that store went out of business.

This is definitely a noteworthy episode in that we get to see Sharon - the dispatcher we always hear on the police radio - for the one and only time in series.

Another interesting tidbit in this episode is the guy who gets shot. The actor's name is Jay Hammer. Mr. Hammer would go on to play " Fletcher Reade" on the soap opera Guiding Light for many years in the 1980's.

I loved how we see Malloy getting fed up with his temporary partner, "Steve Tyson". What a pain that guy was.
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A Cozy Christmas Inn (2022 TV Movie)
Bottom of the barrel
15 July 2023
Easily one if the worst TV movies I've e er had the displeasure of seeing. Jodie Sweetin is unbelievably bad and the story is dumb. How a project like this ever got the green light is mystifying. Sweetin should give whatever money she made on this film to a charity because she clearly have little to no effort and basically just phoned her performance in. The dialogue was really bad but Sweetin's 'acting' didn't exactly help out. Hallmark needs to step its game up from drivel like this. There have to be actors who would be far superior to what they served up in this film. Did the film's director actually direct the actors at all? Sweetin's acting as a kid in Full House was much better than what we see in this movie. But maybe she no longer cares and is just looking to cash a paycheck. Whatever the case is she should not be starring in these Hallmark films any longer. It's that bad.
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Defending Santa (2013 TV Movie)
Absolutely wretched film
14 December 2020
People giving this garbage film a 10 rating must've been paid off by the producers. No one with eyes, ears and a sane mind could possibly think this movie is worthy of a 5 much less a 10. Don't bother with this awful movie.
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Love Under the Rainbow (2019 TV Movie)
Garbage thanks to Jodie Sweetin
14 December 2020
Don't waste your time on this one. Terrible film rendered irredeemable by the "acting" of Jodie Sweetin.
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Merry & Bright (2019 TV Movie)
Jodie Sweetin is simply The Worst Actress
14 December 2020
No other way to put it: any chance this movie had of being even halfway decent was destroyed by the presence of Jodie Sweetin. I've honestly not ever witnessed a worst actress than her. It's a shame that for some reason she still gets work when there are so many actresses out there who could deliver an infinitely better performance.
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A Welcome Home Christmas (2020 TV Movie)
Solid Lifetime Christmas feel good movie
12 November 2020
Jana Kramer and Brandon Quinn are first rate in this one. Their presence makes the difference here. The movie deals with the issue of military vets transitioning back to civilian life which is certainly a great cause. You will enjoy it!
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Homage to the Before trilogy falls way short
28 October 2020
As you watch this film you can't help but have an even greater appreciation for Richard Linklater's Before trilogy. Linklater makes watching two characters walking around a beautiful city seem enthralling. All it takes is one watch of It's Already Tomorrow In Hong Kong makes you realize how you must have great dialogue and first rate acting to keep such a premise interesting. The two lead actors in this film cannot act their way out of a wet paper bag. It's beneath Hallmark's standards. And somehow, despite the fact that they are actually married in real life, these two exhibit zero chemistry in this film. And the dialogue is laughably bad. As others have mentioned, the only positive of this film is that it does a great job of showing the beauty of Hong Kong.
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Bus Stop (II) (2015)
A lovely little film!
7 September 2020
I saw Bus Stop on ShortsTV and I have to say this is probably the best short I've ever seen. The two main actors - Sam Underwood & Valorie Curry - are married in real life and their chemistry really shines through in this film. It's a beautiful little slice of serendipity where both have just lost something important: Sam - his job, Val - her relationship. In 8 minutes we see the two form a lovely relationship filling in the gaps for each other. The ending is......amazing.

The acting by Sam and Val is first rate as is the dialogue. Director Jamie Sims uses close-ups to great effect.

Do yourself a favor and watch this wonderful film.
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Painful to watch this group of horrible humans
5 April 2020
This is a film about a group of privileged narcissists who live hipster lives in Manhattan. But the amazing thing is it's unintentional. The Hollywood elitists who made this film clearly thought they were making a film about a group of cool, likable people. It's bizarre to watch this film b/c never have I witnessed so many totally unlikable characters in one film. (And what's up with Jennifer Westfieldt's frozen botoxed face?) As I watched this film it crossed my mind that hell on earth would be to have to sit through a dinner party with this group of people.
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"Some Chinese guy beat me up!"
20 January 2020
This movie is so bad it's actually worth watching once for the hilarious dialogue. Oh and the music is beyond corny too. Lol!
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Not bad (but could've been much better)
23 December 2019
Saw this film back when it was released in '87. The highlights: great music, great visuals and an incredible performances by Robert Downey and James Spader. And it captures the look and sound of the era extremely well. But this film could've and should've been so much better if not for the wooden acting of Andrew McCarthy. He just does not remotely have the acting chops to pull this role off. And the other great qualities of the film aren't enough to overcome it. I'd still recommend watching this film if only for Downey & Spader and also to check out a bygone era.
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Life Itself (2018)
Truly wonderful movie
9 December 2019
That professional movie critics critics hated this movie is all the proof you'll ever need to realize how useless, soulless and up their own backsides professional movie critics are. Make no mistake - this is a fantastic film with a lot of heart. The acting is top notch. The songs and score are superb. But the best thing about the movie is how they convey the movie's overall theme/message - that life is unpredictable, often times cruel and sometimes beautiful. They convey that is so many very memorable scenes. Do yourself a favor and sit down in a dark room with a glass of wine and watch this film. By the time the end credits are rolling you will be in a stunned silence at what you just experienced.
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15 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The main weakness of the revival is, unfortunately, Alexis Bledel/Rory. Bledel's acting is...terrible. She's so wooden it's hard to overstate it. In the original series, she had a young person's enthusiasm which she brought to the character. In the revival, that's completely faded and it's as if she's forgotten how to act. And her iconic character, Rory, is now a mess. Why the show's writers would chose to portray Rory as essentially a failure at 32 is a mystery. The original series was built upon Rory being a special, exceptional young lady. But now, as an adult, her career is a joke, she treats her boyfriend of 2 years terribly, and she is cheating on him with Logan - who himself is engaged. That's not how anyone could have envisioned Rory's future. Very disappointing. The other main character is Lorelei played by Lauren Graham. Lauren is normally an exceptional actress but she looks uneasy and uncomfortable throughout all 4 episodes. One gets the impression that she is well aware of just how subpar this revival is. And what's with all of the musical numbers??? It's been suggested that the creators of the show were dropping big hints of Gilmore Girls on Broadway. Whatever the motivation, the musical sequences simply don't work. The revival did have some positives though. It was great to finally see Luke & Lorelei get married. The scenes with Paris were actually very entertaining. Same can be said for the scenes with Michel. And the scene where Lorelei hears the song "Unbreakable" in Miss Patty's barn is very touching. Although I'm not counting on it, I'd love to see a follow-up episode just to give proper closure to these characters and this series.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
In the running for Dumbest Movie Of All Time
28 September 2019
Any of the reviews of this movie that gives it an 8 or better have to be production company plants. This movie was laughably bad. Absurd plot. Incredibly boring. Seeing a movie like this is proof that Hollywood is scraping the bottom of the barrel for scripts.
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LOL (2012)
Can it get any worse than this 'film'?
7 July 2019
No, it cannot. Quite honestly, this is the single worst film I've ever seen. "Lol" is certainly my reaction to Miley Cyrus' 'acting'. Demi Moore? Seriously? And whomever wrote this garbage script should never be allowed to write so much as a Thank You Cars ever again.
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Alice (1976–1985)
Epitome of 70's TV garbage
3 June 2019
Sitcoms simply do not get much worse than this pile of garbage. The acting is awful (see Beth Howland's portrayal as "Vera" as Exhibit A). The plots are a joke. The sets are cheap. Heck, even the opening theme song is pitiful. Avoid at all costs.
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The Dirt (2019)
The Worst
25 March 2019
As awful a movie as I've ever seen. If the Hallmark Channel had an NC-17 division this is the kind of embarrassing dreck they'd put out. Makes Showgirls look like The Godfather.
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Huge disappointment
31 July 2005
As a major fan of John Cusack, I really looked forward to seeing this movie. Sadly, this one turned out to be a major dud. Its not Cusack's fault - he and Dianne Lane do the best they can do under the circumstances. There's just no way they can overcome such a 3rd rate script. This movie is utterly predictable, cliché ridden pap. It makes SERENDIPITY look like an avant garde film. Cusack and Lane are not given the chance to develop any real chemistry which is too bad because they would almost certainly have been great together if given something to work with. Its too bad that someone of Cusack's acting ability and professional integrity got involved with this mess. Here's hoping that he gets back on track soon.
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Very bad - even if u r a hardcore Prince fan
29 May 2005
I was, by any measure, a massive Prince fan in the 1980s. Owned every album and single, saw PURPLE RAIN too many times to count, saw Prince in concert a dozen times, etc...... That being said, UNDER THE CHERRY MOON is an unmitigated disaster. Horrible acting by Prince, poorly written dialog, and a meandering storyline are but a few of the reasons. And Prince's use of black and white is nothing more than novelty passed off as depth. No honest assessment could call this film entertaining. Jerome Benton was praised as Prince's comic foil but that was being generous - he comes off as a high school actor. Of course, some of the songs are beautiful but its not enough to save this pile of crap.
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