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This would have been perfect except
22 March 2022
Except for the weird, Eastern European Jewish accent the actor who read as Blumenfeld used. It was all wrong. Blumenfeld was a Jewish man from Berlin. He didn't sound like some altercocker from Orchard Street. I found that ignorant and even antisemitic. That said, I really enjoyed the rest of the fascinating film about this amazing man.
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The Mission (1986)
Make sure you sit through the credits!
2 December 2006
One of the most powerful parts of this deeply moving film comes at the end AFTER the credits. Make sure you sit through the credits so you don't miss it. It would be a shame to miss it. I am not sure why the film makers put it there; perhaps it's a comment on patience. I think it's more likely that they KNEW people would be so awed by this film and so in love with its music (the music is so beautiful) that they would not leave their seats; they knew they would sit there until the credits were over. Anyway, I feel so strongly about people not missing this part that I am posting about it. That glorious music plays throughout the credits, so it should be no difficulty to sit through them and wait for the important last message.
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Wonderful Movie with Gorgeous Merle Oberon
29 June 2006
This is a delightful movie. I wish someone would digitally remaster it somehow, though. I have it on DVD, but it shows its age with blips and skips. The volume varies, too. The important thing is, despite that, this is one enjoyable film. It has everything -- adventure, humor, romance, history. I love it. Merle Oberon is at her most devastatingly beautiful here. Her character is being painted by Romney in her first scene and it just doesn't seem possible that one woman could be so beautiful -- but she is. Some other foolish reviewer, Ingenlode Wordmith, said Merle Oberon was no raving beauty by today's standards. That reviewer should seek help from an optometrist quickly. I recommend this movie highly. It has a perfect balance of comedy, suspense, and drama. None, and I mean none, of the remakes comes close to touching this version.
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Nitin Ganatra Steals the Show -- and What a Show!!
24 June 2006
This was an absolutely wonderful movie. It is filled with a swirl of rich and vivid color, the most gorgeous women you have ever seen, and unforgettable characters by way of Jane Austen. Everyone was great, but the show really belongs to Nitin Ganatra as Mr. Kohli. Saying this says A LOT -- because there are many unforgettable characters -- it's just that Nitin Ganatra's Mr. Kohli's is the best. To put it simply, he is hilarious! I have never seen a Mr. Collins done so well -- and that character HAS been done brilliantly, but Nitin Ganatra's performance tops them all. What can I say? If his hilarious performance stands out to me even more than the ethereal beauty of Aishwarya Rai and Namrata Shirodkar, then he must be doing something right. I have seen Bride and Prejudice more than once, and while I enjoy every moment, the moments he is on the screen are the best of all.
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Highly Offensive
4 June 2006
Sure, this is what we need, a story about a nice Nazi. This movie is revolting on every level. This film pretends to ask questions about morality, etc., but what it gives us is an absolutely unbelievable situation where you see, in a horrifying scene, a Jew choosing Nazi life over Jewish life -- and this is supposed to be deep. If you want to address these questions, and you can, you do not create absolutely unbelievable characters in an absolutely offensive and unbelievable film set during the Holocaust! Oh, it also has the obligatory sexual violence that movies of this ilk always have. Gotta decry your sexual violence and have it, too, don't you know. This kind of film attempts to mitigate the horror that was the Holocaust. People who don't know a lot about the Holocause might see it and say, "Well, it wasn't so bad, there were good Nazis who would help." The important thing about that time in history is that, no, there weren't. If you were in the Warsaw ghetto, you sure weren't going to find a friend among the Nazis. If you want to know about the ghetto, do some real research. Start with Emmanual Ringelblum's diaries. Stay far, far away from this dreck.
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Sugar Town (1999)
Loved it -- loads of fun and some deep moments, too
21 January 2006
This movie was so much fun. It boasted an incredible cast -- Roseanna Arquette, Michael Des Barres, Beverly D'Angelo, John Doe, Lumi Cavazos, Ally Sheedy, John Taylor of Duran Duran, etc. It gave an inside peek into the lives of mostly has-been rock stars who are still struggling to create and, in some cases, survive. Various stories are interwoven throughout the film and the sweetest and most believable was that of John Doe's character and his family. I found the last scene between him and his wife incredibly touching. Michael Des Barres was scintillating and hilarious, as usual. His scenes with Bjou Philips and Beverly D'Angelo were priceless. Lumi Cavazos was sexy as hell and Richmond Arquette about broke my heart. Great film. Great sets, too -- I wondered if the homes actually belonged to the actors. Ally Sheedy's just looked so lived in and real. I did wonder why she would hire the gal Roseanna Arquette's character recommended -- but I'll say no more. See the movie and have fun!
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Walk the Line (2005)
Joaquin is BEYOND sizzlin' hot as Cash
18 November 2005
To say that Joaquin Phoenix is brutally hot as Johnny Cash is to indulge in understatement. He is beyond hot. He is so sexy he left hot behind a long time ago and went into a stellar land of heretofore unimaginable hotness. Phew! Now that that's out of the way, this is a good film. Reese Witherspoon does an excellent job as June Carter and good lord, is June's behavior an example to us all. I dream of being able to be that polite, but I just can't do it. The warmth in the move comes from June and her family. They are just marvelous. The pain and the creative drive comes from Johnny Cash and Joaquin Phoenix shows the tortured soul and deep needs of that creative genius.
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My Fair Brady (2005–2008)
Delightful Fun
23 October 2005
I admired Chris Knight for his maturity, kindness, diplomacy, and restraint (I am impressed that he resisted the very significant charms of Adrianne Curry until he felt sure her feelings were genuine) on The Surreal Life 4. I admired Adrianne Curry for her good taste, a good taste that shows a wisdom beyond her years. Her admiration of Chris Knight shows she knows what a real mensch is, and few 22 year olds do. Sure, she's just a kid in many ways -- hey, she IS very young -- but I think her love for Chris is genuine. He genuinely loves her, too My Fair Brady is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy more of this fun relationship in the making. He should really stop asking her to move out, however. His brain may tell him that's what's right, but it's not. He should listen to his heart. He should just accept this for what it is -- true love -- and marry her. It's clear to me this is a couple that could make it. Perhaps he is wary because he is a veteran of two failed marriages. Well, I can understand that, but third time lucky and I think if he gives Adrianne the commitment she wants and deserves, she will do everything it takes to make their relationship work. I think he will, too. I like them both so much and wish them the best.
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Georgy Girl (1966)
Lars made a mistake
19 February 2005
Pretty much everything the reviewer Lars Ericson wrote about the atmosphere in Georgy Girl is true but he makes a serious mistake. Georgy NEVER gets knocked up by ANYONE in the movie. Her friend does. That is a matter of great importance to the plot. This is one weird film -- a product of its era, I guess. I have NO idea why Georgy or any woman would like Jos -- that character is just so irritating. Charlotte Rampling is beyond gorgeous. James Mason is good, Lynn Redgrave is entirely believable as an unbelievable character. I guess this was swinging London, although it doesn't look all that exciting to me, at least not if Jos's character is typical of the men at the time. Give me James Mason's character over Jos any day. Oh, the theme song is great -- and the lyrics really reveal how women were seen at that time.
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Girlhood (2003)
Heart Breaking
5 August 2004
I would like to say here that I have no idea what the other reviewer was talking about when she mentioned a supposed "sickeningly happily ever after ending" for Shanae. I saw no such thing. Her story is a tragedy and her mother's story is a tragedy. I was stunned and deeply saddened by what happened. The fact of the matter is, Shanae DOES seem to have turned her life around. Hopefully it will last. She pulled it together enough, despite all her problems, to be a medical assistant. As for Megan, I really felt for her. She did not have the supportive family that Shanae did. Despite Megan's intelligence, talent, and beauty, it seems the world will be a very hard place for her. I was SO GRATEFUL for my family after watching this movie. I would like to add one thing -- the staff at the facilities where these girls lived are SAINTS. I could never do a job like that -- it would be so hard, so depressing -- and yet it is such an important job! Thank god there are people like the staff I saw in this film -- people who care enough to work with these kids and to do their jobs with honor and compassion.
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The Ranch (2004 TV Movie)
Pretty bad but guilty fun
6 July 2004
I watched this because Susan Seidelman directed it. I guess she needs the work. I guess Amy Madigan (a respected actress and deservedly so) does too.

In the first case, it's not really a story. There's no cohesive story line with a beginning, middle, and end. It's more of a slice-of-life. Boy, is it silly and predictable. It portrays the lives of some prostitutes at a Nevada brothel. It has the requisite violence-against-a-prostitute scene. Can't one of these films NOT have that? Is there anything good about this movie? Well, Samantha Ferris, the actress who plays Taylor, has a smoldering sexuality and great appeal and Jessica Collins, the actress who plays Kim, is exceptionally lovely. Oh, Paige Moss, the chick who played Veruca on Buffy the Vampire Slayer plays a really mean prostitute named Rickie Lee -- always good to see a Buffy alum. However, this movie goes nowhere and resolves nothing. The songs are very good (especially the Erin Mckeown song) and all the actresses seem to have real breasts! Yes -- shocking -- I know -- but they all have real breasts! No silicone in sight -- astounding. It really made me think about how infrequently we see real breasts in plastic-surgery-crazed Hollywood productions anymore.
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A Moving Film
21 November 2003
Why isn't this available on DVD? What is wrong with the studios? This is a very moving film. It is not entirely faithful to the wonderful book on which it is based, but that doesn't matter. It captures the lonely desperation of the characters, especially Judith. Ah, this is a sad film. It is a marvelous, sad movie, and it has two of the best actors ever -- Maggie Smith and the incomparable Bob Hoskins. Please -- release this on DVD!
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Freaks and Geeks (1999–2000)
The best program ever made anywhere
2 November 2003
Freaks and Geeks was, quite simply, the best television program ever made. I have never seen the awful agony of youth more realistically depicted. Certain moments left me racked with sobs, others (often in the same episode) had me laughing my head off. This is not your typical teen drama. Those usually feature a fashion-conscious adult's hazy memory of what it means to be a kid. Freaks and Geeks really shows what it's like to be in high school -- for the freakiest and geekiest of us. Don't look for Brandon and Brenda here -- look for YOURSELF -- look for reality. You will find it. I was bitterly disappointed that this brilliant show was canceled. I CAN'T WAIT FOR IT TO COME OUT ON DVD!! I have loved a lot of shows -- My So-Called Life is almost as good as Freaks and Geeks, and I loved Buffy and Xena and Strangers with Candy -- but Freaks and Geeks beats them all. Why can't there be more shows like this? PLEASE RELEASE IT ON DVD SOON!!!!!
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16 October 2003
This is a delightful, absolutely hilarious, visually stunning adaptation of Henry Fielding's Joseph Andrews. It is not 100% true to the book, but it really doesn't matter. I have seen this movie so many times, and I am thrilled it is finally available on DVD! I encourage everyone to see it.
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Vanity Fair (1987)
I want this!!! FANTASTIC production!
13 September 2003
Why oh why isn't this brilliant adaptation available on video or dvd?? WHY???!!! I saw it way back in '87, and have yearned for it ever since. I don't understand why it was never released on video or dvd -- it was SO good, and I would pay good money to have it. Sigh.
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Sublime! Perfection!
6 September 2003
Why oh why is this delightful movie not available on Region 1 DVD or video? WHY??????? I long to own it. This movie is so wonderful! It was directed by Justin Hardy, son of *the* Robert Hardy, beloved by all Jane Austen fans for his roles as General Tilney and Sir John Middleton. Robert Hardy has a role in this masterpiece as well. This is a film about boys in an English boarding school. The outcasts of the school band together and create a secret cooking club, where they bake the most delicious, forbidden treats imaginable. The main character has a correspondence with his father, who has been in ill health, that is touching, humorous, and beautiful. This correspondence heartens and inspires the boy and helps lead to and support the creation of his secret cooking club. Oh, I just want to take a moment to BEG!! BEG, I tell you!! BEG the powers that be to release this film on REGION 1 DVD!! Please!!!!!!!! If you can watch this movie (it's available on PAL video) you should -- you must -- it will add such joy to your life!!
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Out at Work (1997)
Shocking Brilliant Film
21 August 2003
I watched this movie with my husband, and neither one of us could speak. We were so shocked and so revolted by the vicious, self-righteous, disgusting prejudice against gays that so many people felt comfortable expressing. I agree with another reviewer -- the Cantor Fitzgerald story was the worst. Two bosses, Bill Rice and Sean Blakesly, abused a gay worker in the most horrifying ways. They made a video in which they wore paper bags over their heads decorated with a black man's face, and an Asian man's face -- why didn't they just wear Klan hoods and admit what they really are? -- and proceeded to ridicule the gay employee. They then STEAL HIS CAR and paint it over with horrifying anti-gay slogans. This movie was shown at a training session and this poor man had to sit there with others and watch it! This is just one of many horrifying things they did. These people are the lowest of the low. They were WORSE than the worst juvenile I have ever encountered. I was stunned. I couldn't believe educated people were acting like this. The rage I felt towards those men, and the sympathy I felt for their victim, is not to be described. The other stories are horrible, also. One guy was beaten up for the crime of being gay. Another woman lost her job, and the people of her "community" were taped saying things like gay people shouldn't be able to work in a restaurant. Huh? Why does this happen? I recommend this movie highly AND WISH IT WERE ON DVD!! THIS WOULD BE SUCH A GREAT TEACHING TOOL! HINT, HINT! I think people should see this movie just to see how ugly and harmful and DISGUSTING prejudice is.
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7th Street (2002)
Brilliant, deeply moving documentary
12 August 2003
I saw this on the Sundance channel and was incredibly impressed. This is a documentary of both Josh Pais's life, and the life of 7th Street, in Manhattan's Lower East Side. He interweaves his own life story with the history of 7th Street. Pais interviews old friends from 7th Street, and even if you don't know them, you grow to care deeply about them. Deeply. I was moved to tears by the end of the documentary. It was fascinating to watch the history of 7th street unfold before you -- what I call pre-Giuliani to post Giuliani. It went from being a Jewish enclave, to a hippie artist's mecca, to a dangerous drug area, to a Yuppie paradise whose rents are forcing all the old-timers out. It was so interesting to watch this in 2003, to watch people discussing the dangerous drug dealers in 1995, knowing what the people in '95 could have no way of knowing -- those dealers would soon be history. The people obviously think that the drug situation is eternal -- they have no idea what is right around the corner. The people represent all ethnic groups -- Jewish, Puerto Rican, black, Native American, white -- because that's what 7th Street was all about. Diversity. I am so glad Pais made this documentary. I spent a lot of time on the LES during my adolescence, and I actually knew and remembered some of the people he interviewed. I wish this were available on DVD. I would buy it immediately.
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The Most Boring Movie I Ever Saw
8 August 2003
This was, without a doubt, the most boring movie I ever saw, and that includes Shanghai Surprise and Maid in Manhattan. I think this film is supposed to be deep and meaningful, but it is basically a plot-less slice of life. It drags, and drags, and drags. I had no idea why I was watching it. There was no plot! It was stultifying! Don't watch it!
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Wonderful, Breathtaking
21 June 2003
This is an incredible movie. It is one of the most visually beautiful films I have ever seen. The landscape is so gorgeous -- snowy mountains, vast plains, rolling hills -- just incredible. The story is very interesting. It is based on the true tale of a woman who went out west in the 1800s, and dressed and passed as a man. This film explores issues of sexism, racism, belonging, individuality, and isolation. I recommend it highly.
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Artemisia (1997)
Easy to find a flaw
9 July 2002
Another review of this movie stated that it is difficult to find a flaw in it. Perhaps that is true. It IS a very enjoyable movie. However, the events of the movie are not the events of Artemisia Gentileschi's life. This film portrays Tassi as an inspiration to Artemisia, and it portrays their sexual relationship as consensual. History proves differently. Artemisia Gentileschi was a far superior painter to Tassi. They also painted very different things. The depiction of the sexual relationships even more troubling. Artemisia maintained under brutal torture that Tassi raped her. Much of her greatest work addressed the themes of rape, and sex, and power. It makes me sad that this great artist had to struggle so hard in her life, struggle to be believed and taken seriously. It makes me even more sad that a film about her life would tell the story her attacker would like us to believe. It is as if the woman has been raped twice.
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