623 reviews
This film immerses us into the world of lower-class people in Florida who ironically are staying in a cheap hotel next to of Disneyworld, where a set of four magic band bracelet tickets goes for $1600. There are excellent performances all around, especially from Brooklynn Prince, who plays a tough, mouthy, and yet sweet little girl with an arresting honesty. The character is just six but in many ways seems older, growing up too quickly while left mostly on her own to roam around with her friends.
It doesn't take long to feel sorry for the children in this situation, with no structure or guidance, and horrible role models. In ten years we can easily imagine the little girl grown up to be a similar mother, and ten years ago we can imagine how the mother must have grown up. Without even a hint of this message from director Sean Baker, who shows masterful restraint, we see how hard it is for someone to rise out of the lower class or a difficult upbringing - not impossible, but not easy. The film may be an ink blot test though, because I can also imagine the response of them getting what they deserve, since the mom doesn't get a job as others around her do, runs scams, and resorts to prostituting herself, and I have to say, feeling empathy for her is a real test. Just watching how poorly she behaves is one of the turn-offs to the film, even if it's honest.
The little girl is easy to feel sorry for because she's still just six; this is what happens with awful parents. But the mother was also likely brought up in a difficult environment, so the film begs the question of what to do about vicious cycles like this while wisely not attempting to answer it. Instead it just gives us reality, as cringe-inducing as it may be at times.
I loved how it was edited, with cuts tending to shorten scenes. I think that was a wise move, since a lot of the film is simply showing us a series of vignettes without the machinations of a big plot, and this kept it from lagging. I also loved the character Willem Dafoe played - what a tough job he has, and yet he's a model of empathy and kindness, an absolute angel under the façade of a grizzled hotel manager, never judging anyone. He plays the part perfectly too, without embellishing it with sweetness or anything that doesn't feel completely authentic. How it resolves is great too, because you can see both the tragedy and the need for it, after everything we've seen.
It doesn't take long to feel sorry for the children in this situation, with no structure or guidance, and horrible role models. In ten years we can easily imagine the little girl grown up to be a similar mother, and ten years ago we can imagine how the mother must have grown up. Without even a hint of this message from director Sean Baker, who shows masterful restraint, we see how hard it is for someone to rise out of the lower class or a difficult upbringing - not impossible, but not easy. The film may be an ink blot test though, because I can also imagine the response of them getting what they deserve, since the mom doesn't get a job as others around her do, runs scams, and resorts to prostituting herself, and I have to say, feeling empathy for her is a real test. Just watching how poorly she behaves is one of the turn-offs to the film, even if it's honest.
The little girl is easy to feel sorry for because she's still just six; this is what happens with awful parents. But the mother was also likely brought up in a difficult environment, so the film begs the question of what to do about vicious cycles like this while wisely not attempting to answer it. Instead it just gives us reality, as cringe-inducing as it may be at times.
I loved how it was edited, with cuts tending to shorten scenes. I think that was a wise move, since a lot of the film is simply showing us a series of vignettes without the machinations of a big plot, and this kept it from lagging. I also loved the character Willem Dafoe played - what a tough job he has, and yet he's a model of empathy and kindness, an absolute angel under the façade of a grizzled hotel manager, never judging anyone. He plays the part perfectly too, without embellishing it with sweetness or anything that doesn't feel completely authentic. How it resolves is great too, because you can see both the tragedy and the need for it, after everything we've seen.
- gbill-74877
- Apr 7, 2020
- Permalink
Uncomfortable - yes.
Language that children should not be using - yes.
Situations that no child should be in - yes.
A peek behind the curtain at the circumstances of those on the lower rungs of society, monetarily and otherwise.
Be thankful for what you have for there are those with literally nothing.
Language that children should not be using - yes.
Situations that no child should be in - yes.
A peek behind the curtain at the circumstances of those on the lower rungs of society, monetarily and otherwise.
Be thankful for what you have for there are those with literally nothing.
Greetings again from the darkness. "The Happiest Place on Earth" has long been a Disney catchphrase. The irony for those living on the road to Disney World is the focus of the latest from ground-breaking filmmaker Sean Baker. Mr. Baker was the creative force behind the remarkable TANGERINE (shot entirely with iphones) a couple of years ago, and his most recent film solidifies his brilliance at bringing us the fringes of society – those we don't typically see on screen. Beyond that, these are the folks many of us pay little attention to in real life.
The Magic Castle Motel is a lavender monstrosity that belies the daily struggles of those who live behind its purple doors. It's actually a seedy extended-stay that caters to ultra-budget guests. Included among those are 6 year old Moonee (Brooklyn Kimberly Prince) and her friend Scooty (Christopher Rivera). As we watch them spit on a car below their perch on the motel balcony, we quickly judge these as kids with a bit too much free time and a shortage of parental guidance.
As the summer days roll on, we tag along as Moonee leads Scooty and their new friend Jancey (Valeria Cotto) in some boundary-pushing adventures. Their fun ranges from typical kid mischief to accidents with more serious ramifications. The brilliance here is that through the child's eye, we see joy and excitement and fun. We hear the purity of giggles and giddy screeches as the kids bound between tourist traps, ice cream parlors, and rooms forbidden as off-limits. All of this miscreant activity occurs amidst the adults who trudge on simply trying to survive another day.
While we might be tempted to recall Cat Stevens' lyrics, "while the sinners sin, the children play", it's director Baker that refuses to pass judgment. Moonee's mother Halley (Bria Vinaite) was recently fired from her "dancing" job, and is now constantly on the prowl to make enough money to cover the weekly motel bill. She clearly loves her daughter, but is too proud and angry, and just has no idea of how to pull out of this vicious cycle of poverty. The artificial dreams that are prevalent in so many films have no place at the Magic Castle Motel. It's about the next meal and keeping a roof above.
Don't go searching for plot here. Instead, at times it feels like a documentary on Moonee or the spirited need for fun and laughter that is in the DNA of kids. We are just following a real kid around, and that's a tribute to the marvel that is Brooklyn Kimberly Prince. She steals every scene and most of the movie and that's in spite of the terrific performances from Ms. Vinaite and screen vet Willem Dafoe. It's a rare "normal" role for Mr. Dafoe, and he makes the most of it as Bobby, the motel's manager. He is also a father figure, mediator of disputes, bill collector, and protector of damaged souls. With no hint of saccharine or Hollywood mush, Bobby is unable to detach emotionally from those who live at the hotel, not because he is soft, but rather because he is human. We see his demeanor change drastically when the owner of the hotel arrives for inspection. Bobby understands the fragility of his own situation due to what he witnesses each day.
Director Baker is a master of color use and the blending of abrupt framed images with the handhelds in close proximity within motel rooms and personal interactions. His story (co-written with his TANGERINE and STARLET collaborator Chris Bergoch) never feels condescending, preachy or romanticized. There is no blatant political statement being made. These are folks living their lives as best they are able within the confines of their situation. The police and Child Protective Services are always hovering as a reminder that the next mistake could significantly alter lives. Somehow, the film is both hilarious and heart-breaking. The obvious comparison is to last year's MOONLIGHT, and it could even be viewed as a prequel to American HONEY. Mostly it's a slice of rarely seen life and further proof that Sean Baker is already an important filmmaker, and one that likely has more to say. As for the debate around the final scene, does it really matter? There is no better place for a child to escape reality even if it might only be in their mind. Sometimes that's the only escape we get.
The Magic Castle Motel is a lavender monstrosity that belies the daily struggles of those who live behind its purple doors. It's actually a seedy extended-stay that caters to ultra-budget guests. Included among those are 6 year old Moonee (Brooklyn Kimberly Prince) and her friend Scooty (Christopher Rivera). As we watch them spit on a car below their perch on the motel balcony, we quickly judge these as kids with a bit too much free time and a shortage of parental guidance.
As the summer days roll on, we tag along as Moonee leads Scooty and their new friend Jancey (Valeria Cotto) in some boundary-pushing adventures. Their fun ranges from typical kid mischief to accidents with more serious ramifications. The brilliance here is that through the child's eye, we see joy and excitement and fun. We hear the purity of giggles and giddy screeches as the kids bound between tourist traps, ice cream parlors, and rooms forbidden as off-limits. All of this miscreant activity occurs amidst the adults who trudge on simply trying to survive another day.
While we might be tempted to recall Cat Stevens' lyrics, "while the sinners sin, the children play", it's director Baker that refuses to pass judgment. Moonee's mother Halley (Bria Vinaite) was recently fired from her "dancing" job, and is now constantly on the prowl to make enough money to cover the weekly motel bill. She clearly loves her daughter, but is too proud and angry, and just has no idea of how to pull out of this vicious cycle of poverty. The artificial dreams that are prevalent in so many films have no place at the Magic Castle Motel. It's about the next meal and keeping a roof above.
Don't go searching for plot here. Instead, at times it feels like a documentary on Moonee or the spirited need for fun and laughter that is in the DNA of kids. We are just following a real kid around, and that's a tribute to the marvel that is Brooklyn Kimberly Prince. She steals every scene and most of the movie and that's in spite of the terrific performances from Ms. Vinaite and screen vet Willem Dafoe. It's a rare "normal" role for Mr. Dafoe, and he makes the most of it as Bobby, the motel's manager. He is also a father figure, mediator of disputes, bill collector, and protector of damaged souls. With no hint of saccharine or Hollywood mush, Bobby is unable to detach emotionally from those who live at the hotel, not because he is soft, but rather because he is human. We see his demeanor change drastically when the owner of the hotel arrives for inspection. Bobby understands the fragility of his own situation due to what he witnesses each day.
Director Baker is a master of color use and the blending of abrupt framed images with the handhelds in close proximity within motel rooms and personal interactions. His story (co-written with his TANGERINE and STARLET collaborator Chris Bergoch) never feels condescending, preachy or romanticized. There is no blatant political statement being made. These are folks living their lives as best they are able within the confines of their situation. The police and Child Protective Services are always hovering as a reminder that the next mistake could significantly alter lives. Somehow, the film is both hilarious and heart-breaking. The obvious comparison is to last year's MOONLIGHT, and it could even be viewed as a prequel to American HONEY. Mostly it's a slice of rarely seen life and further proof that Sean Baker is already an important filmmaker, and one that likely has more to say. As for the debate around the final scene, does it really matter? There is no better place for a child to escape reality even if it might only be in their mind. Sometimes that's the only escape we get.
- ferguson-6
- Oct 18, 2017
- Permalink
Many years ago I remember being in a shop where a rough-as-stones mother was there with a 5 or 6 year old girl who was so well spoken and friendly that I barely believed they were together. A bit snobbish of me, but at the time I felt for the child as I assumed her path was more or less chosen for her. Life is not as simple as that, and it wasn't fair of me to judge, but it is a memory recovered while watching this film. The Florida Project takes us into a motel mostly housed by those down on their luck (to say the least). We go there via the perspective of the child Moonee, who mostly runs around with other children while her mother Halley smokes and lies around. Money comes from stripping when she can, but mostly from selling knock-offs to tourists. For Moonee though, it is a world of wonder and color.
It is important to say that it does this in a way that is very slow, and does spend a bit too long lingering in some scenes or ideas. This makes the film a bit harder for those (like myself) expecting something with more purpose, but if you know this then it is easy to go with it and be engaged by what it does. The film enjoys the nostalgic playing and fun of the children, and doesn't push the sadness of the situation. Likewise the extent of the poverty and desperation are not directly shown or labored other than the way a child would observe them. The personal drama plays out though, and in the end it is a depressing film for how it does come over as very real - and ultimately how Moonee probably doesn't have that bright future that she deserves; not to say people cannot escape poverty - but there is almost nothing here to help them do it.
The performances are strong through, which is important for a film which spends so long letting the characters just be on camera. Prince is as good as everyone says she is; utterly convincing and challenging. Dafoe is the only real 'name' in the film, but he doesn't let that be what he is there for, and he is an engaging presence. Vinaite is very good as Halley - had the performance come from an established actress then this would have been Oscar material; I wonder if her tattoos etc made people assume that she was essentially just doing what came naturally? Regardless she is nuanced, unsympathetic, but yet human - the film doesn't pander or patronize her.
The Florida Project is not an easy sell as a film, and it is perhaps a bit too slow for its own good, but it has a heart and honesty that make it work. The performances are natural and convincing throughout, and the film allows the child's wonder and fun come through, while never denying the depressing and oppressive reality of it all.
It is important to say that it does this in a way that is very slow, and does spend a bit too long lingering in some scenes or ideas. This makes the film a bit harder for those (like myself) expecting something with more purpose, but if you know this then it is easy to go with it and be engaged by what it does. The film enjoys the nostalgic playing and fun of the children, and doesn't push the sadness of the situation. Likewise the extent of the poverty and desperation are not directly shown or labored other than the way a child would observe them. The personal drama plays out though, and in the end it is a depressing film for how it does come over as very real - and ultimately how Moonee probably doesn't have that bright future that she deserves; not to say people cannot escape poverty - but there is almost nothing here to help them do it.
The performances are strong through, which is important for a film which spends so long letting the characters just be on camera. Prince is as good as everyone says she is; utterly convincing and challenging. Dafoe is the only real 'name' in the film, but he doesn't let that be what he is there for, and he is an engaging presence. Vinaite is very good as Halley - had the performance come from an established actress then this would have been Oscar material; I wonder if her tattoos etc made people assume that she was essentially just doing what came naturally? Regardless she is nuanced, unsympathetic, but yet human - the film doesn't pander or patronize her.
The Florida Project is not an easy sell as a film, and it is perhaps a bit too slow for its own good, but it has a heart and honesty that make it work. The performances are natural and convincing throughout, and the film allows the child's wonder and fun come through, while never denying the depressing and oppressive reality of it all.
- bob the moo
- Mar 24, 2018
- Permalink
- charlesartbr
- Feb 12, 2018
- Permalink
- Prismark10
- Aug 30, 2020
- Permalink
Set in Orlando, Florida, the story follows single mother Halley (Bria Vinaite) and her young daughter Moonee (Brooklynn KImberly Prince) as they struggle to survive. They live week-to-week in a tacky tourist hotel gone to seed managed by the compassionate Bobby (Willem Dafoe), who tries to help the various misfits and rejects that occupy the place. Things are looking bad for Halley, though, as she's lost her stripper job and her options are looking more and more limited, while the often-unsupervised Moonee gets into all sorts of trouble.
I'm sure director Baker wants the audience to sympathize with these people living on the wretched edge only feet away from the tourist capital of the US, to think about the dichotomy of the overly-colorful, often grotesque architecture like something out of a child's dream serving as a backdrop for the struggles of the poor, and especially how it effects their kids. But often the film comes across as an illustration of how modern Western society has collapsed, and the only ones to truly blame are ourselves.
The misbehaving Moonee is not much of a surprise when her mother is such a car-wreck. Halley is her own worst enemy. Willem Dafoe has won many supporting actor awards already for this movie, and at first he seemed like a shoo-in for a long-deserved Oscar. However I can't really see why Dafoe was nominated. He's not bad at all, but there's nothing to his role that seems worthy of the acclaim.
I'm sure director Baker wants the audience to sympathize with these people living on the wretched edge only feet away from the tourist capital of the US, to think about the dichotomy of the overly-colorful, often grotesque architecture like something out of a child's dream serving as a backdrop for the struggles of the poor, and especially how it effects their kids. But often the film comes across as an illustration of how modern Western society has collapsed, and the only ones to truly blame are ourselves.
The misbehaving Moonee is not much of a surprise when her mother is such a car-wreck. Halley is her own worst enemy. Willem Dafoe has won many supporting actor awards already for this movie, and at first he seemed like a shoo-in for a long-deserved Oscar. However I can't really see why Dafoe was nominated. He's not bad at all, but there's nothing to his role that seems worthy of the acclaim.
- carrieannsphone
- Nov 10, 2018
- Permalink
"The Florida Project" is at once uplifting and heartbreaking - depicting adults living in poverty surrounded by children who don't know any better makes for an extremely uncomfortable viewing experience. However, because the majority of the film focuses on children, there is a sense of childlike bewilderment to the goings-on that is genuinely charming to watch. That said, as an adult watching this movie who recognized the horrible situation the children were in, as well as the mostly horrible adults who surrounded them, I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel stressed out for the majority of this film.
"The Florida Project" depicts the hardship of adulthood through the eyes of children who are not yet old enough to recognize the awfulness of their living conditions. Brooklynn Prince plays Moonee, and the film largely focuses on her relationship with her groups of friends, and with her mother, Halley, played by Bria Vinaite. Her friends and Bria give incredibly perfect and true-to-life performances that feel so realistic you'll almost think you're watching a documentary. And watching Moonee interact with those around her does have that gleeful carelessness you'd expect from a child. She wanders around Florida with her friends eating ice cream and harassing strangers, and she plays with her mother, engaging in tickle fights, impromptu photo shoots, and dancing outside in the rain. From the outside looking in, you'd think that everything was peaches and cream.
Where "The Florida Project" differs, and why it was so uncomfortable for me to watch, is because every child in this movie is surrounded by adults who are failing them. Moonee's mother leaves Moonee mostly unattended, allowing her to stray far from the motel where they live. Because of that, Moonee gets in situations where you can easily see something going horribly wrong. Additionally, practically every adult in this movie is, arguably, unfit to be a parent. Yes, you can tell that Moonee's mother loves her, but she literally never stops putting Moonee in situations and environments that have a possibility to cause serious harm to her child. Whether she is inviting strangers over while Moonee is taking a bath, smoking a blunt in front of and in the same room as her child, cursing in front of children, or otherwise doing things that any reasonable adult wouldn't do around kids, watching adults engage in this type of behavior around children is genuinely unnerving, and I was teetering on the edge of anxiety during the entire movie, expecting something bad to happen.
The movie looks good visually, with a really delightful color palate to it. It's directed very well, and the cinematography is gorgeous - there are some genuinely fantastic shots here, notably a scene where Williem Dafoe smokes outside, and another part where Moonee and her friend are watching fireworks. So, at the least, the movie is aesthetically pleasing, which does lessen the impact of the poor environments the children are living in, and makes the film engaging to watch. I also appreciated the slice of life style of the film, even though I do think the movie went on for a touch too long - there are many repetitive scenes that, while they were not necessarily boring, were not necessary to the overall whole of the film. A shorter running time would've probably made the experience stronger.
That said, I did not enjoy the ending of this movie, or more specifically, the final 30 seconds. I will obviously not spoil what happens, but I went from a feeling of genuine emotion to utter confusion so quickly that I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash. I understand what happened in the ending, and I get the point the filmmakers were going for, but what happened before the ending was so packed of emotion and so riveting that, for me personally, the final 30 seconds completely ripped me out of the film and left me shocked, and not in a good way.
This is about the strongest 6 out of 10 I can possibly give. "The Florida Project" looks great, and has acting so good that you'll be glued to the screen. However, watching children living in such horrible conditions, surrounded by horrible adults, didn't lend itself to an enjoyable experience for me personally, and the ridiculous ending left me underwhelmed and unsatisfied.
"The Florida Project" depicts the hardship of adulthood through the eyes of children who are not yet old enough to recognize the awfulness of their living conditions. Brooklynn Prince plays Moonee, and the film largely focuses on her relationship with her groups of friends, and with her mother, Halley, played by Bria Vinaite. Her friends and Bria give incredibly perfect and true-to-life performances that feel so realistic you'll almost think you're watching a documentary. And watching Moonee interact with those around her does have that gleeful carelessness you'd expect from a child. She wanders around Florida with her friends eating ice cream and harassing strangers, and she plays with her mother, engaging in tickle fights, impromptu photo shoots, and dancing outside in the rain. From the outside looking in, you'd think that everything was peaches and cream.
Where "The Florida Project" differs, and why it was so uncomfortable for me to watch, is because every child in this movie is surrounded by adults who are failing them. Moonee's mother leaves Moonee mostly unattended, allowing her to stray far from the motel where they live. Because of that, Moonee gets in situations where you can easily see something going horribly wrong. Additionally, practically every adult in this movie is, arguably, unfit to be a parent. Yes, you can tell that Moonee's mother loves her, but she literally never stops putting Moonee in situations and environments that have a possibility to cause serious harm to her child. Whether she is inviting strangers over while Moonee is taking a bath, smoking a blunt in front of and in the same room as her child, cursing in front of children, or otherwise doing things that any reasonable adult wouldn't do around kids, watching adults engage in this type of behavior around children is genuinely unnerving, and I was teetering on the edge of anxiety during the entire movie, expecting something bad to happen.
The movie looks good visually, with a really delightful color palate to it. It's directed very well, and the cinematography is gorgeous - there are some genuinely fantastic shots here, notably a scene where Williem Dafoe smokes outside, and another part where Moonee and her friend are watching fireworks. So, at the least, the movie is aesthetically pleasing, which does lessen the impact of the poor environments the children are living in, and makes the film engaging to watch. I also appreciated the slice of life style of the film, even though I do think the movie went on for a touch too long - there are many repetitive scenes that, while they were not necessarily boring, were not necessary to the overall whole of the film. A shorter running time would've probably made the experience stronger.
That said, I did not enjoy the ending of this movie, or more specifically, the final 30 seconds. I will obviously not spoil what happens, but I went from a feeling of genuine emotion to utter confusion so quickly that I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash. I understand what happened in the ending, and I get the point the filmmakers were going for, but what happened before the ending was so packed of emotion and so riveting that, for me personally, the final 30 seconds completely ripped me out of the film and left me shocked, and not in a good way.
This is about the strongest 6 out of 10 I can possibly give. "The Florida Project" looks great, and has acting so good that you'll be glued to the screen. However, watching children living in such horrible conditions, surrounded by horrible adults, didn't lend itself to an enjoyable experience for me personally, and the ridiculous ending left me underwhelmed and unsatisfied.
- darkreignn
- Mar 12, 2021
- Permalink
I really liked this film, as unorthodox as it was. The first hour was uproariously funny, before becoming a deep, and poignant study of the millions of lives of Americans who are living on the fringes of society, just barely surviving day to day. There is a shocking lack of cinema devoted to this underclass, and seeing this small film, was refreshing, enlightening, and surprising, and a refreshing contrast to the plutocracy we see all around us today.
The performances were outstanding. I am not sure where Bria Vinaite has been hiding, but she was astonishing as the mom, Hailey. Her daughter and all of the other kids were great, and their interactions, behavior, dialogue and play was hysterical. Then it kind of morphed into a more serious story, that was credible, and powerful. Willem Dafoe was his usual masterful self, and played a very real, very likable guy. A tough guy with a heart of gold.
I highly recommend this film. Not for everyone. Several people walked out during the film. My presumption was that they either thought the film focused too much time on the kids, or they were living in a state of denial, like so many Americans these days, pretending that this huge underclass does not exist. Regardless, it felt like a story that needed to be told. And it was told very well. Kudos to the filmmakers.
The performances were outstanding. I am not sure where Bria Vinaite has been hiding, but she was astonishing as the mom, Hailey. Her daughter and all of the other kids were great, and their interactions, behavior, dialogue and play was hysterical. Then it kind of morphed into a more serious story, that was credible, and powerful. Willem Dafoe was his usual masterful self, and played a very real, very likable guy. A tough guy with a heart of gold.
I highly recommend this film. Not for everyone. Several people walked out during the film. My presumption was that they either thought the film focused too much time on the kids, or they were living in a state of denial, like so many Americans these days, pretending that this huge underclass does not exist. Regardless, it felt like a story that needed to be told. And it was told very well. Kudos to the filmmakers.
- latinfineart
- Oct 20, 2017
- Permalink
I had been looking forward to seeing this new film directed by Sean Baker ever since reading the rave reviews for it that came out of Cannes and Toronto. While I can say that this film is beautifully filmed and features strong acting, it doesn't quite hit the mark. The film is about a poor young girl, raised by a single mother, and her friends who live in a run-down motel close to Disney World near Orlando, Florida.
Baker uses a simple and low-key filmmaking style to deliver excellent cinematography. The film has a strong and commanding color palette to its simple aesthetic. The performances on display in this movie are very satisfying for the most part. The child actors do a very good and convincing job, especially given their ages. Williem Dafoe is very good as the manager of the motel, although it would have been better if he had been given more of an emotional range to work with in his role throughout the movie. Unfortunately, the film does have some notable flaws. The tone of the movie is all over the place, with joyous childhood wonder juxtaposed sometimes abruptly with more edgy and mature themes. Such abrupt changes in tone and motif hold back the movie's message to some degree. Some audiences will dislike that the movie is considerably darker than its trailers make it seem, although I was fine with that. The same concern over abrupt changes in tone is also evident in the movie's writing, mixing puerile scatological 'jokes' from the kids with more sophisticated and powerful material. Finally, the film's final scene feels like a cop-out. Without giving anything away, the way it is done also makes one (unfortunately) wonder if it was filmed on impulse, or if the filmmakers ran out of budget.
I really wanted to love "The Florida Project," and it's certainly not a bad film, but I just wish it could have been better. 6.5/10
Baker uses a simple and low-key filmmaking style to deliver excellent cinematography. The film has a strong and commanding color palette to its simple aesthetic. The performances on display in this movie are very satisfying for the most part. The child actors do a very good and convincing job, especially given their ages. Williem Dafoe is very good as the manager of the motel, although it would have been better if he had been given more of an emotional range to work with in his role throughout the movie. Unfortunately, the film does have some notable flaws. The tone of the movie is all over the place, with joyous childhood wonder juxtaposed sometimes abruptly with more edgy and mature themes. Such abrupt changes in tone and motif hold back the movie's message to some degree. Some audiences will dislike that the movie is considerably darker than its trailers make it seem, although I was fine with that. The same concern over abrupt changes in tone is also evident in the movie's writing, mixing puerile scatological 'jokes' from the kids with more sophisticated and powerful material. Finally, the film's final scene feels like a cop-out. Without giving anything away, the way it is done also makes one (unfortunately) wonder if it was filmed on impulse, or if the filmmakers ran out of budget.
I really wanted to love "The Florida Project," and it's certainly not a bad film, but I just wish it could have been better. 6.5/10
- bastille-852-731547
- Oct 1, 2017
- Permalink
Let me start with a positive. I absolutely loved Tangerine, it had soul, it had heart, and above all it had emotion. By the end of the film you seriously cared for the characters.
However, this film had the completely opposite effect on me. From the first minute until the last, this was an uncomfortable watch. Not because of the subject matter, but because of the cringe factor. The kids were annoying little brats, the mum was an arsehole who got worse, the friend was an arsehole. The only adult who wasn't one was William Dafoe.
Using the kids ad libbed acting as a juxtaposition against the more seedy element of the film just felt like a cheap trick.
I thought this was going to be one of best films of the year, its actually one of the worst.
However, this film had the completely opposite effect on me. From the first minute until the last, this was an uncomfortable watch. Not because of the subject matter, but because of the cringe factor. The kids were annoying little brats, the mum was an arsehole who got worse, the friend was an arsehole. The only adult who wasn't one was William Dafoe.
Using the kids ad libbed acting as a juxtaposition against the more seedy element of the film just felt like a cheap trick.
I thought this was going to be one of best films of the year, its actually one of the worst.
- darren-153-890810
- Nov 11, 2017
- Permalink
My wife and I watched this movie at home on DVD from our public library. The writer/director mentions in the DVD extras that he is a long time fan of the old "Little Rascal" films and making this movie his focus similarly was on the kids and what they do during the summer without supervision.
Back in 1992 writer/director Robert Rodriguez as writer/director/editor gave us "El Mariachi" made for a mere $7000. This little movie has similarities, in fact some scenes were filmed using a phone, the writer/director rewrote some of the story during filming, and was the editor. Overall a fine effort, made to bring to light the plight of the near homeless, those families living in cheap motels in the Florida area near Disney World.
To me the real star is first time actress Bria Vinaite as Halley, a single mom with a daughter maybe 6 or 7. The writer says she would have had her daughter when she was perhaps only 15 and has had to figure out how to keep a roof over their heads. As probably most would do in a strictly survival mode her actions stray way off the line of good morality and her mouth is filthy as they come. She finds a variety of ways, some legal, to make money each week.
In a good role for him Willem Dafoe is Bobby, the manager of the motel. He clearly gets frustrated with the antics of the kids, and always having to remind Halley that the week's rent is due, but he also has a soft heart for all of them. He is perhaps the only father figure Halley ever had.
There is also a short scene with little kids playing and an older man approaches them. Bobby is on a tall ladder painting, quickly jumps into action and prevents what might have become an ugly situation and muscles the man away.
Much of the movie is hard to watch because we understand that, even though this is fiction, it mirrors reality very closely. This movie was made about Florida, you could probably make a similar one in every large community, including the one where I live in Texas.
Back in 1992 writer/director Robert Rodriguez as writer/director/editor gave us "El Mariachi" made for a mere $7000. This little movie has similarities, in fact some scenes were filmed using a phone, the writer/director rewrote some of the story during filming, and was the editor. Overall a fine effort, made to bring to light the plight of the near homeless, those families living in cheap motels in the Florida area near Disney World.
To me the real star is first time actress Bria Vinaite as Halley, a single mom with a daughter maybe 6 or 7. The writer says she would have had her daughter when she was perhaps only 15 and has had to figure out how to keep a roof over their heads. As probably most would do in a strictly survival mode her actions stray way off the line of good morality and her mouth is filthy as they come. She finds a variety of ways, some legal, to make money each week.
In a good role for him Willem Dafoe is Bobby, the manager of the motel. He clearly gets frustrated with the antics of the kids, and always having to remind Halley that the week's rent is due, but he also has a soft heart for all of them. He is perhaps the only father figure Halley ever had.
There is also a short scene with little kids playing and an older man approaches them. Bobby is on a tall ladder painting, quickly jumps into action and prevents what might have become an ugly situation and muscles the man away.
Much of the movie is hard to watch because we understand that, even though this is fiction, it mirrors reality very closely. This movie was made about Florida, you could probably make a similar one in every large community, including the one where I live in Texas.
I had the privilege to catch an early viewing of this film along with a Q&A with writer/director/editor Sean Baker. Many know him from his breakout hit Tangerine (2015); I was sucked into his world since the release of Starlet (2012). Something that he never ceases to portray is the messed up realism that is hidden within our world and the Florida Project capture this in the most purest and colorful of ways.
The story follows a ruthlessly mischievous 6-year old named Moonee who, along with a couple friends, explore, disrupt, criticize and takeover a simple hotel complex just on the outskirts of Disney World. She lives with her young, tattooed mother, who seems to have issues of her own, but seems content and manages to pay rent (almost) every week.
Taking place over the summer, these kids are free to do as they please, that is, since there parents are not too strict. And being around tourists who can't afford the Disney Resort, they can make a lot of fun out of it. From panhandling money for ice cream to turning off the electricity in the hotel, these badmouthed hoodlums do it all. One thing this film captures well is the freedom children have and how far they go to test the waters of life.
It was very easy to get lost in this film, making it completely enjoyable. I was worried about the kids being a bit over exaggerating, but they really weren't and every thing they did seemed natural and true to their character. I especially want to point out Halley, Moonee's mother, and her performance. I have never seen a character like her played so superbly and so factual. You will see as the story unfolds that she is a very complex person who, like a child, struggles to maintain complacency with the people around her.
Another element I would like to touch up on is the camera work. By far one of the best storytelling methods for a film such as this that is mostly from a child's point of view. The colours being so vibrant and wide angles that show how big the world really is. The gorilla-style as well really depicts how on-the-go they are and trivial most disruptions are.
One last thing I want to touch up on is that there is a number of great shots with a helicopter zooming away. I am unsure if it was intentional or if there was a popular helipad near by, but this was a great part of the film that was subtly used. To me it represented freedom, and escape from the world, referring to how fast it can get away.
It is not everyday you come across a film like The Florida Project and I definitely intend on seeing it again, as it is simply rewatchable. Getting a taste of authentic realism in art nowadays is one of the most beautiful gifts we can receive. Enjoy!
The story follows a ruthlessly mischievous 6-year old named Moonee who, along with a couple friends, explore, disrupt, criticize and takeover a simple hotel complex just on the outskirts of Disney World. She lives with her young, tattooed mother, who seems to have issues of her own, but seems content and manages to pay rent (almost) every week.
Taking place over the summer, these kids are free to do as they please, that is, since there parents are not too strict. And being around tourists who can't afford the Disney Resort, they can make a lot of fun out of it. From panhandling money for ice cream to turning off the electricity in the hotel, these badmouthed hoodlums do it all. One thing this film captures well is the freedom children have and how far they go to test the waters of life.
It was very easy to get lost in this film, making it completely enjoyable. I was worried about the kids being a bit over exaggerating, but they really weren't and every thing they did seemed natural and true to their character. I especially want to point out Halley, Moonee's mother, and her performance. I have never seen a character like her played so superbly and so factual. You will see as the story unfolds that she is a very complex person who, like a child, struggles to maintain complacency with the people around her.
Another element I would like to touch up on is the camera work. By far one of the best storytelling methods for a film such as this that is mostly from a child's point of view. The colours being so vibrant and wide angles that show how big the world really is. The gorilla-style as well really depicts how on-the-go they are and trivial most disruptions are.
One last thing I want to touch up on is that there is a number of great shots with a helicopter zooming away. I am unsure if it was intentional or if there was a popular helipad near by, but this was a great part of the film that was subtly used. To me it represented freedom, and escape from the world, referring to how fast it can get away.
It is not everyday you come across a film like The Florida Project and I definitely intend on seeing it again, as it is simply rewatchable. Getting a taste of authentic realism in art nowadays is one of the most beautiful gifts we can receive. Enjoy!
- mmendez-22089
- Sep 20, 2017
- Permalink
Boy, did I hear some great things about this from film festivals and from critics I follow on social media. Trailer didn't blow me away but I knew there had to be something special about this film. I haven't seen Sean Baker's previous effort, Tangerine, so I didn't really have a barometer for what to expect. I can safely say the film works so well. It's incredibly well acted, and utilizes a charming and emotional script to convey an experience you won't soon forget.
The film follows a young girl named Moonee (played by a really good young Brooklynn Kimberly Prince) and her mom who live in an extended stay motel managed by Bobby (Willem Dafoe). Halley, Moone's mother, has trouble making ends meet and does whatever she can to raise her daughter but her brash personality and lifestyle makes life difficult during their stay at the motel. Bobby tries his best to watch over them but realizes how tough it is keeping them as guests.
Its hard to say much more without giving away key plot points. I have to say this film is a joyous good time. The kid performers are mostly yelling loudly and running around on adventures. you know, being typical hyper kids. Its done so well though. I think Baker may have legitimately had the child actors improvise their lines because everything felt extremely natural. Newcomer Bria Vinaite, wow. She is livewire. Love or hate her character, she is loudly unapologetic and rebellious and just wonderfully portrayed. Defoe is also typically great. Bobby is such an identifiable character.
Baker uses his lenses to study a part of under-represented America. We don't get a lot of films about struggling families who find it hard to get by, definitely not the typical "Hollywood" character story. The film is definitely going to hit a lot of viewers hard at the end. Its a rather beautiful ending that reflects the innocence of the mischievous but ultimately innocent children. This could really be an Oscar contender.
The film follows a young girl named Moonee (played by a really good young Brooklynn Kimberly Prince) and her mom who live in an extended stay motel managed by Bobby (Willem Dafoe). Halley, Moone's mother, has trouble making ends meet and does whatever she can to raise her daughter but her brash personality and lifestyle makes life difficult during their stay at the motel. Bobby tries his best to watch over them but realizes how tough it is keeping them as guests.
Its hard to say much more without giving away key plot points. I have to say this film is a joyous good time. The kid performers are mostly yelling loudly and running around on adventures. you know, being typical hyper kids. Its done so well though. I think Baker may have legitimately had the child actors improvise their lines because everything felt extremely natural. Newcomer Bria Vinaite, wow. She is livewire. Love or hate her character, she is loudly unapologetic and rebellious and just wonderfully portrayed. Defoe is also typically great. Bobby is such an identifiable character.
Baker uses his lenses to study a part of under-represented America. We don't get a lot of films about struggling families who find it hard to get by, definitely not the typical "Hollywood" character story. The film is definitely going to hit a lot of viewers hard at the end. Its a rather beautiful ending that reflects the innocence of the mischievous but ultimately innocent children. This could really be an Oscar contender.
- rockman182
- Oct 7, 2017
- Permalink
The Florida Project (2017)
Filled with contradictions-it's meant to be a serious movie (film not digital, Panavision lenses, Technicolor post-production) and yet it's loosely filmed (and with amazing aweful distortion in many of the shots) and is a mess.
It attempts to be a slice of life of some imaginary but seemingly based on fact world of a welfare hotel in Florica. But why? What kinds of clichés are really going to make this meaningful? I think people like this movie because it shows them things they want to see-a kind of armchair voyeurism-but I don't think that's enough at all. Even if you identify with the problem or have empathy for it.
I know that the movie has gotten a lot of high praise, and that could be a welcome sign that there is a craving for movies that have substance, and that are not only about effects and pizazz. But I'm also for a higher kind of craft, or something with real cinematic force.
Filled with contradictions-it's meant to be a serious movie (film not digital, Panavision lenses, Technicolor post-production) and yet it's loosely filmed (and with amazing aweful distortion in many of the shots) and is a mess.
It attempts to be a slice of life of some imaginary but seemingly based on fact world of a welfare hotel in Florica. But why? What kinds of clichés are really going to make this meaningful? I think people like this movie because it shows them things they want to see-a kind of armchair voyeurism-but I don't think that's enough at all. Even if you identify with the problem or have empathy for it.
I know that the movie has gotten a lot of high praise, and that could be a welcome sign that there is a craving for movies that have substance, and that are not only about effects and pizazz. But I'm also for a higher kind of craft, or something with real cinematic force.
- secondtake
- Apr 13, 2021
- Permalink
Beautifully humane film that at times recalls Italian Neo-Realism, at other times the child-based films that are so popular in Iran. That it was made in the USA, with a real if humble budget, seems surprising and is a testament to the commitment of the filmmakers.
Subtly going back and forth between the perspectives of the child and adult characters, the film has, at times, an almost magical realist vibe, though nothing remotely supernatural or surreal transpires. Indeed, this is a film steeped in harsh reality, but also one that captures the almost mystical sense of discovering life on the part of the children and sometimes, momentarily at least, even the adults.
On the other hand, the film also offers a very visceral sense of the stress of trying to survive amidst the scarcity of the margins of American capitalism.
The acting is incredible, all the more so given that, with the very notable exception of Willem Dafoe, the performers are all either non- actors or unknowns.
Subtly going back and forth between the perspectives of the child and adult characters, the film has, at times, an almost magical realist vibe, though nothing remotely supernatural or surreal transpires. Indeed, this is a film steeped in harsh reality, but also one that captures the almost mystical sense of discovering life on the part of the children and sometimes, momentarily at least, even the adults.
On the other hand, the film also offers a very visceral sense of the stress of trying to survive amidst the scarcity of the margins of American capitalism.
The acting is incredible, all the more so given that, with the very notable exception of Willem Dafoe, the performers are all either non- actors or unknowns.
- treywillwest
- Oct 23, 2017
- Permalink
Looking back at this piece as a story it was an engaging film that, many times, had me enchanted and rooting for the characters. It is good without question, but what would have made it truly "great"?
The kids are, of course, "cute", but just can't justify quite that much screen time - they don't advance the story further at that level of coverage. I would reduce the long closeups by about 25-35%. I believe that was time that would have been better spent on building Willem Dafoe's character - his family context, his role in the outcome of the film. Alternatively, perhaps a more in depth character treatment of one of the children as opposed to "the children" as a group entity. As the "Manager", Dafoe was very good as always, but I would like to have seen him play a slightly more defining role in the story. The ending was intriguing but ultimately unsatisfying - it seemed abrupt and thin. The story builds to a climax that simply can't end well, but the audience is left hanging.
This film did a lot with $2,000,000 and seems to have been highly profitable. Sean Baker did what was no doubt a difficult and consuming job as Producer, Director, Screenwriter, and sole Editor, and all the awards and profits the film gathered do him justice. No doubt he'll be trusted with larger budgets going forward, and it will be exciting to see what comes next.
The kids are, of course, "cute", but just can't justify quite that much screen time - they don't advance the story further at that level of coverage. I would reduce the long closeups by about 25-35%. I believe that was time that would have been better spent on building Willem Dafoe's character - his family context, his role in the outcome of the film. Alternatively, perhaps a more in depth character treatment of one of the children as opposed to "the children" as a group entity. As the "Manager", Dafoe was very good as always, but I would like to have seen him play a slightly more defining role in the story. The ending was intriguing but ultimately unsatisfying - it seemed abrupt and thin. The story builds to a climax that simply can't end well, but the audience is left hanging.
This film did a lot with $2,000,000 and seems to have been highly profitable. Sean Baker did what was no doubt a difficult and consuming job as Producer, Director, Screenwriter, and sole Editor, and all the awards and profits the film gathered do him justice. No doubt he'll be trusted with larger budgets going forward, and it will be exciting to see what comes next.
- Kyle_Eason
- Jul 5, 2020
- Permalink
It might as well be a documentary. I stayed in Orlando and this is it in a nutshell. There are a lot of things I love about the U. S, but the way the poor are dispossessed and treated like garbage, is not one of them. Willem Dafoe's character has a good heart, and capitalist America takes advantage of this and expects him to pick up the pieces and do the right thing. When a country is completely under the spell of money hungry corporations, The Florida Project is the result. Brilliant film, sad country!
- rob_barton
- May 18, 2022
- Permalink
Yeah this movie could have been Oscar worthy if it weren't for that terribly executed, irredeemably bad ending. I get the premise of it but I refuse to believe that there couldn't have been a better way to do it. I was loving everything else up until the last 60 seconds, which was seriously one of the most unsatisfying endings to any film that came out in 2017. It's such a shame.
- werdnaoslek
- Jul 11, 2018
- Permalink
From the description you might thinks this is some kind of uplifting film about getting by in hard times. It's not. It's a character study of a class of people who have pretty much given up and don't even realize it. To be fair, society has no use for them either, and they live week to week in a budget motel in Florida with no prospects for the future. It's bleak but fascinating as their lives slog along, a successful mom working in a diner, a guy who thinks things will be better in New Orleans, and the central figure, a petit-crime type and occasional hooker and her adorable, pre-criminal kid. You get the impression that the mom's childhood was much like her kid's and the cycle will repeat.
Don't expect plot - there isn't any. It's a series of vignettes that drive from point to point along their hopeless lives. It's captivating and you want to look away, but it's hard not to watch. Part of my reaction comes from the fact that this is such a true story. Early on, I was a social welfare examiner in New York and had to deal with people like these characters and this film could be a documentary. Many of my clients would say they've had it with us and move to Florida to start a new and successful life and they usually returned within a year to resume the same life as before. They were at once, maddening and heartbreaking in real life and the director and actors in this film capture that so well. You'll find yourself with a mixture of anger and empathy.
Don't expect plot - there isn't any. It's a series of vignettes that drive from point to point along their hopeless lives. It's captivating and you want to look away, but it's hard not to watch. Part of my reaction comes from the fact that this is such a true story. Early on, I was a social welfare examiner in New York and had to deal with people like these characters and this film could be a documentary. Many of my clients would say they've had it with us and move to Florida to start a new and successful life and they usually returned within a year to resume the same life as before. They were at once, maddening and heartbreaking in real life and the director and actors in this film capture that so well. You'll find yourself with a mixture of anger and empathy.
I really wanted to love The Florida Project. The film certainly has its strengths-there's no denying the vibrant, candy-colored aesthetic that immediately draws you into this world on the margins of society. The performances, particularly from the young Brooklynn Prince and Willem Dafoe, are also commendable. Prince captures the wild, carefree spirit of childhood in a way that feels incredibly authentic, while Dafoe brings a quiet, grounding presence to the chaos that surrounds him.
But despite these positives, I couldn't help but feel that The Florida Project ultimately fell short. The movie seems to be trying to say something profound about poverty and childhood innocence, yet I found the message muddled. The film meanders through its vignettes of life in a rundown motel, but for me, it never quite comes together into a cohesive story. While the intention might be to reflect the aimlessness of its characters' lives, as a viewer, I was left wanting more depth and direction.
The final reveal, which I won't spoil here, left me particularly underwhelmed. I understand what the film was aiming for-a sudden jolt that contrasts with the rest of the film's realism-but I wasn't convinced. It felt more like a gimmick than a natural conclusion to the story. I wanted to be moved, but instead, I was left feeling detached.
But despite these positives, I couldn't help but feel that The Florida Project ultimately fell short. The movie seems to be trying to say something profound about poverty and childhood innocence, yet I found the message muddled. The film meanders through its vignettes of life in a rundown motel, but for me, it never quite comes together into a cohesive story. While the intention might be to reflect the aimlessness of its characters' lives, as a viewer, I was left wanting more depth and direction.
The final reveal, which I won't spoil here, left me particularly underwhelmed. I understand what the film was aiming for-a sudden jolt that contrasts with the rest of the film's realism-but I wasn't convinced. It felt more like a gimmick than a natural conclusion to the story. I wanted to be moved, but instead, I was left feeling detached.
The Florida Project is the third feature film from writer-director Sean Baker and, while being an improvement over Tangerine and Starlet, The Florida Project is still missing the heart it needs to be an everlasting and impactful film. From his cinematic conception, Baker has had a knack for showing very dingy lifestyles bursting with a color palate that would make George Miller weep. But underneath the colorful array that he includes is a superficial mess of a film. One that thinks it is smarter and more heartfelt than it really is.
Telling the story of a young girl living in a by-the-hour motel ran by a seedy motel manager (Willem DaFoe) with a heart of gold and having a drug abusing, prostitute mother doesn't exactly translate to feel good. The young girl decides to let her imagination take wind and shield her from the harsh realities of life. While this sounds like it should hit hard, it doesn't. Not even a little bit. The problem that Sean Baker has in all of his films is his characters. All of them are begging for sympathy when sympathy is the last thing they deserve. While I think the young girl, Moonee, deserves our sympathies, no one else does. Every one in this film has gotten themselves here by their own doing and Baker tries desperately to make us feel for them. It may work on some audiences but it was wasted on me.
Overall, this feels like a cheap grindhouse drama that really doesn't do any favors to the actors. The cinematography in the film is top notch and definitely shows that Baker has a visual eye but, as with his previous 2 films, the story is severely lacking. While I definitely think Baker has talent, it doesn't lie within his original stories. For those of you who enjoyed Baker's Tangerine or Starlet, give this a shot. Anyone else, you might want to skip it.
Telling the story of a young girl living in a by-the-hour motel ran by a seedy motel manager (Willem DaFoe) with a heart of gold and having a drug abusing, prostitute mother doesn't exactly translate to feel good. The young girl decides to let her imagination take wind and shield her from the harsh realities of life. While this sounds like it should hit hard, it doesn't. Not even a little bit. The problem that Sean Baker has in all of his films is his characters. All of them are begging for sympathy when sympathy is the last thing they deserve. While I think the young girl, Moonee, deserves our sympathies, no one else does. Every one in this film has gotten themselves here by their own doing and Baker tries desperately to make us feel for them. It may work on some audiences but it was wasted on me.
Overall, this feels like a cheap grindhouse drama that really doesn't do any favors to the actors. The cinematography in the film is top notch and definitely shows that Baker has a visual eye but, as with his previous 2 films, the story is severely lacking. While I definitely think Baker has talent, it doesn't lie within his original stories. For those of you who enjoyed Baker's Tangerine or Starlet, give this a shot. Anyone else, you might want to skip it.
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