
17 Reviews
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The Cursed (2021)
Earie good old horror
11 July 2024
It's an atmospheric Victorian-era horror relying almost exclusively on show not tell with an interesting score, creepy cinematography relying on makes-sense script.

I appreciated the no jump scares; the film employeed a simple good pacing with old-school slow monster reveal raising the stakes and our curiosity.

Performances and good overall nothing ground breaking but at least dialogues, actions reactions and the personalities of the leading actors all made sense. This helped keep the focus on the viewer on the stakes in play and the development of the characters. Bit of a tribute to similar films in a good way!

Good film definitely deserves a 7/0.
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The Acolyte (2024)
No logic or common sense
11 June 2024
Completely random script writing that makes no sense to anyone older than 6yo. AI would have written a more coherent and cohesive plot. No events and/or characters are connected and the plot "just happens" without justification seemingly just because the next scen has to happen. It feels like entire scenes are missing, but no it's just how it's written.

One of the worst scripts by Disney it's not worthy even playing in the background utter rubbish acting from every point of view.

I find it difficult to actually produce something so random and unconnected - it's a shame money is wasted on such productions but what can you expect from Disney. It will make you furious and agitated.
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Road House (2024)
Boring and childish.
2 April 2024
Talentless female characters who cannot act. Frankie cannot act at all, her delivery is totally plain.

There is hardly a plot, I can't imagine who's this movie written for, what's its audience? There isn't much fighting so probably not for UFC funs. The little fighting is so badly choreographed it's like a joke cgi.

The script is quite slow and uneventful for teenagers; and superficial for adults.

I could not believe who unatural the spoken English was, who speaks like this...?

Random things adding nothing to the plot are happening.

The rich bad guy is generic, cringy and also pointless, with no character, intend or personality. His actions and decisions are random adding nothing to the plot.

So pretty much every character and the entire script is written like a caricature imitating badly other films and offering nothing to the genre.
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Boring for adults negative messaging for kids
10 January 2024
Yes the animation work is detailed and old school but if this film targets kids it's pushing negative shelfish messaging and simplifies the feeling of Christmas to a bunch of toys and staff.

Like if we don't have staff there's no Christmas. Demoralising and plain. There's no character development, no moral lesson and no repercussions for being naughty by Batkid Damian.

Batkid makes a massive mess of the city and is saved by its dad, getting him out of trouble.

If it's targeting parents it's boring and lazy written. I'm not sure why it was written and directed like this, it makes no sense neither for kids nor for adults.
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In Time (2011)
2/10 only for the concept - childish film
7 November 2023
One of the worst mainstream action films I've seen in a long time. Sure there are worst but not of this budget and actor calibre. It deserves a much worst rating than 6.7 because it's not redeemable by anything apart from the main concept.

Dialogues are moroning and the entire script seems to have been written by high schoolers.

Everything happens so easily, the plot develops with next to no suspense. Because action is frictionless, there is almost nothing that makes the protagonists struggle, viewers are not captivated or worried since there are no stakes.

I'm wishing someone redid this film with some action writing and film making experience.
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Nice family movie. Nothing more
4 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Few jokes, nothing edgy. Nice photography, costume design and cinematography in general. Well made cgi.

The PG12 rating represents the film 100%, in terms of action and script complexity. I felt it's not so much addressing adults, maybe just for parents going to a cinema with their family.

Some character development, but everything seemed too be happening too easy. I didn't feel invested into the characters, but I did find myself caring a little bit.

No unnecessary romance. That would have completely ruined the film.

Doted references to ADandD.

Similar to watching guardians of the galaxy, follows the old Marvel script.
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The Batman (2022)
Pointless and boring
3 April 2022
I was disappointed at every level apart from music and photography.

What type of movie was this? Action not really. Romantic close but nope. Thriller tried but nope.

Buffer by good reviews.
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Mediocre and lazy film
6 October 2021
Starting with the positive, the visual effects of the symbiotes are cool. And the photography of the film is really nice, colours, cinematography etc.

Also cool is Hardy's and Harrelson's performance.

The negative:
  • boring script writing
  • full of plot holes, if you cannot write a decent script just go only for an action film. It is very distracting trying to make sense of disconnected behaviours
  • full of cliches
  • PG13 is rubbish, not worthy of Venom/Carnage content.

  • Symbiotes fighting is also rubbish, no stakes, borirg
  • The entire "action" part of the film is derivative of dozens of better films

waste of time.
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Big Mouth: The Funeral (2020)
Season 4, Episode 8
Irrelevant character development and vulgarity
23 January 2021
I loved seasons 1-3. Not convinced yet by season 4. I liked many things from this episode, especially the depiction of gay conundrums. The family friction felt real and character suitable.

Andy's OCD trait seems forced and unrelated; the character hasn't demonstrated any neurotic traits previously and in this episode it is taken to an extreme.

hormone monster's role are getting tedious and annoying. Losing its edge.
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Venom (2018)
Pointless scriptless film
17 November 2020
Full of holes script that could have been amazing but the main issues being the PG13 and the terrible script, completely destroyed the film. It is almost unwatchable
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No magic only cliches
2 March 2020
Loved the books, liked the films but the new franchise of "Fantastic Beasts" are not suitable even for flight entertainment if you are older than 10yo. If the intention of the director, writers etc is to address the younger-than-10yrs old market then they may have succeeded.

But even the magical creatures look sooo fake. I will not go into how the story is completely pointless or how the characters are undeveloped and unconnected.
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V-Wars (2019)
A popular but overdone concept
4 February 2020
The first 8 episodes introduce a few different characters that make it interesting to watch, but only in the background. Character development is really shallow and the plot does not move towards a story climax just setting up the next episodes.

The characters are pleasant but not relatable. The motives of the main characters are a bit confusing if not superficial.
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The Bad Batch (2016)
Mediocre "Mad Max goes to Burning Man" adaptation
13 October 2018
I did not see any point in this film apart from some scenes of strong cinematography due to the desert backdrop. I am all for attempting to create a kitch "dream" but the film fails to do that. Instead the director Ana Lilly, seems to have put together a derivative cacophony of Mad Max with influences from the Hills have Eyes influenced from what it seems her latest week at Burning Man. The styling is generally mediocre, the soundtrack is mediocre and the violence is average and predictable. Yes the screenplay is nonsensical but I would welcome this if the visual, audio and aesthetics of the film compensated so I would be able to immerse myself into it without fast forwarding the last 55min
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The Nice Guys (2016)
Clever and sophisticated noir comedy
24 February 2017
Do audiences demand more cliché laden films or is that film producers and studios are incapable of producing time worthy stories and are training to watch clichés and remakes? Well, this is not a social experiment just a film review intro.

Original simplicity is remarkably difficult to achieve in film nowadays because of the above chicken and egg paradox. Viewers do not mind a film using elements or paying homage to genre defining films as long as the characters and the story make sense without distractions. The team behind Nice Guys has managed to create a smart film about two awkward and unique characters for Gosling and Crowe who are trying to solve a mystery involving the death of a porn star in 70s LA.

Watch it!
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A very real current film without unnecessary bells & whistles
17 February 2017
The film depicts a normal dinner party. A group of middle-aged friends eat and drink together discussing how smartphones influence our everyday life. As they all agree they have nothing to hide they decide to play a game that will put their beliefs and friendships to test.

The film is strong on individual performances, a facetious script and honest character building.

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Did not offer anything memorable
9 May 2010
Sometimes before watching a movie, you make the compromise based on the title mainly that you shouldn't expect anything spectacular or innovative.

Being prepared I am not going to watch a sample of amazing comedy I was still a bit disappointed by the movie overall. Watching it in ideal conditions for a movie of its kind still leaves you with a sense of incompleteness.

Overall, mildly entertaining. It had potential to be more fun if was made pg-15 at least. Some scenes seemed to miss a climax point. I watched all of it, but I wouldn't mind if I hadn't seen.
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Ju-on encapsulates the essence of its title - its a visual and auditory depiction of a grudge
21 October 2009
I choose to refrain from outlining the feature's storyline. Its a conscious choice of mine, potentially based on the fact that, in contrast with the majority of horror movies, the script isn't too important right here.

Reading comments from other viewers I agree that one has to be savvy of the Japanese cinema style to get sucked in the movie and potentially needs to pay some attention in how the characters are connected with each other. Most would agree the film isn't a no-brainer sum of jumpy scenes with trivial horror directing tricks. Nevertheless, I feel the script isn't the film's cornerstone.

Watching it I have to admit I didn't jump off my seat – although I was hugging a big pillow throughout, I didn't scream – and I have screamed with inferior horrors in the past. Nevertheless, I remained motionless allowing myself to slowly sink deeper and deeper into Ju-on's uniquely creepy experience.

The overall horrific effect of Ju-on is extensively attributed to the clever cinematography and editing successfully preserving the Japanese style of cinema. I loved the naturally lit scenes and the straight-forward special effects which alongside with the laconic storyline resulted in a masterpiece I could compare with Stephen King's, IT. Both of them managed to scare the life out of me making my hair stand in salute, without anyone around me knowing.
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