
103 Reviews
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Darclée (1960)
17 April 2023
It was a real pleasure to see this movie. Hariclea Darclee born Haricli. Hartulan after husband, named Darclee because french can't pronounce Hartulan was the single reason for romanian to be proud , from the non communist period. There are so few opera singers well known in entire world (Enrico Carusso, Monserrat Caballe, Maria Callas,Irina Arkhipova, Galina Vishnevskaya , Elena Obraztsova, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Anna Netrebko, Ion Dacian , David Ohanesian, Angela Gheorghiu, Mariana Nicolesco, Cleopatra Melidoneanu )and Darclee was the best. One it's american , 2 spanish, 5 russians and 6 romanians. Now in Romania they rest only 3 Opera Theaters. In communism there were 22. Now at the power is the noise polution resambling with a car allarm..The memorial house of Hariclea Darclee in Braila is nowdays a ruin like all the country.
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The Mongols (1961)
21 March 2023
It makes me laugh . Genghis Khan don't die by the hand of his daughter in law in Poland he died from burbonic plague in China. The Mongol Empire beat the crap out of polish and hungarian and they reach 1241 , 14 years after Geghis Khan died. When his son. Ogotai dies the invasion has stopped, , Poland never be an obstacle in front of.anybody. Stepen of Crakow it's an invented personage , he never existed. Mongols never suffer a defeat like americans never had a win or a neuron .As a fiction movie it's an easy to watch movie with gorgeous Anita Ekberg.and Antonella Lualdi , but has nothing to do with reality like western media nowdays.
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28 February 2023
An amazingly brave documentary about the place of mass- media propaganda in war. If in communism mass media don't have anything to criticise because everything go well , in capitalism the first duty of mass media is to criticise the governements..There are very few journalist who does that. The dezinformation , the brain washing is the real flag of the mas media. The movie was made in 2010 and it refers at the wars in Iraq ,the war from Vietnam , from Afghanistan where american and british are the propagandists of lieying , and the war between Israel and Palestine. You realise if that movie were made in 2023 only from the intervention of Russia in Nazicraine when the manipulation and desinformation of western media.peaked the highest point. And now only Oliver Stone from the west show the truth.
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The Untamed (2016)
15 February 2023
A good mexican drama , mystery, romance , sci-fi movie, there is no horror or thriller elements in it. I was pleasantly surprise to see ,a movie even if it has very few sci fi elements , not only watchable , but very good. That was never happened since the 70's. The actors know how to play. The few scenes of sex are made with good taste. The movie has an ideea, but not has an end factwho increase it valor. The genre who fit the most with this movie is mystery. It's no mistery in this domain like in all the others americans are.nullityes , at least i the last 40 years, with the exception of movies directed by David Lynch they have nothing watchable.
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21 November 2022
An excellent movie made only for romanian + 45 years old. It's a unique movie in capitalist-sclavagist-colony Romania. Nobody beside the +45 years old romanians (with few exception of romanian children of nowdays who read books and they can be numbered with the fingers of 2 hands)read Amintiri din Copilarie by Ion Creanga. Foreigners can not because the writing is intraductible in other languages. The way the movie melt reality with fiction is impecable. The children play naturaly (another unique thing in post-involution Romania.) The movie.don't have licentious language (very rare nowdays for a romanian movie) The movie has not an actual end.
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14 November 2022
As.a man who live his childhood in communism i only can tell this movie is very unapropriate. In communism nobody disconsider school, nobody smoke until 18 years old , the teachers are all respectected , and the main.occupation of children and youngs was learning. I think in China those things were more obvious than in my country Romania , because chinese people are more disciplined . And also the movie has many mistakes 1 January is the day of independence of Cuba , no Romania,Than why to put in a chinese movie revolutionary russians songs singed in chinese ? Katusha and other 2. If it's about the chinese cultural revolution why almost all the songs are russian. : Number 1 piano concerto by Rachmaninoff , Swan Lake by Tchaikovskyand many other? The good points of this movie are the acting is good ,the girsl are beautiful and the soundrack witch is 70 % russian 30 % patriotic chinese songs is magnificent.
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Spare Parts (I) (2015)
4 November 2022
I almost forget how is to lose your time with an american crap aaa movie. I was not dispointed. The movie is so stoopid. The story is so predictible, after thhe first minute i know how will ends. The melodrama in the pure crapy american style is so lame. The american educational system is a bad joke. A Harvard graduate had same or less knowledge than a kindergarden graduate from communism. I wa expecting (poor me) a bunch of mexicans to came from Mexico and to show americans what is education. The mexicans were illegal immigrants in US .The end is how else a happy end. I never see an american movie with a sad end or a realistic end.
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25 August 2022
A very stoopid western american movie., without any story with lots and lots of mistakes,very poor writing , acting and directing, a totaly waste of time.
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#dogpoopgirl (2021)
23 August 2022
A movie who reflect with high fidelity the intolerance who flageled the romanian society after the involution, the fall of communism , and the raise of sclavagist-capitalism where everybody is for himself.
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Pilgrims (2021)
17 August 2022
A mediocre lithuanian movie , wiyhout beginnining , or with a very boring bennining , without an end witch is one of the only good things about it. A movie who for sure is not a crime movie.
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Hasadék (2021)
3 August 2022
A good hungarian movie., the romanian crew spoke a very bad romanian language,, incomprehensible. I made the mistake to see the movie with romanian subtitles. The subtitles were only for hungarian lines. When they spoke in romanian it was uncomprehensible. The movie does not have an end.
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26 July 2022
I see this movie to entretain myself. How nowdays nobody make visionable comedyes to laugh, i try with this australian "horror" movie. Usualy in the times i look at the american movies , the "horrors"with sharks are the best comedyes. This movie , stoopid , predictible , bad played,overcome my espectations but still not entratain me , nothing to laugh about.
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25 July 2022
I watch this movie because i' ve don't see a comedy for such a long time. And my hope was to be an entretaining movie. Instead i discover a russian masterpiece art movie who does everything to me : make me think, only entretain no. I can't say i was dissapointed. I realize now days there are not entretaining movies anymore. Americans don't make a movie like a movie in the last 30 years, only craps.
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Señorita 89 (2022– )
26 May 2022
This TV Series are not a thriller are just a drama, with a too complicaed story, you never know when the action is passed , in present or in the past ..............................
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Fed Up (1994)
20 May 2022
A movie who reflect very well the decadence in all way possible of romanian society after the involution (the fall of the comunism) .............................................................................................
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Papier-Mache (2020)
18 May 2022
A good russian almost art movie, played very well, with few dialogues an excelent soundtrack , and without any kind of an end. No recomanded to the brailess fans of american crap.
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Fear (2020)
12 April 2022
As a romanian from an ex communist country i reconize this problems caused by the.passing from communism to capitalism.99 % FROM AL EX COMMUNIST COUNTYES BECOME AFTER THE FALL OF COMMUNISM RACIST AND NAZISTS. Even with nazi ukrainian refugees the situation is aproximatively the same.
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Rzhev (2019)
5 April 2022
What make the difference between russians war movies and american ones is beside in russian movies plays actors like actors no thirsty for money inferior formes of life.the fact all russian war movies are inspired by real events who realy take place, not like in american movies all crapy fictions like their contribution to the defeating of Germanyin WW2.
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29 March 2022
Finaly a documentary who speaks the truth. The western media is brainwasher for those western citizens who stil have something to wash..There is nothing new for me in this documentary. I know it all. But the fact somebody finaly says the truth is a revelation.
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Liar (2020)
19 March 2022
If it's a spanish thriller is a masterpiece..Even if is a remake is much , much better than the original. The original was predictible, suspanceless, played by talentless actors. It's not the case of this TV Series.
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16 March 2022
A good documentaryy about the fall of cinemas in Romania after the involution .The fall is not only for cinemas but for all domains. In 1989 in Romania there were .600 cinemas in Romania all full all the time , now in 2022 there are only 16 always empty.
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19 February 2022
Without any doubt the best comedy ever. A movie with rafinate and non-rafinate humour, actualy with all kinds of humour..Also the best movie about soccer beside Messi. A movie speaked in serbian , croatian , english , spanish , french , romanian.portuguese but how IMDb it's an american site and americans know only english , they mentioned at languages just Serbian , english and spanish.
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Reds (1981)
17 February 2022
I must confess as a communist , never heard about John Reed, but it seems nobody than his friends remembered him..My excuse is the americans don't allow the broadcast of this movie outside U. S. because that's the way so called democracy works .I admire the courage of Warren Beaty to make such a movie in.the middle of the cold war. The acting was good those times , not like nowdays in U. S.i SUPPOSE THIS IS ONE OF THE LAST GOOD AMERICAN MOVIES.i Wonder in a country with allmost all , few but almost all goood writers were communists ( Ray Bradbury, Philip Roth,, Hemingway,Mark Twain , John Steinbeck,Paul Auster, Richard Bach, David Baldacci, Jack London ), nothing happend in al history in the matter of human rights..And i answer , because in capitalism people don read , the educational system don't exist, the only thing people are interested are the money. In the ex-communist countries except Russia almost all writers transform from communists to nazists in the second the communism has fallen, but here we read a lot in communist period, because communism concentrate about the education of people.
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16 February 2022
A romance comedy without clichees , that's very rare, and all beccause my favourite writer, the best of our days Amelie Nothomb,Pity the most of her novels can't be ecranized.
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Hugas (2022)
14 February 2022
The first movie i see from 2022 prove to be a crap. It's not a drama , because have no dramatism it's anaction /thriller/erotic movie, who has the erotic scenes misplaced and too long and without any bond with the "story"of the movie exactly like in american adults movie craps.
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