"Kandahar" is one of the darkest episodes in this series. It is mostly centered in Frank's memories of his team in Afganistan. What I love about this series is the character development, perhaps a bit slow for some, but for me, it is done perfectly as you'll see in "Kandahar". We got to meet a new character, David Lieberman, a hacker who calls himself "Micro". We got to know more about him, as to why he is interested on Frank, as both stories are connected. Also, in this episode we're introduced to what seems to be another new character who looks that gonna be important here. All in all, "Kandahar" is one of the best episodes in the season, very dark and interesting as I said above, due to new characters development. And let me tell you something, it ends with one of the best fight scenes I've seen since Daredevil. So, as you see, you will not be disappointed.
I really like how this series is going, and seems we are just beginning the journey.