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Moon Knight: The Friendly Type (2022)
More Character Development and Action
This episode had more of a plot but also more action. I feel like this episode is maybe better then the first two. Marc and Steven have more dialogue together and they start giving each other more respect.
Daredevil: Into the Ring (2015)
Great start
A lot of character development is in the first episode alone, good cinematography, great fights and a amazing plot gives the episode a solid 8/10 for me.
The Batman (2022)
Perfect in every way
It was so much fun.
My theater was packed. I went to see it and i was happy with the results.
Do not expect too much action, there are only like 4-5 Batman Fight scenes. It's a detective story. Basically a cop movie but the cop is Batman. Like se7en.
Blacklight (2022)
Okay enough.
Liam is getting old. It's clear in this film just by watching by him run. This movie isn't what you'd call a masterpiece. But the last hour is enough to enjoy some good old fun action. Comparing this to Taken or calling it Taken 4 makes no sense. His daughter and Granddaughter get Taken in the last 30 minutes or so. And this movie has an entire different plot.
Need for Speed: The Run (2011)
This would do better as a movie.
I loved the idea behind the story. It's probably the best nfs story as of right now. The gameplay is trash though. But if there were a movie about this i can already tell you it would be better then all nfs games.
The Accountant (2016)
Very good Thriller.
I went into this movie with meh expectations. Ended it with happyness and satisfaction. It has a good story and i´m the type of person that is interested in action and story doesn´t really matter to me but this movie had a interesting story and a different type of main character we get most of the time. The villain is good, supporting characters are good. A few flaws for example the beginning of the murder spree is never really solved. We learn who the man is who came across the murder spree. And we learn who the actual killer is but we never learn why or who he killed. Other then this amazing movie.
Rocky Balboa (2006)
Not as good as the previous movies.
First of all Rocky V had rocky have brain damage which we clearly saw at his fight vs Tommy Gunn. But in this movie it was a misdiagnosis. Second of all Paulie seems to be more annoying every rocky movie he's in. Third, I feel like Mason Dixon doesn't get enough screen time. We barely know anything about him. He's been in this movie for maybe 15 minutes (and that's counted with the final fight) while other fighters had way way way more screen time in the previous rocky movies. And this movie is kinda slow which makes it boring. The whole little Marie thing is just not working for me. And leaving Adrian out of this movie i don't know how i feel of that.