
16 Reviews
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End of the World (2013 TV Movie)
Rubbish rubbish rubbish
4 February 2019
It has got to be one of the worst films I ever had the displeasure to see. If I could I would sue the producer and actors alike for wasting my time. I switched it off after half way through. The story was ok but the wooden acting, the dialogue and especially the special effects were utter rubbish. Please avoid like the plague.
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Left Behind (I) (2014)
What was that? Bible bashing or what?
6 April 2015
I wish I could give it minus 10. It has to be the worst movie I watched in the last 20 years. It actually took near enough two days to watch this junk but I was determined to watch it to the end to see how much worse it would get. I was not disappointed as it got much worse. So much so towards the end I was hysterically laughing. I could smell cheese all around the house. This movie should win the award of being the cheesiest movie for at least a decade. How could Nicolas Cage ever face his fans again? It is a humiliating film for all the actors in the movie if you could actually call them actors. Please listen to me and give this piece of s..t a wide birth. Why do they make such bad movies and sell them to the public. They put health warnings on cigarette packets, so why not on crappy movies like this one?
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Constantine (2014–2015)
Matt Ryan sucks
26 October 2014
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I have just finished watching the first episode. I must admit it could have been much much better but I never did like Matt Ryan. He over acts and is very annoying. He loves himself too much I bet he is it because he was cheap to hire as he is not exactly over worked. The effects were good though. I really was hoping that it was a little bit scary but turned out to be pathetic. It is too stupid to even call a horror. It is classed as horror Fantasy. I could not see either one. I am not quite sure what kind of audience this would appeal to. I will give it another chance and watch the second episode and pretend that Matt Ryan is not Matt Ryan but someone else. Maybe, just maybe I might begin to like it. I doubt whether it will lead a second season unless they kill Matt Ryan off and replace him with a monkey or something.
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Sleeping Beauty (II) (2014)
What a load of tripe
27 August 2014
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What the hell is this crap???? It is sooooooooo baaaaaaad that It took me over 5 hours to finish watching it. I paid for it and so I was determined to watch it. I had to keep stopping and do other things in between to stop me from breaking the DVD. It has to be one the worst films ever made. When I saw the names I thought that this will really be a great one. Now I realised the big names are there because they are really has beens. The Acting is atrocious and the effect were non existent. Even the swords they use to fight with, If you call that fighting, Are blunt and could not even kill a fly. awful awful awful and should be taken of the shelves as it is stealing money from innocent people.
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5th Street (2013)
Boring and sleep inspiring movie
12 April 2014
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This has go to be the slowest most boring film of the century. Short and stupid dialogues throughout the film. Slow Zombies move faster than the fastest actor in the film. They all walk and talk as if they have been deprived of sleep for more than 5 days. I kept nodding off and when I woke up I realised that I didn't miss anything. Who the hell gave this movie reviews over 6???? The people who gave it such high reviews must be related to the actors or friends of the producers. I cannot think what kind of sad people gave it more than 3 and I was generous with my vote. Oh well if you find it hard to sleep at night, then please get this movie. It works much faster than any sleeping tablet. Otherwise please please please do not waste your money.
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OM what a load of s..t.
10 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
If there was a 0 in the voting I would have chosen that number. The biggest and worst load of shyte I have ever encountered in my entire life. How in God's name did the film get a rating of over 4 on IMDb? Terrible acting. Terrible dialogue. Terrible story. Indian actors pretending to be Muslim Afghanistanis. They speak with perfect East End accent yet only a few years ago they were supposedly fighting the Americans in Afghanistan!!!!!! It takes 50 hits on the head with a golf club to kill someone. How is that possible? are the skulls in this film made of steel? The lead character has just recently returned from Afghanistan as a Special Task Force soldier, yet is unfit and not a muscle on his body!!!!!!!!!!! Please please please save your money. People who paid money to watch this movie should make a petition to ban the director, the producer, and all the actors from appearing in any other movie without the movie having a special warning to say that this movie could be damaging to your imagination. I had to stop more than 6 times in between to do other things otherwise I would have broken the DVD in so many pieces and that would have cost me even more. You might say why did I carry on watching it. Well I just wanted to see how much worse if possible is this film going to get. Also where did they find the moronic muscle bound who never said a word throughout the movie except grin like an idiot. His body was so big he looked deformed. Enough said. I think you got my meaning. I did not like the movie.
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Robocroc (2013 TV Movie)
croc of sh..
28 March 2014
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What a lousy movie. Wooden acting stupid story and soooooo cheesy it is worse than camembert. Please Do not waste your money guys. I kept nodding off but I paid for it and just had to see the end. The only 2 nice things in this movie are 1) The girls and 2) Keith Duffy gets eaten. He should stick to singing and leave the acting to the professionals. I was in a generous mood and gave this film a 2 because of the amazing looking young chicks in this film. Unfortunately that only lasted all of 5 minutes. They should re-name this film and call it crocofshit. Anybody is entitled to their own opinions of course but to say that this movie was acceptable, what kind of movies have they been watching all their lives? To me this will I am sure be the worst movie of the 21st century.
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Apocalypse brain damage
23 February 2014
Oh My God I have seen some bad films in my 65 years of life, but this has to be the worst I have ever encountered. The acting was so wooden and the dialogue is brain damaging indeed. It is like been written by a ten year old kid and then directed by his ten year old friend. Why oh why spend money on making such crap I will never know. It feels like the two ten year olds woke up one morning and said let's make a disaster movie. No joke folks. The directors name is now embedded in my mind and I will for a while avoid anything directed by him. I feel like grabbing the writers, directors and producer by the neck and shaking them. Please please please do not bother with this crap. I actually forced myself to watch the first 25 minutes thinking that it cannot get any worse and it has to improve. Guess what? It got steadily worse until my brain screamed at me to stop watching.
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Deadly Weekend (2014 Video)
What a load of rubbish
1 February 2014
This is the worst film (as far as acting is concerned) that I have ever seen I'm my entire long life. The only beautiful thing in this film must be the 2 main actresses. If you are a hot blooded man or a lesbian then you will probably tolerate this crappy badly acted terribly directed film. It is an insult to peoples intelligence to say the least. The worst actresses in the whole entire world are the two young ones. They should never be allowed in front of a camera ever again. In fact if I ever see them in any other movie I will switch off immediately. Please people avoid this like the plague except if you want to see the playboy centrefold girl from playboy not so naked in this hideous movie.
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Another British low budget junk
19 January 2014
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OMG what a load of senseless piece of British junk. After 20 minutes of this rubbish I had a choice of either committing suicide or stop watching. Well I am still alive. So bad I was on the verge of saying when will it get a bit better. Never. I would love to take the director and producer and the moron who came out with crap to court and sue them for destroying my mind with this badly acted slow and boring senseless movie. Movie? Sorry i should say mind insulting piece of …. Anyone acting in this film must so desperate for work. Please do not waste your time or money on this. If this was my DVD I would have broken it in half. Take my advice and give this a very very wide birth.
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Abominable Snowman (2013 TV Movie)
What the hell????????????????
3 December 2013
This film should never have been released to the public as it is so bad that someone could end up committing suicide from boredom. Actually I must get this film for my mother in law to watch with her daughter!!!!!!!!! Just kidding I love them both. The acting was soooooooooooooooo bad and the dialogue one hell of a lot worse if that is remotely possible. Why does anyone want to direst such crap? If the voting had -10 I would've chosen that score. Even the monsters were sooooooo bad that you can only see them in small bits or totally blurred. In fact the film should have a health warning attached to it. Don't waste your time on this crap. The only thing that was worth watching this crap is the fact that you see Zara Dimitrova's gorgeous and delicious lips. She really is one sexy foxy lady. Ummmmmmmmm.
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13/13/13 (2013)
Rubbish Rubbish Rubbish
15 October 2013
The only thing I can say about this movie is that it is absolute crapola and i switched off after 5 minutes that felt like eternity. Rubbish rubbish trash trash. Rubbish rubbish rubbish trash trash trash. Awful awful awful awful. Bad bad bad bad. Why why why why did they make it? Trash trash trash trash. Anyone who gives this film more than 2 is a moron and has no taste or sense. Don't waste your time people. Please please please do yourselves a favour and forget you ever came across this abomination. total insult to intelligence. Acting is atrocious and could not have cost more than a few thousand dollars to make. Surely none of the actors got paid for this. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnn. In other words I did not like or recommend this so called film.
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Stupid accent
22 July 2013
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Very good film with two great actors. It is such a shame that the film is so badly ruined by John Travolta's pathetic , annoying, and gets on your nerves stupid accent. Why oh why did the directors and producers do this? I know a few Serbian people and none of them sound like him. In fact it is an insult to Serbians for him to speak like that. If you can put your mind to it and try very hard to ignore it, I am sure you will like the movie. How can someone with such a strong so called Serbian accent (Bullsit) have such a great command of the English language???? As for Robert De Niro, well he is as brilliant as ever. All in all it is an average film but watchable if you have no other good movies to watch. ENJOY
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A Common Man (2013)
Very very bad
6 May 2013
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I cannot believe that 2 great actors like Ben Kingsley (Ghandi) and Ben Cross agreed to do such an awful movie and then allow it to be publicly released. I can only assume that they are struggling financially and boredom has set in their lives. One on the worst acting and amateurish story line I have ever seen. Please please avoid at all costs. The producers and directors are so unprofessional that they should never be allowed to make films in the future as they are insulting the intelligent minds of this world. Also must've been on a very very low budget. The rest of the cast, well do I need to say what I really think of them?
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500 MPH Storm (2013)
Not worth watching
5 March 2013
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Hey no worries about writing a spoiler. 20 minutes of painful acting and storyline, I switched off as I could not be punished any longer. Why do they actually make films like these? They are a waste of money and the actors in these films will find it hard to get another job afterwards. As for the worst actor I have ever seen, Bryan Head should be re named Bryan foot. If he was my son I would have thrown him out of the car and let him die in the Storm. The winds are supposed to be 500 mph yet he is actually racing it in his 4X4. I did not know that a 4X4 can actually do such speeds. Woooowwwww. They must have made this film on a tight budget as I have not seen most of the other actors previously and about the only decent thing in the film is Casper Van Dien's wife. She is very pleasant to look at but again not much of an actress. Please do not bother watching it unless you like pain.
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Tower Block (2012)
26 February 2013
OMG. This has got to be one of the worst films i have seen in a century and I am only 51. The plot is a total CRAP the likely hood of this happening is ZERO and the acting well it leaves a lot to be desired. I had to take a break every 10 minutes so that i do not press delete as i am one of those people who once I start watching something, I must see how worse it is going to get. The killer has to be ten times better than the world's best sniper. Not only that but he must be psychic too because he knows which window a person is going to be standing in front of. A split second after the person stands in front a window he is shot dead. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO way this could happen in a million years. In fact the film is an insult to people's imagination and their common sense. Please please avoid at all cost. TOTAL RUBBISH. I actually gave it a three because they must've spent at least 5k to make this film and no more than 8k. If it cost more then my God they need to get their money back.
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