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IMDb member since July 2011
Da bing xiao jiang (2010)
Spoiler alert
12 July 2011 - 1 out of 18 users found this review helpful.
What the hell is wrong with filmmakers these days? WHY must the hero always die? I hate those kind of movies, it automatically makes the movie awful in my eyes. Jackie, i love you man, but seriously, if this picks up, all my respect for you disappears like the garbage into the garbage-chute. The story was amazing, the stunts and fighting scenes as well. And yet, it HAD to be ruined by the main character dieing? "It gives depth"? Bullshit it does, it gives a small hint of cheesy story writing that almost stink like they did not know where to go with the story. What next? Will Lu Bu die and then awake 3 days later and go to heaven?
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