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This movie is gonna be a guide for Renters in the USA in 2022 forward as Landlords are getting Super Greedy!!!
22 June 2022
Griffith and Modine didn't deserve what happens to them in this 1990 thriller. I still love this movie and Keaton was just deliciously EVIL!!! ;D

But.... Fast forward to 2022, where people are being evicted from rentals by greedy property owners with a historic 30% rent hike. Old people, sick and dying people, women with small kids. Was just watching Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 9, Ep 15. (RENT) and this movie popped into my head.

This can become a manual to get back at Actual, REAL and Super Greedy Landlords who are evicting the most vulnerable at unheard of record rates in 2022!! And I say Go for it People!!! It's time to REVOLT against these GREEDY Monsters!!! And the government is not building affordable housing and affordable single family homes. Contractors just want to build McMansions and Luxury apartments! And it took one woman 29 years to get section 8. WHAT???? :O Did we Learn NOTHInG from the Housing Bubble of 2007 People????

And now with the killing of Row v Wade, We are gonna see a ton of babies living under bridges and in tent cities, like our homeless CRISIS wasn't BAD ENOUGH!!! Safe and Affordable Housing NEEDS to be A HUMAN RIGHT!!!

I just keep thinking, Hey, Jesus! When are you Coming BACk!! And Wondering if He just Gave Up on US, especially here in the USA!! Maybe Evil Putin will just Blow up the world in his quest to take Ukraine, which will be nothing but blood filled soil of death and rubble by the time he's done. CRAZY!!! EVIL!!! But you know what??? I can't help but think, maybe this World does deserve to Blow Up!!! That's seems to be the only way to stop this STAMPEED of EVIL, GREED, RACISM and HATE and just Full on Stupidity, Corruption, Lies, and the killing of democracy, freedom and the right of every person to vote, that fills every corner of this Planet!!!

Maybe God just need to pull an ETch-a-Sketch! And just shake the whole thing clean and start over!!!! :O "

Blessed are the Meek, for they shall inherit the earth!" There won't be anything worth having at all in a few more years at this RATE! So I vote for my ETch-a-Sketch idea listed above!!
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Halftime (2022)
NO GIRL!!! Your NOT still Jenny From the BLOCK!! :o
22 June 2022
I love J.lo in Selena, and she has her whole Career based on and owed to the Tragic Death of the Real Selena (Who was a super talented Star, who struggled since she was a little girl to Make it BIG!!) RIP Selena. :(

I think I liked about 3 or 4 other movies she made, like The Cell,(Which if we are honest D'Onofrio was really the BIG draw on, but I liked her outfits) Enough, (which was interesting but went beyond suspension of disbelief towards the last half) and the one with Robert Redford. But Mostly she's Not a great actress and if she Deserved an Oscar, it should have been for Selena, sadly not anything else she has made since.

I think she is Beautiful, and can sing and dance (considering she's in her 50's she is still Kicking It like she's 30) So to the people who knocked her dancing, I'm sure most of you from 30 to 50 can't even tie your own shoes without getting winded. So there's that!!

I think the thing that most impressed me about this documentary was the fact that they tried to change her show the day before. Those old white dudes that own the NFL, knew her plans with the cages and a rightful political statement, important to latinos, people of color and refugees trying to come to the US for a better life. They specifically hired her (and Shakira) to repair their damaged RACIST REPUTATIOn!! So REALLy dudes, what did you expect???? But yeah, could have done without the stripper pole, but I loved her daughter being in it with her singing Bruce Springfield's Anthem (Born in the USA!!) So I did like that j.lo didn't back down and let them try to change her show and message of kids in cages, being ripped away from their parents, damaged for life and some even lost and permanently separated, by a Very Different, dark and cold hearted America we've seen, that's gotten much worse since 2016!!! Too Much Hate in the USA today, Sadly!!

But, then there was her incessant whining about an Oscar, and for a Movie about Strippers, that was just a 5 at best in my book. Girl, that just made you LOOK REALLY BAD!!! And was just plain CRINGE WORTHY!!!

In all Honesty, I don't think any Latina or any performer of Color should have taken the 2019 SuperBowl invite for the Half time show!! Let them fix their own Reputation!!! Someone needs to build a Football team of people of color and non-racist white players. And then lets see who starts winning the SuperBowls???? LOL ;D

Sadly, only parts of this doc were worth watching, the rest just shined an entitled cringy light on her. Hopefully she learns something from this experience. For the Better Please!! :(
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Mid-Century (2022)
GarbAGE!!! :( Waste of time!
22 June 2022
Despite Having 2 well know actors, I actually Really like, Dern and Lang! This was just SO MUCH SLOW and Stupid Garbage!!! I think these 2 seasoned actors either did someone a favor appearing in this, or were bored and just wanted something to do, Obviously Anything to do!!! Waste of their talents!!

I gave it 2 points for the beautiful architecture of the Mid-century homes I am familiar with from my youth.

But, Such a BAD and Boring SCRIPT!!! Could have been a decent movie with a Better script and much better actors, because I didn't recognize anyone and they were so emotionless and making constant stupid horror cliché choices! For a Doctor and Architect, I found the 2 leads (couple) to be Really lame! But I'll take that Thunderbird, Please!! ;D

The houses and 50's style clothing and beautiful cars is NOT a good enough reason to WASTE almost 2 hours of your life on this Tripe!! You've been warned!
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Actually, One of the Better Horror Movies in 2022! ;D
22 June 2022
Loved all the Retro 70's and found this a fun and scary watch!! I was the same age as these kids in 78 and remember dissecting a poor frog in 7th grade science. Everything about this movie transported me back to my youth! Loved the pinball machines, music, and the fact that the worst you had to worry about happening to you at school was an encounter with a bully!!! (Not like todays REAL life and totally Unacceptable Horror for kids in school!)

The characters were mostly likable, sympathetic and relatable. With of course the exception of Ethan Hawkes well done Monster and a few bully's and a Dad.

This was suspenseful and Not a Gore-fest! And the Not knowing and Not seeing EVERy AWFUL thing made it surprisingly better.

They really captured the vibe of what it was like to be a young teen in the 70's. And the Nightmare of a Boogie Man on the loose! I say Watch IT!!
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I'm Late to this Animation Party, but Glad I finally arrived! ;D
24 May 2022
Binged all 3 seasons and gotta say, Bad Traveling (Season 3 ep 2) Was my favorite! "At Times we Crack, only to Let the light IN!" I also love the 3 Robots Exit Strategy. Jibaro was visually stunning, but confusing and I felt I was being slapped in the face with images a lot of the time which didn't make we enjoy it as much as I could have.

Snow in the Desert and Automated Customer Service were a great watch. I already feel like that old woman and her dog (when it comes to tech lately) :O And All Through the House, was a creepy surprise so, those were may Favs of Season 2.

Zima Blue, Lucky 13, The Dump, Good Hunting, Sonnies Edge and Suits as well as Three Robots were the best in Season 1. I love the Robots and the cat! Ha hahahaha Those poor robots would be terrified to step into my house. ;D

Overall, a nice mix of different styles of animation and story telling, mixed with horror and sci-fi that made this a fun Binge!!;D.
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Torn Hearts (2022)
Yeah, a 4 and that's me being Generous! ;(
24 May 2022
I love Katey Sagal and that creepy country mansion, but they wasted her here and the potential for a good gothic/country horror show. Too BAD. The 2 main girls just didn't work right and the script was complete Garbage!! It's a one and done for me folks.
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Better Call Saul: Plan and Execution (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
Ladies and Gents, It's Lalo-Wise and the Ring of FIRE!!! :O
24 May 2022
OMG!!! I'm still in SHOCK!!! :O That episode literally FRIED all my Synapses!! Couldn't help but think of Johnny Cash singing Ring of Fire! Cause it Burns! Burns! Burns!!

One of the Best, and horrifically unexpected episodes of this show! Maybe THE BEST!!!

Made me feel like I was ambushed and staring thru eyes that had blood dripping into them. I'm not gonna waste your time saying anything more, except WATCH IT NOW!!!
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Martyrs Lane (2021)
Not Horror, more of a heartbreaking, haunting ghost story.
1 May 2022
They really need to label movies correctly, because there really wasn't much horror in this movie. It's a mystery and a ghost tale. But I really liked it and the 2 main child actresses were Wonderful! Rachel made me think of what Nicole Kidman probably looked like as a little girl. And Leah, who carried most of this movie, is Amazing with her emotional range and I think will be someone to watch, as her star may rise, if she continues acting.

I Love Gothic horror, or in this case ghost stories. And I love the scenes with the Minister, Leah's Father in the church talking about Heaven and Hell. I knew Right Away, it wasn't a Catholic Church. LOL I thought it was just lovely how he discussed this subject with his young daughter.

I related a lot to Leah, even the bunny scene, sadly. I loved her room and what seemed like a Byzantine Era angel artwork above her bed. And I've always loved and been familiar with Hebrews13:2 since I was a small girl. And try to follow it all my life. Wish more people in this world would too.

Anyhoo... If your here for a slow moving, mystery, drama, that's wrapped in a ghost story with some likable characters (and some Not so likable) and don't want a Gore-fest. Then you may like this movie.

If you have no empathy for others and the attention span of a mayfly, Then I suggest you MOVE ON!! ;D.
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X (II) (2022)
"When Did YOU become Such a PRUDE?" Ha hahahaha
1 May 2022
I was actually surprised that I ENJOYED this Ti West Horror, after watching the preview months ago, and thinking, Oh NO, another torture porn Gorefest!!

But, seeing so many reviews and decent overall score (which sadly, you can't always trust number scores). I decided to watch it.

I'm a 70's kid, who was 14 in 79, and in the Weeds!. LOL So the vibe of this movie, the Fabulous Soundtrack, the actually very likable characters made this a fun story. I loved the cinematography, and the aerial shots, of that lake. LOL :O.

And the beautiful Rendition of Stevie Nick's 'Landslide' by Brittany Snow. With those split screen shots, was just kinda heart breaking. It sucks to get Old.

It's slow paced, like 70's horror I love (Original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Other, Burnt Offerings). But the acting and likable characters and cinematography with great placed sound track, lured you in to their world. It didn't feel so Over the top Fake, like so many horror movies these days.

And the amount of sex scenes, considering this is a movie about a 1979 low budget porn shoot, (which is now called soft porn) Really didn't show much more than you see in a PG 13 movie these days, except for the few seconds of male frontal.

So the sex and the horror were NOT over done, but it sure was creepy, especially toward the end with the bed scenes. LOL GROSSS!!! So SCARY!!!

So if you wanna blaze one up and sit back an enjoy an old school 70's horror with a bit of sex and gore, then you may well enjoy this movie.

If your here for Hardcore Sex and Gore, then head to Porn Hub or some other internet sex site. Or for gore go watch Saw, Hostel, Midnight Meat Train. Because you won't be liking this movie.

Overall, pretty well done and a fun watch. I think the Real Siskel and Ebert would have given this 2 thumbs up back in the day! ;D.
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Gentleman Jack (2019–2022)
Give Em H3LL, Jack the Lass! ;D
1 May 2022
I love this show. An excellent, dramatic period piece with Suranne Jones, whom is Spectacular as Anne Lister. I'm straight, and I would have Loved to have know the Real Anne Lister back in the day. If she was even 1/2 of the Anne portrayed on this show, she WAS Amazing AF!!!!

She is a bit man-ipulative, LOL, but that's how she had to be to survive. But overall she has a good, kind heart, and despite her hard shell, she has her fragility and vulnerabilities. I love her ruby heart pin, which is a reminder of that. She's tough, but she's fair with her employees. What a BRAVE woman!! And she Refuses to let men push her around!! And I love her Aunt, Dad and Sister whom love her and have her back!!

Great show and I recommend it, worth a watch and re-watch for sure!! Which I just did, because covid caused season 2 to be so late. A Toast to You Gentleman Jack!! ;D.
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Hail Satan? (2019)
Saw this when it 1st aired 3 years ago and thought OMG!! :O
19 April 2022
Was surprised by this documentary and the FACT they are fighting for The Separation of Church and State. And I AGREE with them. This country was NOT founded on Christian Values, but on FREEDOM OF RELIGION!! Most people have seem to forgotten about that Part of HISTORY, since 2016 more than ever!!

The people in this group are NOT the people ARMED to the Teeth with HUGE guns in public, and shooting an innocent guard at a Family Dollar during the Pandemic early days because they Refused to follow the stores policy and WEAR a MASK!! They aren't the ones trying to hijack Democracy and beating guards in Washington to Death with a Flag, Stealing Podiums and Smearing their Sh*t on the Walls! OH, yeah those shooters, crazies are right wing Christians. SAD, But True.

Pretty sure, I don't remember the Bible mentioning anything about Jesus and his Apostles walking around armed to the teeth, despite all the death threats that hung over them like a cloud. Hmmmmmm.....

I was amazed by the tenants of this group, I'm Not sure they are Satanic at all. Is it a lure, an attention grab that they Claim to be Satanists to get their point across that Freedom and Equality FOR ALL is on it's knees and fighting for breath as of late??? I found them more educated, knowledgeable, open, and caring than 90% of the Politicians running our states and country, especially since 2016, who seem to rule with hatred, racism, homophobia and draconian laws, intolerance, violence and a total disrespect for democracy and complete arrogance, stupidity and lies that deny science and medicine, and their obvious denial of the fact that we all have a right to vote.

When the Christians are the ones running around acting Hateful, Violent and Crazy and these so called "Devil's Advocates" are talking about peace, fair laws and ending homelessness. Well, D@MN!!! I gotta admit it is both ShocKing and InTeresting!! I told all my friends and family back then to watch this.

Worth a watch for Sure!!! I wanna go to Heaven when this ride is over, But lately, I'm Not sure that This Place Isn't Hell. :O.

And this Documentary is the 1st to be added to my new list I just made tonight titled: YEP!!! The USA has Gone FULL ON BonKERS!!
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Roar (2022– )
Meh... Just kinda underwhelmed!
19 April 2022
I was expecting more from this series. The stories felt a bit off, some confusing and like the writers couldn't think of a coherent ending so they just left it like that. Had some good actors, some funny moments, some horrific moments and over all, a lot of sadness. That's all I got from this. Like I said, underwhelmed.
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Gotta agree with CatWipp's Review!! And add my own 2 cents...
12 April 2022
We just watch her brother Ian, cry about her being in Shackles like a Monster!! Duh..... She is a MONSTER!! And if she was my sister and did this Horrific stuff, I wouldn't WANT NOTHING to do with her!!! And I call the cops myself and tell them where to find her. Just cause your related to someone doesn't mean you REALLY know them. H3ll, sometimes, we don't even Really know OURSELVES!!! :O

They are all a bunch of Rich CRIMINALS that are used to getting AWAY with EVERYTHING, All their lives!! Look at their DAD, who Robbed the Retirement accounts of his employees and then we are supposed to feel SO BAD for POOR LITTLE RICH GIRL, with her GIANT, GAUWDY, UGlY AF Pearl earring which probably cost a small fortune!! And her top of the line Education (OH GOD!! That was just meant for show, it wasn't suppose to help her get a Career and work like all the peasants around them that toiled in her father's offices as slaves, only to have their retirement stolen from them, so he could show off and live large and have mansions and big boats and treat people like crap...HMMM... sounds like she's attracted to men just like her DADDY!!!) MONSTEROUS, ABUSIVE, Criminals.

OH, but Ian and his brother got off from the charges of ripping off all those pensions once DAddy died, so they figure their Monster pedo sister should too!!! GROSS, YUK, BARF!!! Just throw this B*tch in the Dungeon already and throw away the Key, I'm sick of her Lying, Entitled FACE already!!! Actually, stick her in Khalissi's Dragon Dungeon with those 3 hungry dragons, kinda sounds fitting for her, considering she did that with a lot of underage girls!! The Dragon's would probably spit out her foul flesh! ;D

And UH DUH... People internalize trauma differently and even at different ages, they can be different experience moving forward from. But I tell you what, when something horrific happens to you, YOU DON'T FORGET IT!!! It scars you, it haunts you, you can have night terrors for years or decades. Some people bury it so deep trying to forget, to hide from it. We all deal with it differently.

Just like if the Average person, Rode 1st Class on a Plane all around the world, and stayed in the top hotels and mansions for just 1 week in their average lives, they would Remember the details of it forever most likely. But the Maxwell's forget it, because they live like that every day, so they aren't gonna remember the details. (But I also believe that Jury members should be HONEST TOO!!) He didn't help the victims and I wanted to SLap HIM!!

So Yeah!! Shut Up and Go to JAIL Already, You fed girls to a MOnster Pedo, and I gotta say, I'm still wondering if Jeffrey is even DEAD!!! Who examined his Body???? Did he pay to pretend he died in prison? Did all the Rich Scum and Politicians he dealt with maybe get him out and hide him so that all his info wouldn't be leaked for the world to see How many of Them are Monsters too??? Weird that NONE of the Cameras for his Cell worked, when he was on Suicide watch??? And the cops that found him Screaming, "BREATHE JEFFREY!! BREATHE!!" What??? Sorry, this sounds like a fiction to me.... Sorry, but it just seems like they keep saying 2 + 2 =5, when, excuse me, just cause I don't have a Gold spoon up my Arse Degree, doesn't mean I don't know that 2 + 2 ALWAYS Equals 4 (Yeah, that's called BASIC MATH!! I've know that since I was 4 years old!! ) You Rich Dummies!!

Sorry, but I do wonder... I need to go look this up, I think they shoulda asked for identifying body marks from his victims when the autopsy was done. Probably Hung with a Vienna Sausage, most pedo's are that's why they need to screw little girls. So they can feel like A BIG MAN!!! Rot in Hell Epstein, hope Satan is using your mouth as his Private Toilet!!! Same way Epstein and Ghislaine treated these young girls bodies!!! Shame on YOU!!! Just EVIL!!!
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The Sonata (2018)
I'm a Rutger fan, but Not his best work, But lots of Architectural Eye candy!!
12 April 2022
Not the greatest movie, but not the worst either. Kinda interesting story, a bit creepy. But hard to suspend disbelief, which is a turn off for me. But still really fun to look at that house, and the woods, and all that moss and interesting kind of puzzle. Ehhhh... I love Rutger, but this is a 1 and done for me.

If your a Rutger fan, or love cool old creepy houses and string music, then I say give it a watch. ;D.
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NEVER Heard of this Beloved BOZO MONSTER till this!!
12 April 2022
Well, Guess this is just Britain's Bill Cosby!! A Much Beloved man, who seemed to be doing good things in his life for others and had TONS of Fans for Decades, only to find out HE WAS a CREEPY PEDO and Rapists of Disabled Adults, Children of all ages and JUST A MONSTER who should ROT in the BOWELS of H3LL!!!

It's so strange, how we look back at old footage and see these Monster's repeating the same creepy (what most people, think is a joke) and find out decades later that he was Rubbing his Despicable unknown behaviors in the FACES of All his FANS. IcK!! YUK!! BARF!!!

Just like Bill Cosby, only Really Creepy looking from the get go!! Shame on the Adults who gave him UNSUPERVISED access to young girls, disabled patients just for the Fleeting moments of Fame!! Shame on THEM ALL!!

This was a very long, drawn out documentary, which could have benefitted from some MASSIVE editing. They almost seemed to be cheering him on thru 95% of it, and then finally let you know what a HUGE EVIL TURD this guy was. Moderately interesting to me, cause I had NO CLUE who this guy even was, till I watched this, But No surprise, He's a MONSTER TOO. Good Riddance to more HUMAN TRASH!!!
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EVERYBODY Needs to WATCH this Episode, No Matter WHAT YOUR POLITICAL Affiliation, SERiousLY PEOPLE!! :O
12 April 2022
Had to Review this episode, as a long time FAN of John Oliver, this is A VERY IMPORTANT EPISODE that affects EVERY AMERICAN, young, old, democrat, republican, independent. YOU NEED TO SEE THIS and KNOW that this is NO BS!!! If you don't, YOU WILL BE SORRY!!!

I've known for a long time and worried when these data collection online sites, started to broadcast my addresses, my unlisted phone number (when we still had landlines in the early 2000's and other personal information, that I NEVER POSTED online) I paid for an UNLISTED number all my adult life and even had my address protected by the Courts in the early 90's and I WAS TERRIFIED for WOMEN, especially and wondered how many people would die, because of these intrusive and what seemed to me, Illegally collected and easily shared information. But MY GOD, I had No idea, how much more WORSE it actually is. And this is coming from someone who was Collateral Damage for life by the Experian Hack years ago, and they waited over 6 months to tell us that HALF of ALL American's personal information had been Handed out like Halloween Candy to Every Criminal in the Universe. That not only included adults, like me, but your children, babies. Anyone with a social security number and Experian basically did NOthing to protect us or help us and Now we are left looking over our shoulders for the REST OF OUR LIVES. And People, We Can't opt out of this Creepy and Disturbing and often life and finance destroying money game that these companies play with our information and our lives.

And I Gotta SAY BRAVO JOHN!! You ROCK and I don't give a Cr@p if you were born in England, You should be the NEXT PRESIDENT!! All his shows, have helped people to learn and protect themselves from dangers some of us had and still have NO CLUE is going on. And this NEW LEVEL information stealing GAME NEEDS to STOP!!!

I'm not gonna give anymore spoilers, but I want him to divulge that envelopes contents, So Congress, who has done NOTHING to protect it's citizens from having our 4th amendment rights, RAPED, every minute of every day by data mining companies, will maybe NOW have a bit of a Fire lit under their BUms and start making LAWS that protect All of US. And I mean ALL OF US. EVERY Bloody Citizen of these United STATES!!! Start writing and calling your Congressmen and women, and participate in protecting yourselves, your children and your grandchildren, Because the clock is ticking and you don't wanna wait til your life is destroyed or worse to REALISE that We ALL NEED to Stop fighting about stupid things like Mr. Potato Head and Dr. Seuss and Start Protecting Ourselves/Each other in this virtual world we live in, that we can NO LONGER OPT OUT OF!!!

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OMG!!! This old Movie is HILARIOUS!!!! ;D
13 March 2022
I saw this as a little kid and forgot about it till now. The reason I gave it an 8 was because it was soooooo Funny!!! I loved that CAT, she looks just like my 1st TnR Feral named EASTWOOD! She's got the same Gunslinger Eyes And she's just as Ferocious!

No, the story wasn't the greatest, but keep in mind it's from 1961. The acting isn't great either. But that CAT is a Star, the Best Actor of the whole lot. LOL

I loved seeing what a bunch of Huge Chicken's all these Evil, Greedy, Murderous Adults were when it came to this cute little Tabby! That Cat was so smart and H3LL bent on Revenge for it's master's demise.

I had a big black cat, in the early 90's who was just a huge honey, named Liberace. But whenever my boyfriend yelled at me, Liberace would go and pee on his favorite chair. Ha hahahaha Needless to say, he didn't yell at me much after the 3rd time his chair was ruined. LOL Ahhhhh cats are such Wonderful Animals! ;D

Go spark one up and get ready to Laugh your @SS off! ;D.
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Fyre Fraud (2019)
The trailer on this site has the words "Help US!" Ha hahahahaha ;D
13 March 2022
Sorry, but NOT sorry. A bunch of rich and lying influencers like Kendall Jenner, making $250,000 for 1 post for this thirst trap Fantasy Island NIghtmare for the Rich and SPOILT!! Ha hahahahaha

You know what, they Got what they deserve. There are children dying from lack of food, clean water, a roof over their heads, life saving medicines, and deadly mosquito viruses. But these Rich BRATS would rather shell out $4,000 to $50,000 for a 2 day concert on some island that was promoted to belong to Pablo Escobar, which turned out they were kicked off of and had to do it somewhere else, and screwed 100s of Real and Hardworking Islanders out of a pay check for suffering for weeks in the hot sun setting up this ridiculous Failure for a Scamming Thief. I feel sorry for the Islanders, but all the people that bought into this BRAT FEST, I will only play, on my Tiny, tiny violin "My Heart Bleeds for You!" NOT!!! Ha hahahahha Oh poor babies, they had to suffer a little bit for a few days. WHAAAAAA

Hey, I guess Karma kicked a few thousand rich and selfish Morons in the Rear for a change.

And the Idiot thieving, piece of Poo that set this up, well, he's gets out on bail and goes to live in a penthouse and use his email list to scam more money from all the same rich idiots. And then barely gets a slap on the hand. I hope the courts will seize his assets and at least pay all the poor Islander's who were used and abused by All these Rich, Selfish Idiots! ;D.
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The Dropout (2022)
Amanda manages to pull off the Creepiness of the Real Elizabeth! :O
13 March 2022
I watched a documentary few years back about Elizabeth Holmes Fiasco!! Basically Diary of a Selfish, Greedy and Dangerous Sociopath!

This series, helps fill in a few blanks, but yeah, gotta agree with another reviewer who mentioned that the timing of this coming out before the Real Elizabeth is to be sentenced in the supposed near future, doesn't really sit right.

I hope she goes to jail for at least 20 years, but, alas, people with money get a slap on the hands and walk away, doesn't matter who they killed, endangered or defrauded. But God help the poor average American who gets caught with a bit of pot, in one of the few states where it's still illegal, you will have your home and car and bank account taken away and go to jail for a good 10 years, even if it was strictly for medical purposes like cancer or PTSD.

Where are all these Creepy Millennials coming from??? Like this Holmes gal and Zuckerberg, with their intelligence, lack of humanity or consequences and their truly creepy, dead shark eyes. ICK, gives me the Willies!

And people, PLEASE!!! Stop being a YES MAN to your Creepy, Evil, Greedy Bosses. When you see they are doing harm to society. Leave and Blow the bloody whistle!!! Don't wait for innocent people to suffer or die.

Series is worth a watch if you are following or interested in this Bizarre Real life Case. But the Documentary was better.
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From (2022– )
Wow! Alot of good actors and Very Disturbing Story! :o
13 March 2022
I'm enjoying this series so far, it's not anything really original, but it does have its moments here and there. Very much reminds me of Wayward Pines as others have mentioned. But it has it's own little twists and tweaks, and 5 episodes in and they haven't really given away much about what is out in the Woods and how does this town Trap people from all over. It is like a Twilight Zone styled episode, drawn out into a series.

But, I'm liking it so far and that theme song, at 1st I thought it was Leonard Cohen singing Que Sera, Sera. But it's Not... But still very good rendition and super creepy sound to an old Doris Day Classic.

I say watch it, if you like stuff like The Twilight Zone, Wayward Pines, The Wicker Man, Population 436, or The 3rd Day.
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The Chestnut Man (2021– )
Decent thriller. Kinda Creepy. :o
13 March 2022
Interesting murder mystery thriller, decent acting, and very sad and horrific story.

The irony at the end was a good twist. Monsters come in all shapes and sizes. And with lots of different motivations. Wow, so many Chestnut men. :O

Worth a 1 time watch.
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Pam & Tommy (2022)
Surprisingly Better than I thought it would be. ;D
15 February 2022
Seth Rogan is hilarious in this. And I thought the actors playing Pam and Tommy did a pretty decent job. I feel bad for Pam, she didn't deserve this revenge that Tommy's A-hole personality and ripping off contractors brought down on her.

I understand she wants nothing to do with this series, but I think they have actually been quite sympathetic to her in this series. She isn't the Bad Guy, Tommy is and obviously WAS back then.

Really Great Music too.

Worth a watch if your a Fan of Pam, Tommy, or Seth.
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And Just Like That (My review was removed after over 400 votes in 1 month and over 80% voting it HELPFUL!) :(
15 February 2022
I felt like all us Original SATC fans were invited to a reunion and so Excited about it, then the Gals show up, Sans Samantha. :( Then it's as if they walk in the room, Carrie trying to pull off outfits that just don't work in your mid-50's AT ALL, Charlotte with a mouth that reminds me of the JOKER from Batman, and Miranda with a Lobotomy! They enter and all let out a huge Putrid Smelling Fart Simultaneously, and then walk over to the buffet table where they proceed to climb on the table and take a huge Diarrhea dump on every single plate on the table! : O Why did they even bother???? Thank God Samantha still has her brains intact and skipped this Cringe-A-For-Losers Fest!!!

I actually forced myself to watch til episode 4 tonite before writing a review, because in my heart of hearts I was praying it would get better, but Alas, It got WORSE... OH SO MUCH WORSE!!!

The bulk of reviews here nailed it when they said it is throwing everything and the kitchen sink in, from race, to politics, to sexuality. And That Podcast, Give me a break, all the characters are so Over the top FAKE and FULL of it and themselves that there is NOTHING in anyone's personality that would make me want to have a conversation with them, much less be friends with them, even in my head.

And what the H&LL was with that white skirt Carrie wears to walk to her old neighborhood shop for coffee??? Seriously??? I was almost hoping she would trip down the stairs and go back inside and change.

They had to have done this show Just For The Pay DaY, cause they sure Didn't do it for the Fans of the Original show!

Too Bad, they could have made a good show, and shown us the same Gals, with some wisdom that comes with age, and Not Train Wrecked Samantha Out of the show, even if Kim didn't want to come back because of SJP in real life. Instead they made Sam come off as a cold monster (and NO, the flowers Carrie didn't want on the coffin didn't help). And they gave us super neurotic, super egotistical, super cringy, super dingy, super snooty UNLIKABLE versions of these women we used to Love and Laugh with.

Please, Make IT STOP!!! PLEASE!! I Gotta get off this Ride NOW, cause I'm gonna PUKE!!!

The 2 stars are for Stanford & Anthony ONLY!!

I don't understand why my most upvoted review, out of over 300 I've posted and found helpful by over 80% of over 400 people on this site was removed a few days ago, after I wrote a halfway decent review for episode 8, which a friend begged me to watch as I quit after ep 4 when I wrote this original review. The few good things I had to add about that ep were just me being very generous as an Original SATC Fan who was BIGGLY Disappointed by this new Cr@p show. I will remove that other review because if 1 of my 2 reviews stays on this site, I rather it be the Original and MOST HONEST and APPRECIATED REVIEW by members who use this site. I NOTICED OTHER BRUTALLY HONEST REVIEWS HAVEN'T BEEN REMOVED. So why remove mine after over 400 people voted on it in less than 1 month?? And over 80% agreed with my review and found it HELPFUL?? If you haven't figured me out yet (I'm Brutally Honest in my reviews and Not a Brown Noser of any kind and Never Will BE!!) I just call them like I see them! And a week later after this review was reposted and 90% upvoted as useful, I notice it was removed AGAIN. So either there's a TROLL involved or someone just HATES to see Honesty and Truth printed on this site!! What a horrible sad place this world is turning into, when you can't even share your honest opinion, even when 90% of SATC fans agree with it. : ( But seems to be NO PROBLEM to let people post FAKE 10's for reviews all over this site that are from FAKE new accounts.
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Glasshouse (2021)
Beautiful Glasshouse! :D UGLY Humans! :(
9 February 2022
Loved all the eye candy with that gorgeous Victorian Glass Conservatory. Wow, we just don't make things like we used to. :( Interesting story that I found to be a mix between The Beguiled (Clint Eastwood) and The Walking Dead (minus the huge amounts of gore).

It's scary enough to have to worry about Alzheimer's and dementia, but to imagine a pandemic in which you lose all your memories and sense of self, and all animals and plants dying (and our very important BEES, that allow life to continue on this rock we call home) Especially to watch this during a pandemic, makes it quite a bit more scary, knowing what we now have learned about lies, misinformation and selfishness in the face of mass death world wide.

Worth a watch, especially if you are a fan of The Beguiled and love beautiful Victorian eye candy like me. :D.
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Interesting Movie, but Good God, it's so Long! :o
9 February 2022
Dark and sad movie about the motivations of men and how they are always willing to gamble away a good thing because of Greed and Low Self-Esteem.

Beautiful to look at, regarding all the art-deco style buildings and furnishings and beautiful costumes. And a ton of creepy bell jars that are really just sad to look at, more than scary, at least to me.

Well acted and interesting twist on the power struggle between men and women. Worth a watch if you have the patience for 2.5 hour long movie. And if your a Del Toro fan.

Reminds me of a quote by Nietzsche: "He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee."
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