Hannah Telle credited as playing...
Maxine Caulfield • Courtney Wagner
- Maxine Caulfield: My powers might not last, Chloe.
- Chloe Price: That's okay. We will. Forever.
- Chloe Price: You can rewind time, Max! That's fucking insane! We have to play!
- Maxine Caulfield: I don't have time.
- Chloe Price: ...You did not just say that.
- Maxine Caulfield: I'm so glad you're my partner in crime.
- Chloe Price: As long as you're my partner in time.
- Maxine Caulfield: Insert groan here.
- Maxine Caulfield: Chloe! I'm back! You're here! Oh my lord, this is real, it's real! Oh man, this sucks!
- Chloe Price: Max, what's going on? You totally blacked out.
- Maxine Caulfield: I didn't black out! I had another vision. The town is going to get wiped out by a tornado.
- Chloe Price: Oregon gets about five tornadoes every twenty years. You just zoned.
- Maxine Caulfield: No, no, I saw it! I could actually feel the electricity in the air.
- Chloe Price: Come on, take a breath, okay?
- Maxine Caulfield: Chloe, I'm not crazy. But there's something else I have to tell you. Something hardcore.
- Chloe Price: Talk to me, Max.
- Maxine Caulfield: I had the same vision earlier in class. When I came out of it... I discovered I could reverse time. Like I said, not crazy.
- Chloe Price: But... high, right?
- Maxine Caulfield: Listen to me. How do you think I saved you in the bathroom today?
- Chloe Price: By reversing time? Yeah, sure.
- Maxine Caulfield: I saw you get shot, Chloe. Saw you actually... die. I was able to go back and hit the fire alarm.
- Chloe Price: Okay, I see you're a geek now with a great imagination, but this isn't an anime or a video game. People don't have these powers, Max.
- Maxine Caulfield: I don't know what I have, but I have it. And I'm scared shitless.
- Chloe Price: You need to get high. It's been a hella insane fucking day... What the hell is this?
- Maxine Caulfield: Snowflakes...
- Chloe Price: It's like, 80 degrees. How?
- Maxine Caulfield: Climate change... or a storm is coming.
- Chloe Price: ...Max, start from the beginning. Tell me everything.
- [commenting on a leaflet for a flu shot]
- Maxine Caulfield: The last time I got a flu shot, I got the flu. Fuck you.
- Maxine Caulfield: I take photos. Of me, the world, everything. It may sound sad, but I have a blast.
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