BORN: December 17, 1966
The Driving Instructor – my Australianized adaptation of a classic sketch by Bob Newhart.
The Law is not Concerned with Trifles – a comic monologue I adapted from the classic BBC Radio Show "My Word".
Said Hanrahan – a classic Australian poem by John O’Brien.
Mulga Bill’s Bicycle – a classic Australian poem by A B "Banjo" Patterson.
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice – a dramatic poem that came from an LP set I had as a little kid; originally performed by Jim Backus to the famous Dukas music piece.
The Biology Professor – a short sketch I devised based on an old schoolyard joke.
Rindercella – a comic story which most old people have heard (it seems to always turn up performed by a talented kid at some amateur concert or other).
Being born (natch!).
My parents arranging a surprise birthday party for me with my class in Year 5 at school.
Being interviewed for a local newspaper article at a holiday club.
My classmates arranging with the school principal to announce my birthday on the school PA in Year 10.
Winning a trophy for Best Individual Performance at a college Talent Nite with "The Driving Instructor" and other pieces.
Getting a commendation for my Tertiary Entrance Exam English answers.
Performing "The Sorcerer’s Apprentice" at a christian youth charity concert.
Visiting the theme parks on the Queensland Gold Coast.
My work associates throwing me a birthday party at Royal Perth Hospital.
My career advisor arranging for my e-mail address on the web.
Getting internet access at home (thanks Dad!).