
15 Reviews
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
A wonderful and fitting tribute to both Clavell's novel and the earlier adaptation
27 February 2024
Incredible! As opposed to creating an adaptation "suitable for modern audiences" the production team have concentrated on tried and tested principles of entertainment and historical accuracy. And oh, how wonderful it is to return to a time I once thought gone forever! There is a certain dramatic gravitas to the adaptation that absolutely shines through in the writing, along with the sets (which are fantastic). The cinematography is absolutely masterclass and the geographical environment awe-inspiring. The soundtrack is rich and full of promise. Meanwhile, the quality of acting is superlative and finally, my appreciation and thanks go out to the costume designer who goes above and beyond to interpret 17th century Japan.

Seriously, I cannot recommend Shogun 2024 enough.

Edit. I can't ever remember watching an episode that concluded so soon, and you know why that is? Because the show is so rich in detail, the action utterly in your face and intense dialogue constantly has you re-examining what you thought was going as to have the audience completely engaged.
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BRITs do it again!
21 June 2023
Unbelievable, the Brits are going from strength to strength in very very high quality TV and "secret invasion" along with a slew of others including Loki is the latest in a long line of mesmerising shows. Yes, yes, I know, supposedly "secret invasion" is an "American" TV show, but the locations, set design, production, SFX, cast etc are for the most part all Brits (not the writing). Anyway, moving on, secret invasion, right off the bat draws the viewer in; Mega conspiracies! Alien infiltration! Check out the cast list, some big names in this TV show which is well worth the price of a Disney subscription alone. Indeed, SI has all the hallmarks of a classic TV show, and all you've got to do is check it out....😀
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The Ark (2023– )
I don't believe it, they killed off the best actor in episode one!
13 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've never come across such an unlikable bunch of people, particularly the 'captain' 'lead. These people just cannot act. However, one actor could, bringing a lot of energy and charisma to the show, and that was the English fraudster, who found his way on the ship, but guess what? Yup, they wrote him out. When you sing about the likes of SG, one or Stargate Atlantis, they always had a charismatic, strong male role model, but I think for political reasons, they have decided against that in this case and that decision truly harms the show, a lot. Do you know what the saddest thing of all is? The show's premise is excellent. Unfortunately, the producers chose to reduce the budget considerably in comparison to similar shows, alter the crew dynamic for obvious ideological reasons to the show's detriment.
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"Yah" 😀😀
11 November 2022
Seriously, I don't know what the problem is what with the low scores and negative reviews. I think this movie is really, really funny. There, I've said it. The writing is clever and witty, the situational comedy total contemporary Abbott & Costello while the gothic vampire mythology/backstory has depth and casting James Corden as the sidekick was absolutely inspirational! Also, the female cast deserve extra praise due to their performances which really stood out. In closing, the saddest thing of all and it truly was sad is the writers never got to fulfil their vision for the sequel " Gay Werewolf Killers"
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Cutting edge supernatural drama
30 October 2022
There's not a lot I can add to the other positive reviews in regards to this exceptional series, just to reiterate how frustrating and annoying it would be for Netflix to cancel the show. This wonderful adaptation has taken considerable thought, skilfully combining the very well written and developed characterisation along with the actors performances mixes up a magical formula viewers will just love. Also, the plot arcs have real ' legs', in that I can't see peoples attention spans drifting nor the quality petering out any time soon. Take the above elements, add a huge pinch of triple-A special effects and the magicians (including the incredible Andy Serkis) at The Imaginarium (production company) have conjured up something truly special.
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Strange But Passionless New Worlds
13 May 2022
I love Star Trek. I grew up on the series as a young boy and if anything could have been said to have influenced me the most as a child I would say Star Trek was it and when I read that a show derived from Captain Pike's character on 'Discovery' was in development I was really stoked having learnt that the series was returning to its roots being less obsessed with lecturing the audience on so-called 'woke' trends and more about exploration, action and adventure in space, something more reminiscent of Blish's and Roddenberry's original vision. Don't get me wrong, STTOS dealt with social issues but they didn't bombard the audience with it to the detriment of all else.

Anyway, I tuned in to episode one with incredible anticipation and the most part was pleased. However, I did feel that Pikes intro narration was lacking energy and in-depth character introduction came FAR too soon (usually character back story's are introduced much later) but prepared to forgive that and much else. The trouble was, by episode two I realised something was going on and that was the show (so far) just didn't have the energy of earlier iterations. I'm not talking about that awful 'discovery' trash (after season two) and so on but Star Trek the original series, Star Trek the next generation et cetera. I'm not quite sure what it is, whether it's the budget or the writing or a combination of a number of issues but like I wrote, the show lacks both passion and energy.

In closing; recently, Jim Carey sad that "Hollywood is no longer the cool club" and I have to say that seems to be the case and that makes me really sad because the industry in America has the potential to blaze like a comet in the firmament. To my mind, HBO seems to be the outlier (perhaps it's something to do with working so much with the Brits) but if something isn't done and soon the IP will go the way of the Dodo. I believe writers in particular need to do their homework on the "golden age of science fiction", read up on the masters; Asimov, Clarke and Heinlein or take a leaf from modern writers like Walter Jon Williams/Peter F. Hamilton world-building because the Federation's universe has no 'red blood' having become listless and the audience endlessly exposed to politically-correct drivel appealing (and appeasing) just a tiny minority.
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Wolfe (2021)
PLEASE ignore the first 5 minutes then bask in 5 hours of utter joy
19 October 2021
I don't know why the production team went with the first scene , I believe it may have been an attempt at comedy but failed to work, at least for me. However, please, please stick with the show as within minutes you are hooked line and sinker. Wolfe (with an E) is a combination of very clever, very funny writing supported by a wonderful cast of characters, excellent cinematography and (for once) great sound editing. I would suggest British show is at least the equal to any top quality US tv production along the lines of such as Dexter etc.

In closing, I highly recommend Wolfe as 2021's 'go to' dark comedy.
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Highly Over-Rated Rubbish, No Love, No Gravitas, No Soul
18 October 2021
Is this what we have come to, creating movies that technically look great but have no soul? Increasingly, we see pretension camouflaged as art, it is as though the weight of expectancy drags down each Villanueve film so in the end all we get is a pompous, pretentious, weighty mess that technically ticks all the boxes but one that leaves the final product seriously wanting. Also, this movie has some of the most misguided casting I've ever witnessed in a film. I won't even try to compare this empty vessel to David Lynch's adaptation , why? Because there IS no comparison. Dune, released in 1984 is a visual extravaganza, both strange and beautiful, that from the very first moment has the audience on the edge of their seats, whose characters absolutely ooze gravitas. The audiences, as they left cinemas around the world, felt totally blown away, almost as though they had inhabited a wonderfully weird reality for a short time, one that left them with a true understanding of Frank Herbert's universe even if they had not read the novels.

Seriously, where is the love for the material? Because I certainly don't see it here.

In closing, I'm starting to have serious concerns about the state of Hollywood creativity and if we don't start pulling our socks up soon all we'll be left with is a mountain-high pile of grey, soulless rubbish not worth the cost of even one ticket.
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Don't Trust The Negative Feedback
20 June 2021
What we've got here is an amazing true to life adventure flick and from what I understand the hate seems ideological wokery 🙄 and that's a real shame. Please don't let the these nitwits put you off picking up a gem hidden among the dross, 8/10.
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Intergalactic (2021)
Up-and-down early on but then settles down with potential
1 May 2021
Something very strange is going on here, everything up to the prison ship was first class but then collapsed into some of the worst acting I have ever witnessed. The actors performance was astonishingly poor and makes you wonder whether any of these people have ever even seen the inside of a dramatic arts Academy. My rating went from a high 8 to a low 2 between one scene and the next it was so bad. Then as if by magic, the direction/acting performance quality returned! It's all very strange and once you are through the first couple of episodes the show starts to get good. As a result, I'm hoping that the prison ship acting fiasco was just a blip and I'm actually starting to think that an assistant director (after a heavy nights drinking) told the actors to behave as weirdly crazy as possible.

Now, about the special effects, I've even seen a couple of reviews that have even suggested that the effects were "cheap and nasty". Well, I worked in the industry for 20 years and these are some excellent sets and effects. Actually, the only negative effects that I could pick up on was of the motion of the personal police ship at the start of episode one.
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Them (2021– )
Captivated From The Very First Moment
9 April 2021
To start with, I really do not understand the hate. The quality of the acting is superb, the writing is excellent and attention to detail phenomenal. Perhaps the hate is sub-conscious guilt. And perhaps we should feel shame, shame that we could ever have treated people so.

Moving on, I really must say that i've never seen emotional breakdowns so well portrayed. Mix in a touch of horror along with a pinch of supernatural and 'Them' amplifies that feeling of creeping trepidation and dread that comes over the viewer as we witness the Emory's and their neighbours violent implosions.

In closing, I'll be updating the review once I've completed the season. But so far, Amazon has really pulled out all the stops to produce quality entertainment for their customers.
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Snowpiercer (2020–2024)
Rescued by Mr Wilford
18 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first season had its ups and downs but for the most part it was pretty lacklustre and to be frank, I'm not a fan of the shows lead. However, there was a palpable excitement coming over me during the final episode of season 1's finale when the engineers picked up Big Alice's signal. From the moment Sean Bean appeared on screen everything changed about snowpiercer. Sometimes it can take just one Actor to take a show by the scruff of the neck and drag it screaming and struggling up the ratings and it looks like the actor is Sean Bean.
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What Has To Be A New Low
22 October 2020
What could have been a thrilling season premiere was let down by the shows lead actor Sonequa Martin-Green. The over-acting was absolutely atrocious and re-affirms my belief that Martin-Green was under-qualified for the lead and Anson Mount a far more suitable lead if not for identity politics. This is not a race thing, I imagine that many a good black actor cringed at her performance as well as the audience! Apart from that the show was your typical 21st century sf fare; heavy on the 'feelings' disguising how light the story was. In closing, season 3 episode 1 does not feel me with confidence as the premiere of any good sf show starts and ends with its best work.....
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Evil (2019–2024)
Guaranteed To Be Cancelled
19 October 2019
Why? Because the show is awesome and we all know what happens to amazing shows don't we? So sit down and make the most of one of the most original shows in years, you'll love Evil! Checklist: Great Cast: check Premise: double check Storylines: check Backstory: check

All in all, great characterisation, fascinating plots and best of all; the backstory has real legs.
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What's With The Left Wing Diatribe?
16 April 2016
This was a fun, action packed movie, that's it. The photography was stunning, the plot laid out in a geopolitically realistic fashion and no money was spared on urban combat scenes.

What astonishes me, is all the left-wing hate. The film does not break any political conventions, nor promotes a singular right wing view of the world. However, what London Has Fallen does do is reflect the dangers of the modern world in relation to terrorism. Perhaps, liberal progressives don't like being reminded of terrorism or have some strange hatred towards strong, white role models. Perhaps, their white guilt led them to view the movie through some sort of twisted ideological lens, problem is, it's just a movie, a simply laid out, action-packed film, somewhat reminiscent of the great action movies of our past.

All in all, a strong 7.
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