
2 Reviews
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Tuesday (2023)
A24 weird but original
10 June 2024
Like a lot of A24 films, it's unexpected and kind of a slow burn, but somehow really engaging and ultimately worth watching. I sat in the theater like "what?" But I haven't stopped thinking about it since, and Julia Louis Dreyfus could get nominated. Give it a chance, and if you've ever lost someone, you'll relate. It wasn't the "Terms of Endearment" mother daughter movie I expected-the conflict is present from the very start. Their chemistry takes a while to establish, and there are some unanswered questions about why the American mom has a British daughter and where is the dad through all this.
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Past Lives (2023)
Very slow and nothing happens
7 July 2023
I don't know why everyone seems to love this movie. It's slow and boring, even by A24 standards. I know from experience that they require a certain amount of patience when it comes to pacing, but I still found myself checking my watch and fidgeting in my seat. I almost left but I thought something might happen. It didn't, and I was left feeling "what was the point of that movie?" Though this movie is under two hours long, it felt like the longest movie of the year for me. I gave it a few stars because the acting is good, and the chemistry was pretty solid. And if you have a higher tolerance for the slow pace, you might like it.
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