I've now joined the trio for almost a decade in both adventures, car reviews and on stage. We've laughed, been annoyed, intrigued and so much more, together. I've been there, with them, all along. Yet, it was not physical closeness, it was emotional and spiritual. The Grand Tour and Top Gear before it had the ability to draw one in like no other program. I feel like I know the trio as well as they know each other despite never meeting them. It is truly an end of an era. One that sculpted much of my adolescent life and beyond.
I like cars, I like driving, and I can't think that it has spawned anywhere else but with Top Gear and The Grand Tour.
It is probably wrong to write about both programmes here, but the constant between them, the thing that makes us all watch, is that trio.
Yes, The Grand Tour has had its misses, quite a few of them, but the feeling you get, joining them in an adventure you could only ever dream of, is simply extraordinary.
I am sad that it had to come to an end. But know, as this programme is slowly fading into a memory, we have the possibility to think back, laugh and enjoy the moments we've all had together as an audience and the Trio. We can feel the exact same type of bittersweetness, that they feel themselves, because after all, isn't that exactly what it was all about?