
2 Reviews
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Lola (2022)
Sci-fi time bending and vintage photography weirdness makes LOLA an interesting watch
28 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to review this short indie movie as others seem to be doing it an injustice. Sadly looking into the future is currently impossible but if we are to suspend belief then this is an entertaining concept with some interesting use of vintage photography that tries to give it a weird authenticity.

The film opens with a found film archive from the 1930's that tells the story of misguided interventions of the future that results in the rise of fascism in Britain which even today is a chilling thought. The altered future is eventually resolved (or is it?) without creating too many time travel conundrums. An entertaining film worth a watch if you are interested in science fiction and time travel.
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Rent as a B movie and you won't be disappointed
29 January 2023
As a sci fi B movie with a special effects budget the size of a Giganotosaurus it is pretty cool. I enjoyed the crazy dino motorbike chase scenes they are technically quite brilliant. We cheered on the feathery dinos although this all seems so ridiculous in the cold climate depicted. The lack of direction of the cast is laugh out load funny but the real pain is the absence of any credible storyline. How can a movie franchise with a budget of this size end up with writing as empty as this? We deserve better. But it still enjoyable if you love your Jurassic scaly craziness. Crack open a beer and have fun with it as it must surely be the last one.
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