Yukiaki Kiyama credited as playing...
Takumi Katsuragi
- Sento Kiryu: What did you mean by white panel? How am I supposed to use Hazard Trigger?
- Takumi Katsuragi: That panel doesn't exist. You trust Dad too much. That man made us create the Rider System and took countless lives together with Evolto.
- Sento Kiryu: No. He just pretended to be the enemy in order to defeat Evolto.
- Takumi Katsuragi: Are you sure about that? If he were a good person... he wouldn't have designed something like Hazard Trigger that makes you lose yourself.
- Sento Kiryu: He designed Hazard Trigger for another purpose. It must be related to the white Pandora's panel somehow.
- Takumi Katsuragi: You just want to find meaning in Dad's death. I won't let him fool me anymore.
- Takumi Katsuragi: What are you researching now?
- Shinobu Katsuragi: The existence of alien lifeforms.
- Takumi Katsuragi: That sounds like a science fiction movie. So will they attack the Earth?
- Shinobu Katsuragi: Maybe. If that really happened... would you protect the Earth with me?
- Takumi Katsuragi: I would.