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Exodus 1947 (1997)
Good Historical Documentary
20 October 2003
I saw this film on PBS when it came out in 1997 and I found it was very compelling to watch. To me living history!!!!

I was very scant on Jewish and Arab history in the Middle East pre 1948 before the State of Israel was founded.

I had learned in history that Palestine was originally part of the Ottoman empire and it was lost to the British during World War 1. General Allenby of the British army walked into Jerusalem to receive the surrender of the city as well as the country. The British tried to keep the peace between the Arabs and Jews for about 30 years or so.

During the mandate there were many Jewish groups that wanted more immigration to the Holy Land because of the deteriorating conditions in Europe (the rise to power of the Nazis in 1933) but because of world politics, the immigration was cut back considerably because the British needed Arab oil (one of the reasons anyways).

This film shows the living history of the ship which was named "Exodus" which transported 4500 surviving Jews from the Holocaust in Europe to Palestine. They did not make it because of the British blockade, but the Jewish people tried to win the war through peaceful means by trying to save people rather than by terrorist means of killing the British authority.

This film shows the actual people who manoeuvered the ship Exodus (originally named the President Warfield) and showed all of the trials and tribulations that they encountered. They did not get through the British blockade, but somehow this action struck a nerve in world opinion and it swayed the United Nations to vote for the partition of Palestine into the State of Israel and Palestine.

Actually seeing pictures of the ship and the actual people who were on this ship brought the realism of this situation home to me.

Now I understand part of what the tragedy of the Middle East is and has been and it will take years, if not centuries for the peoples of two different cultures to try to come together to live in peace.
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12 August 2003
I heard about this movie, Invasion USA, many years ago but it wasn't until this week (as a matter of fact today) that I finally got the movie to add to my video collection.

The primary reason that I had wanted to see it was that both Noel Neill and Phyllis Coates had parts in this movie. You ask, who are these actresses. Both of them played Lois Lane in the Adventures of Superman. Noell Neill played the original Lois Lane in the original Superman with Kirk Alyn in 1948.

I had heard that there was some sort of scuffle between them on this set and I wanted to see how professional actresses can overcome personal feelings between each other.

Well, the scenes that they were involved in didn't even have any connection with each other. Noell Neill was a ticket agent and had maybe 2 minutes on screen. Phyliss Coates had approximately the same amount of time but was in Colorado trying to fight the waters of the Colorado river after Boulder Dam was bombed by the "enemy".

If the United States, which is supposed to be a major super power, gets overrun in maybe a month, is really in essence, a paper tiger.

We saw some evidence of a weak and unprepared USA first at Pearl Harbor, the Vietnam war, and then September 11, 2001 in New York City.

I look up to the USA as the world protector and the champion of freedom, and I hope that the film Invasion USA will ALWAYS be classified as fiction.
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A powerful view of the holocaust
30 June 2003
We had seen many promos on A&E throughout the last week or so about this documentary. I have seen quite a few documentaries about World War 2 and the holocaust, but this particular one, to me, was quite personal.

I am very happy that I never had to live through this ordeal and I could not even imagine what would be going through someone's brain to try and even fathom what was going on and how to survive.

This particular lady, Edith Haan, had some luck plus some opportunities to survive the war. Tragically, most of her family didn't.

She hid openly inside Germany under an assumed name, thanks to help which some of her friends gave to her, and eventually she married a Nazi Officer and remained married to him until after the war. The marriage produced one daughter (the only Jewish baby to be born during the war and survive, thanks to her mother).

I have met survivors of the holocaust and one of the first things that they tell me is the powerful guilt they feel because they survived, where others didn't. They have one MAJOR problem of discussing their ordeals because of how powerful and all consuming this tragedy was.

So this documentary shows the life, on a personal level, of Edith Haan, when she finally was able to talk about her life after the Germans invaded Austria in 1938.

I don't think that we, as civilized human beings, have the right to judge any of her decisions or actions. We all survive in our own way.

Let us hope and pray that this tragedy will never befall man ever again!!! Where man can live together with man peacefully and as the Bible says "beat their swords into plowshares".
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The Spider (1958)
Pure drive-in XXXX ???????
27 November 2001
I remember many years ago on WUTV, originating from Buffalo, New York, a bunch of us would watch the Saturday afternoon "Creature Feature" and "Monster Movies" and laugh our heads off. How ludicrous they were.

Now this was back in the late 70's, early 80's when we were "grown up", so to speak. If we had see these movies when they came out originally in the theaters or drive ins, we probably would have been scared out of our wits.

Now this movie, Earth vs the Spider, a true creature feature, stuck in my mind over many of the other ones. The scene that I remembered for years afterwards and hoped like crazy that they would show the movie again, was the scene when the band starts playing that real hot music in the gym with the spider listening in. I just couldn't believe how anyone would want to be in the same room as the spider.

I was so happy when they showed the movie, I guess, maybe a half a year later. I was ready. I set up my tape recorder and waited patiently for that particular scene and when I got that music on tape, I got REALLY excited!!!!!!

That was the only thing that I had from that movie until about 3 months ago. I found a video store that had the movie!!!!! I couldn't wait to bring it home and play it in order to find out what was the rest of the movie all about.

Yes I did remember all about the spider itself and how it reeked havoc in a small town in the middle of nowhere. I remembered about the useless sheriff, Gene Roth, and his attitude towards the townsfolk and the kids (funny he plays a lot of those kind of parts). Plus I remembered the fellow who played Mr. Kingman, the "hero". He used to play Commander Corry in Space Patrol which was on television in the very early 50s.

The scene with the band in the gym with the spider and the drama class still was very powerful. I just couldn't get over how funny it was.

To me, that made the whole movie a joy to watch!!!!

For Saturday afternoon fun, where you don't have to think, rent this one!!! You won't be disappointed!!!!
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Black Sunday (1977)
What have we learned in 23 years plus?????
4 November 2000
With the tragedy in the Middle East unfolding more and more each day, I was looking through my movies and decided to look at this movie once again.

The same thing happens day in and day out, year in and year out--the tragedy between the Palestinians and the Israelis.

This movie, of course is ficticious, but to demonstrate their cause, the Palestinians, with the help of a deranged Vietnam War veteran (played exquisitely by Bruce Dern), decide to show America that they (the Americans) can be quite vulnerable to a terrorist attack--the attack taking place at the Super Bowl.

With the aid of the Israeli intelligence (played by Robert Shaw), the attack is thwarted.

This movie shows all of the intelligence work behind the scenes so that we can "feel" safe. The question is: are we really safe? In reality, terrorists were successful in blowing up the World Trade Center.

This movie does not take sides as far as the Palestinian/Israeli causes, but it presents the ongoing battle between the parties.

The MAJOR question is: CAN the Israelis and Palestinians find some way to live together in peace or will we see a continuation of terrorist activities in the world so that this movie, one day, could be reality?
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Slap Shot (1977)
Utterly, Utterly
28 October 2000
For some reason or another, I felt I had to rent the movie Slap Shot. I really don't know why but Saturday afternoon was spent watching it instead of doing other more important (?) things.

This film came out in the 70's at about the same time as the Philadelphia Fliers (more to the point the Broad Street Bullies) were using the same rough house tactics as was depicted in this movie

One of the big jokes that came out at this time was "I went to the fights and a hockey game broke out".

This movie comments on the life of a hockey player and what goes on behind the scenes in the front office as well as how hockey players are at the mercy of the owners. The owners can do just about anything to make a buck and the poor hockey player is just a piece of meat. Maybe the baseball players have the right ideas as far as being free agents after a specific period of time.

Some of the funniest scenes are with those Hansen brothers chewing up the rink, the opposing players and the opposing fans. I'd like to see the scene where they are coming into Hyannisport on the buses, being met by irate fans and the busloads of hockey players and the cheering sections pulling moons out the windows, happen in actual fact.

The piece de resistance is the final strip scene on the ice. It made about as much sense as all the fights that were and had been taking place in all of the games with the new Charleswood Chiefs. Simply amazing!!!!!

This movie is a must see for just about everyone--if you don't mind the swearing and brief nudity and explicit language and violence. It's just a comment on the reality of a hockey player's life.
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One of the Funnier Ones
21 October 2000
I originally saw this flick about 15 years ago (could have been more) on a TV special and it stuck in my mind completely. I'd watch The Three Stooges religiously on television, especially Saturday morning to hopefully see it. Unfortunately I never saw it again until it was released on video and I quickly added it to my collection a couple of weeks ago.


Supposedly this island that they have landed on is still in the middle ages They are dressed in modern navy garb, while the governor (Vernon Dent) and others are dressed in middle ages dress. At first the governor doesn't recognize the modern navy dress and refuses to believe that they are sailors.

I guess this could be an historical comment when Rita (Christine McIntyre) enters the room and the Three Stooges whistle at her. The governor states that yes they are definitely sailors.

Another funny situation is still in the governor's chamber where he sentences the Three Stooges to death because they whistled at his betrothed. So the governor asks in what way they wish to die and Larry states "old age". Here Moe is ready to give him a slap across his kisser (which he does innumerable times) but the tall guard beats him to it. Moe thanks the guard.

This story supposedly is, like I stated before, taking place in the middle ages. So how come, when Rita comes to help the boys escape, she shows the boys modern day utensils, such as a jack hammer, electricity, axes, chisels etc. hidden under the mattress. It adds to the nonsense and classic Three Stooges mania. JUST LOVE IT!!

Rita gets the boys dressed up in eastern garb and Curly is the Maharajah of Canarsy. He and Moe meet the governor and offer him gifts. The funny thing is, in this scene, that Moe is supposedly a translator to Curly, and he is talking to Curly in english and because Curly doesn't cooperate completely, Moe slaps him on numerous occasions and the governor is oblivious to all of this.

The final scene takes place in Black Louie's Pirates Den where Curly is enticed into a knife throwing contest with Black Louie himself, Larry being the target.

The piece de resistance was the old pinball machine with its unique TILT applicator (I'm laughing as I am writing this), a huge mallet that comes down and conks the player on the head for cheating at pinball. Larry uses this machine to his advantage in the final melee that takes place.

I find it funny how Moe gets into a picture and knocks the bad guys out with a pendulum that was taken from the clock hanging on the wall.

The clanking on a pipe, when someone gets hit on the noggin adds to this very humorous Three Stooges short.

A MUST SEE for Three Stooges fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Godzilla 2000 (1999)
Not too shabby, he cried
7 September 2000
This is the second Godzilla movie I have seen in the movie theaters, the first one was Godzilla 1985.

I must admit that the special effects and camera work were outstanding. Even the rubber suits were simply out of this world (no pun intended).

The alien monster reminded me a lot of the aliens from the movie ALIENS starring Sigourney Weaver.

One thing that brought back the memories from the early Godzilla movies from the 50's and 60's was the famous Toho-Godzilla music and the English dubbing. The thing I missed were the toy tanks and the "sophisticated" weaponry. Another item that was clearly missing was the famous line that was given by many of the Army generals in previous films and that was "Evacuate Tokyo".

I must be an oldies nut because I really enjoy the very early Godzilla movies, especially Godzilla, King of the Monsters which came out in 1956. Godzilla was actually destroyed in that movie by a Japanese scientist. The special effects that they had at that time were in no way comparable to Godzilla 2000, but the whole story and what they had to do in that film to get rid of Godzilla were to me quite believable and quite possible.

Godzilla 2000 was very enjoyable and maybe in a few years I'll watch it again when it comes out on video.
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Dig that C-O-O-L focussing disintegrating ray gun, Daddy-o
4 September 2000
I have now seen this movie maybe 7 or 8 times and every once in a while, it brings a little tear to my eye. In a way, it's a tragic love story between our earth lady Betty Morgan (Dawn Bender) and our teenager from outer space with a conscience, Derek (Tom Graeff).

After learning that Thor (Bryant Grant) has remained behind to hunt for him and also learning that the gargon herds are going to be brought to earth for grazing and feeding purposes, we know that Derek would have to do something very spectacular and conclusive to stop this invasion of earth from another planet. In other words, he had to sacrifice himself. A tragic hero.

Thor is a story in himself. He is the most belligerent of all the teenagers and it is he that doesn't spare the use of the focussing disintegrator ray gun in order to spoil or spare the animal or human. As far as I feel, I think he was the most realistic character in the whole movie.

Now to the spacecraft captain (King Moody). It took me a little while to recognize that the spaceship captain was the same person that played a real nutty character, Shtarke, on Maxwell Smart some 10 years later. Here was one guy that played two completely different characters.

All in all this is an interesting movie. It doesn't compare to standards of today, but I would place it alongside "EARTH vs THE FLYING SAUCERS"--another interesting movie of the time.
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And on, and on, and on, and on
31 August 2000
WOW!!! I have never seen such a slugfest. And the interesting thing is the both the hero, Richard Webb and the bad guys, Lane Bradford and John Crawford just keep taking a licking and keep on ticking. There are more punches thrown in the 12 chapters than in a heavyweight championship match. There are also more people being tossed around and wrestled to the ground than in a championship wrestling match. Within minutes, after our hero has been pummeled senseless, he is back chasing the bad guys.

I never saw any serials in the movies as I was growing up, but to me it would be very frustrating to see about 15 to 20 minutes of film and the last scene of the chapter has our hero in some dire life and death situation. If I had seen this in the movies, I would have to wait at least a week to find out how our hero Lane Carlson (the future Captain Midnight) was able to survive the ordeal and come back with a vengeance in the next chapter to try and apprehend the bad guys.

Thanks to video, I don't have to wait a week, or even an hour. It just depends on what mood I'm in and that determines whether I can sit through the "excitement" of the next chapter.

It was very interesting to see John Hamilton (the future Perry White of Superman) in this movie, even though he had a bit part.

All in all, the movie is interesting enough to hold my attention for all 12 chapters. I think I'll save it for a rainy day. Bring on the popcorn please.
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Not Bad!!!
30 August 2000
I've got 20 Republic Serial films in my personal video collection and the stories or chapters are almost all the same.

I just can't believe all the fist fights that take place in each chapter. Both the bad guys and good guys get the tar kicked out of them in each fight scene. I just don't know how they can take such punishment and keep coming back for more.

Another interesting fact about these fight scenes is that both the hero's and bad guy's hats never fall off. I know if I got dragged around and "beaten" the way they seem to be, my hat would be off within the first few seconds of the skirmish.

One thing I like about these serials from the 40's and 50's is the old cars and "primitive" electronic equipment that looked as though it came over on the ark.

Without all the advantages of modern day special effects, the producers and directors had to really rely on good acting and good characterization.

Some of the bad guys I recognized from the westerns that were prevalent at the time. For instance, Dick Curtis, the main thug, and Terry Frost, who had a bit part in Chapter one of this serial, were seen in many of the westerns and it was difficult for me to associate them with modern situations and equipment, ie: cars, radios, etc.

One other thing I noticed and that is that the heroes seem to get the worst of the punishment throughout the serial and then in the last half of the final chapter, they finally bring the culprits to justice.

Anyways, it was a successful format for Republic, and any time I see a serial movie that looks interesting, I will definitely add it to my collection.
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It's OK, BUT!!!
12 July 2000
I must be used to the STAR TREK series plus its affiliated spinoffs plus CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND or maybe ET etc, but with this film, I have problems.

There really is no chemistry between the actors. They speak to one another, but there is no comraderie. Everybody is put into his or her little box and that is where they stay.

The only good things about this movie, as far as I feel are Tang (Robert Ito in pre-QUINCY days) and Irene Tsu. I actually felt that they really cared for each other. There was the chemistry that was missing from the rest of the movie.

I also liked Lt. Bradley (Paul Gilbert). Why would they have such a clown in the midst of a bunch of zombies. His energies were wasted.

The ending caught me off guard. I won't divulge it, but I'm going to look at this movie again tonight to see if I can pick up any clues as to what was revealed at end time of this movie.
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Who Done It? (1949)
The world is now a safer place, thanks to the Three Stooges
12 July 2000
I was jumping like crazy when the video store called me to let me know that this movie "Who Done It" was in. I'm happy I didn't get a speeding ticket as I was racing there to pick it up.

I have just about all the dialogue and scenes memorized and I laugh constantly from the nuttiness of this movie plus all its characters.

One thing that really gets me is the beautiful women that work in these shorts. In this case I'm talking about Christine McIntyre. I think she has been in maybe twenty plus movies with the Three Stooges and has played a myriad of different characters. A very accomplished actress.

The next thing that gets me is the character "The Goon". I always wonder where do they pick these guys up from. You know full well that our heroes, the Three Stooges will always find some way to defeat these monsters. Until they do, it's funny just watching the Stooges just trying to avoid him.

As far as I am concerned, this is one of the better, if not one of the best Three Stooges shorts!
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Robot Monster (1953)
What a movie (tongue in cheek)!!!
8 July 2000
I really must have been bored out of my tree last night to watch this "movie"(?) "Robot Monster". I remember seeing it on the late show one night and I couldn't get over just how bad it was. It was so bad that I had to go out and purchase it. Now I can watch it at my leisure and laugh my guts out.

There are a couple of redeeming factors in this "movie". The first one is Claudia Barrett. A very attractive lady!! Just for that reason alone would be sufficient to watch this.

That space station is a riot. Hand held and with a lit wick of a roman candle firecracker going around in circles faster than you can shake a stick at.

The piece de resistance is the bubble machine and Ro-man who is in a gorilla suit with a diving mask. I've seen grotesque aliens in the sci-fi movies, but this one takes the cake. They must have obtained this suit from a sale of Halloween costumes in order to put this movie together very quickly and with a very low budget.

For fun, laughter and nonsense, see this movie!!! It gives PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE a good run for its money!!! You won't be disappointed!!
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I could watch this one over and over and over!!!!!!
28 June 2000
I was very excited when I was able to add this gem to my movie collection.

I remember seeing this about 3-4 years ago and I remembered most of it but not all of it. Curly stole the show!!!!! Classic Stooges to the hilt!!!!!!!

If you thought that upper class were prim and proper, then you MUST see this Stooges short.

Of course there is the classic pie fight at the end and this is where the fun really is. Curly is having pies thrown at him by Moe and he (Curly) has to protect himself. So he stands behind the countess. Moe throws the first pie and Curly ducks behind the countess and she gets the pie in the face. Curly comes from behind the countess for a couple of seconds as Moe is preparing to throw the next pie and Curly gives his famous "Nyuk Nyuk". He ducks behind the countess again as Moe hits the countess with the second pie. Curly then comes out from behind her and says to Moe "Ya missed me, Nyah" (He sticks out his tongue like a 6 or 7 year old).

All Curly's facial expressions and noises that emanate from him throughout the movie are hilarious!!!

Now these men are supposed to be professional "psychiatrists". What a way to help a patient out her her dilemma!!!! They themselves need the help.

This film is so nutty it is really funny!!

For a fun filled evening, I suggest you rent this one, for sure!!!
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Target Earth (1954)
Fabulous Fifties Flick
21 June 2000
The fifties were the decade for the teenager. He/she had money and time to spend on just about anything. So Hollywood stepped in to fill part of the void.

I like the fifties an sixties sci-fi and horror flicks because, not like today where special effects and schmaltz are a major part of the movie, in the fifties and sixties, things were a lot simpler and people "really"(?) had to act even in B movies.

There wasn't that much gore as there is today. The black and white film added to the atmosphere. Just enough of a monster scene was shown for your mind to fill in the blanks.

We didn't have to see bodies being blown apart.

This film was filmed during the Cold War and UFO paranoia and people just gobbled it up. One thing I like about these type of films and that is that somehow the enemy, whoever he or she is, will always get it in the end and our hero or heroes will come out on top.

Need I say more. For an interesting evening, try to get this movie, you won't be disappointed.
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AWESOME!! I reiterate--AWESOME!!
15 June 2000
This movie came out in 1951 just as the Korean War had just started. We had just finished World War II six years previous. We were in the thick of the cold war between United States and Russia. Both parties had the atomic bomb. Russia and the United States were head to head as far as threats and potential warfare.

I give you this preamble to show that we had the power to blow our planet to kingdom come. Thank God, sensible people were able to take control in this very harrowing time.

Also during the 50's and 60's (perhaps even the 70's and onwards), people would predict the end of the world at such and such a time. We would breathe a sigh of relief when the alloted time came and went. Of course afterwards, people would just laugh at this nonsense. Hearing this over and over again, we became immune to this potential doom.

Now to the movie. I feel that what was portrayed here would be almost exactly what the world would do in the situation that was presented in the movie. During the cold war, we were in control and possibly some nut could press the button.

However in this movie, we have a real frightening situation where a runaway planet (asteroid) is speeding towards the earth on an imminent collision course. What does one do??

The problem is taken by the scientists to the United Nations and they are just about laughed out of there. Governments don't want to get involved as they have their own agendas.

So private companies decide to take the matter into their own hands and build the spaceship

Some very important questions arise in this movie. Who is to be saved by going on this rocketship? How will people be chosen to go on this rocketship as there is only room for 40 people out of many, many others? Who will make these important decisions?

These questions are very valid! If a real situation arose today in our real world where only a few people out of the billions on earth could be saved, what could be done? This gets right down to someone who might have to play God. Very very tough situation!!

This movie presents a possible solution.

Very interesting and frightening scenario!
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Courtroom drama at its best!!!
8 June 2000
Out of all the Three Stooges shorts that I have seen, there are maybe 6 or 7 that really stand out and are really funny. Disorder in the Court just about heads the list. I have never seen behavior like this in a courtroom!

Well, if you have ever gone to traffic court and listened to some of the excuses and nonsense that some of the defendants try to give the judge, it only is just an inkling of what to expect in this movie. It is absolutely hilarious!!!

I have this movie in my personal collection and have probably watched it maybe a dozen times or so. I basically know every line, every scene and every antic that happens.

Just think how Perry Mason or the Defenders or even Matlock would react if they had to deal with this type of situation.

All in all, for R-E-A-L enjoyment and to get you out of the doldrums, this movie is a God send!!
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5 June 2000
We got our first television in 1951, the year that this movie "Superman and the Mole Men" came out. I was 7 years old at the time and of course we were always glued to the kids programs especially all the cartoons etc on Saturday morning.

One of my favorite programs that aired every Wednesday night at 7:00PM, sponsored by Kelloggs cereals, was Superman. We watched every episode religiously.

At the end of each episode there were a few scenes from what was going to be shown the following week. A few times they had some scenes from this movie, "Superman and the Mole Men" but for some reason it was never shown. Reading some of the other people's comments about this movie explained to me what the reason was.

However, the scenes that were shown really had me interested in seeing this movie. One of the scenes that was shown was the little girl in bed reading her book and then all of a sudden the two mole men peer in through the window and she eventually starts to play ball with them.

Another scene was the two mole men on top of the dam and Luke Benson and his cohorts trying to shoot them.

The third scene really scared me. It was when the mole men had that weapon (looks like a modified vacuum cleaner) and were firing it at Luke Benson.

This movie reminds me quite a bit of when "War of the Worlds" was aired on radio in the 1930's. Everybody was scared out of their wits because they couldn't understand anything else except the human race. Well this movie basically reveals the same message. People are afraid of the unknown.

I have always associated George Reeves with Superman. It bothered me when Christopher Reeve was give that honorary position in his full length features of Superman. I didn't even know, until 4 or 5 years ago that Kirk Alyn was really the very first Superman, even before George Reeves.

As has been said, this movie is in its own way is a classic and will be forever etched in movie history as ONE G-R-E-A-T MOVIE!
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This movie should have been a comedy
1 June 2000
I am laughing as I am writing this commentary. I have now seen the movie twice and basically all the characters are beautiful. They play their roles fantastically.

This film reminds me in some ways of Ed Wood's type of films. Just why in the middle of this horror (?) movie do they have a wild party in the backyard where the monster lives and our heroine has had some traumatic experiences with the monster. She looks as though she is really enjoying the party and there are no monster problems affecting her or her group of friends. To me this party just doesn't fit it with the atmosphere that the writer is trying to obtain for the movie.

Dr. Oliver Frank (Donald Murphy). Now there is a character!! He is also a very dedicated scientist with quite an itinerary on his plate. He will go to no ends to try and make his monster come true. He first of all experiments with Sandra Knight, our heroine, then Susie Lawlor. He also has to get rid of his boss and wants to kill him so that he can have free access to the lab to do his experiments. He has got all the answers to give to the police and anyone else who will listen so he can attain his goal.

The monster, oh yes the monster. There is something to be talked about. "She" is supposed to be Susie Lawlor, but if you remember, Susie was maybe 5 feet 3 inches or there abouts and when she went out on a date with Dr. Frank, she only came up to maybe his shoulders. This monster is taller than Dr. Frank and is built like a Sherman tank. There is the problem. Who is the person behind the ugly mask??

One thing I like about these type of monster and horror movies is that the good guys always somehow defeat the monsters. So now I know that if I see a monster like Dr. Frank(enstein) has created, I know how to dispose of it.

Now I can sleep a lot easier!!
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Very interesting!!!
31 May 2000
I got this movie last week, along with a whole bunch of others and already I watched this movie twice as I felt that I had missed some details, and yes I had.

Our heroine, Nan Barlowe, was sweet, innocent and naive. Why would she be studying witchcraft. Just by looking at Professor Driscoll (Christopher Lee) the very first time in his class, you could feel the darkness and evil all around him. But our friend Nan was a perservering student and needed to get all the details she could about witchcraft. So she took Professor Driscoll's advice and went to New England to learn more.

If I had been Nan Barlowe's brother or boyfriend, I would have given her a good shaking to try to wake her up to the dangers that she would be encountering. But being bullheaded, naive and innocent led to her downfall and demise.

Poor Lottie!! I felt bad for her. She couldn't talk and she really knew what was going on in the town and she tried to help as much as she could. But how could she really do anything as she was watched like a hawk by Mrs. Selwyn and company. I felt happy that she was able to get Nan Barlowe's bracelet to Patricia Russell. Unfortunately that was all she could do in the whole movie.

I knew right from the start that Mrs. Newlys was Elizabeth Selwyn reincarnated, but after having watched it a second time, I found that Newlys was Selwyn written backwards. Just something that caught my eye and ear.

The plot is nothing special, just standard horror fare from the early sixties, but one thing it made me do and that was think. I know there are areas in the world today that practice some form of sacrifices and witchcraft. This movie brought this subject to the movie screen for us to witness.

As I said at the beginning, Very Interesting!!!!
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Pretty SCARY--That's for sure!!!!
29 May 2000
When I got this movie, I didn't know what to expect. Yes a small summary was written on the back of the video jacket, but that still didn't even touch the power of that movie or what I was really going to see whan I saw the movie.

It starts out OK, the movie with the drag race and the tragic accident on the bridge where it appears that the three girls have drowned. After about three hours our heroine Candace Hillgoss comes out on a sandbar fully shaken up (why not--after all she was just involved in a fatal accident where two of her friends were killed).

She almost immediately leaves town and goes to Utah to play the organ in the church. On the way to Utah and throughout the rest of the movie, that's where the fun(?) begins. How would you like to be driving along and then all of a sudden a ghoul's face appears in the window. (I'm getting cold shivers up and down my body as I am writing this). I would drive off the road myself.

At that point, you seem to know something is definitely wrong with her whole life scenario. Is she really dead? Should she have survived the accident?

As the movie progresses, we get to see what the real story seems to be re Mary Henry. I won't give it away, but for sure the viewer seems to be pulled in many directions along with Mary and even then we, the viewers, still are not sure 100% whether Mary is alive or dead.

I watched this movie during the day, Sunday, by myself and I still at this writing (about 3:30AM Monday morning) still have the creeps.

Fantastic movie!!!!!!!!

Maybe when I get the courage to watch it again, I will!!!!! Perhaps later in the week. Still got a couple of other movies to see. Then I'll get back to this masterpiece.
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This is R-E-A-L-L-Y BAD!!!!!!!!!
25 May 2000
I have some movies from Englewood Entertainment and at the end of the feature film, they give you say about 15-20 scenes from different movies that they have permission to re-release, so this is how I got to know about Cat Women of the Moon. The scenes that they showed aroused my interest in the film.

BOY, WAS I WRONG!!!!!!!!

I could not believe just how bad this film was. There was some minor plot about our navigator heroine, Marie Windsor, having some unknown connection with these 'Moon Maidens' and these ladies wanted to take over the space ship to return to earth.

That is just about the whole story

Our commander was about as useless as a three dollar bill. He couldn't command his way out of a paper bag. I think he was more interested in the women and showing just how important he was.

The only character with any semblence of being a true astronaut with any backbone and seeing the reality of the situation and also being able to both give and take orders was Victor Jory.

This movie gets one big WOOF!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that I have seen (?) it, it will rest very quietly in the back row behind all the rest of my movies.
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Worth a laugh and a half!!
20 May 2000
This is the type of movie that if you were watching it when it first came out in 1957, you probably would have had the pants scared off you.

Looking at it today, this is a movie that you can sit and watch with a bunch of friends and laugh. It's so ludicrous!!

The 'special effects' surrounding our monster heroine are so bad and very erratic. Sometimes you see them and sometimes you don't.

It's supposed to be night time, so how come when they are driving the jeep to try to escape, there is sunlight on the surrounding hills and sometimes our friends are driving right through the sunlight.

My favorite character in this movie is the head thug, Nat Burdell. He's so 'tough', he's almost lovable. Looking at the list of movies that he has participated in since the early 1940's, he seems to be an accomplished actor. Things really must have been very bad in his personal life to wind up in a film like this. Who said that good acting was a requirement for this film???

But all in all, if you're looking for some light-hearted movie to enjoy (don't expect anything great), either by yourself or with some friends, and you're just passing the time, RENT THIS MOVIE!!!!! YOU WON"T BE DISAPPOINTED!!!!!
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Ghost Town (1988)
There's something special about this movie!!
10 May 2000
I remember seeing this movie on a tape with three other movies. A friend of mind had loaned me the tape for the weekend and I kept it for another week or so because I kept watching over and over and over this movie Ghost Town. It dragged me in so deep, I felt there was a personal message for me that I had to get before I could return the video to my friend.

As you know it is a very interesting film that hops back and forth from present day to the eerie past when Devlin and his cronies ruled supreme in this town. It was of course up to our present day sheriff Langley to first of all rescue the lovely heroine and then in order to return to the present day, he had to kill Devlin.

I think one of the great things about this movie was the characters. I feel that whoever chose the characters in this movie did a fantastic job because each of the actors and actresses were quite believable in their roles--no plastic acting.

Maybe that was the thing that kept me watching that movie 12 times or more during the week I had borrowed my friend's video--the 'believability' of the film thanks to the great acting throughout.

Very worthwhile watching!!!
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