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Hellboy (2019)
Watch the Ron Perlman(2004) version
The CGI was blah. The basic plot was ok, But something was missing.
Maybe the lack of good one liners. The storyline was choppy and certain things did not make any sense.
I really wanted to like it. The acting was fine and everyone did the best with what they were given, but they were not given much.
Dracula (2020)
Great retelling, but still annoys me.
Dracula was a love story. This is also a love story, in a way. There is just the right mount of jump scares and horror. As with the books of that time it is also a reflection of the human experience. Dracula is not good or bad he is just the character that visits and views humanity.
A Simple Favor (2018)
So much fun
I didn't think I would enjoy this film and there is absolutely nothing wrong with the ending. Which was most pleasant.
The I-Land (2019)
Started fine then
I disagree with the acting. I thought the actors when good. I thought the director and cinematography was good, but the writing didn't make any sense. It is like they had one set of writers in the beginning and then they decided to change the plot. This could have been a great show, but they were all over the map with the plot.
If this was supposed to nature vs nurture why is there no nurture on the island. People can not make correct choices if the don't know the rules.
The only one person wanted to figure things out. Why was she the first person to figure how to get out? Why would they not have tested this on themselves or at least no violent people. If this was the pilot program, they would have been watching every step and there could not be any interference. The worst part is they could never would be able help anyone. After getting out you would never be able to tell what was real and what was not.
Future World (2018)
How can you give this three stars
This was bad. I can see this getting green lit from the top names, but did they not read the script before signing on. Snopp is good, but he is just playing Snoop. Jovovich works her character, but everything sucks.
Falling Inn Love (2019)
Sweet love story
I have to wonder if the other reviewers have ever watched a romantic comedy. A health relationship takes months to curate not just a weekend. I enjoyed the lead character. The balance of male and female characters without one being dominated over the other.
Ripper Street (2012)
By mid-season two I do nothing but cry
The first season get you comfortable with knowing them. You are moved by each of their desires. By the beginning of season two they tear at your sensibilities. You morn each event that weights on them. This is drama. If it was in Italian and sung it would be an opera.
Atomic Blonde (2017)
They didn't understand what was happening and why.
This a spy movie more in LaCarre than Flemming is correct. At first, it does look like it Bond with great 80's music that goes so well with each scene. Until you get to the brutal fight on the stairs. The question becomes is she telling the truth with what happened? It it a lie? Is it both? You literally have no clue of what is really happening until the last scene. Which is just how a spy movie should be.
Turn Up Charlie (2019)
Great comedy. Great acting.
Well written. British comedy that Americans can appreciate. All the characters are likable. Love the way they slide the gay character in without make it all about them being gay. I think American shows are sometimes to long. This one is just enough episodes to tell a story without to much filler that is not needed. Lots of swearing and drugs, but not much nudity. So I wouldn't let most 11 year old see it, but I would let my kids watch it.
The Order (2019)
Campy. You will love it or hate it.
If you skim the reviews, people either love it(10) or hate it(1). There is not a 5 in the bunch. There is a good over arch plot with small twists along the way. No where as serious as The Magicians. But not overly soap opera. It doesn't take itself to seriously, but it is serious to the jaundra.
Victor Frankenstein (2015)
A retelling that understands the original
This is a buddy movie and I enjoyed it more than I wanted to. The original is a love story and so is this. The original is the story of the heart, the workings on man, so is this. Because you know how the story is to end, the writer makes great use of foreshadowing dialogue. The is some gore, but it is not scary or a horror movie. If that is what you are looking for you will be sadly disappointed.