"All of us have to be really careful not to try and win position and praise by becoming what we think the white world wants us to be," Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. I wish the presenter (who seems very likeable) had been better able to challenge those he interviewed.
This becomes problematic because he never really gets to the heart of the matter, so the documentary only serves to highlight a strand of anti-intellectualism which shuts down discourse and debate.
Though the radio call-in on blasphemy and vox-pops at the end provide a bit of insight, I think the time would have been better spent hearing informed opinions (Muslims who perhaps had read the book) or moderating viewpoints (I know about it but it is not a book for me) if they exist.
As presented, on this matter, ideology and identity trumps intellect. I would have liked a part two in order to delve into this matter (as well as gauge the opinion of the parents and the public regarding the 'schoolyard game').