
1 Review
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Mujeres asesinas (2022– )
Great in its own way
24 December 2022
If you want to compare to the original Mexican version of the show, then you shouldn't watch this version.

This is a fresh take on the show, and it seems it is a lot more inspired in the way the original Argentinian version is portrayed, which is appreciated.

The original show had a darker tone and was a lot more raw, which I see this new version trying to do that and not quite failing, but not succeeding either. The only thing missing from this is that some of the climax just doesn't hit quite as good as the original show or the Mexican re-adaptation.

The first episode is the only one I had an issue with, but overall, still enjoyed it. Hopefully the creator/producers take a lot of things into consideration and try to make this show even better!
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