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Crying shame
10 May 2023
Real shame that this series got canceled prematurely. Loved the concept. I just think none of people stayed with it. It is very much a slow burn TV show and has taken 10 episodes to really find its groove. Really thought that the two leads had really good chemistry. But now we will never find out how the series and how Charlie and. Emma will stay together and get out of their predicament. I saw this series as a modern Robin Hood and very similar to the show white color starring Matt Blum. But here's hoping that maybe a nether net work will pick it up for a second season. I think one reason why the company you keep failed with yes, due to poor ratings, but also maybe prematurely canceled due to the writers strike that's going on right now.
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Excellent film highly recommend it if you call yourself an action fan a must see
23 May 2019
I recent saw John Wick Chapter 3 and instantly loved this movie. For a guy that did not watch or see John Wick Chapter one in theaters I've loved this movie franchise since the beginning even though I got in late but I've been hooked ever cents definitely worth seeing Highly looking forward to chapter 4 and Companion TV series Continental. If you consider yourself an action fan and love movies like hard boiled And Kingsman you should see this film it's Keanu Reaves best action film to date
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