Seriously you have to see this film, especially the "Fist of Jesus" , there are some effects that I haven't even seen in any modern zombie films like the half head with the eyes moving and the hilarious use of fish to kill zombies with the piranha getting the biggest laugh!
It is quite sacrilegious and I can see how some Christians would most definitely be offended by it but just take it in fun and you will enjoy it! Would have been nice if they could have added a mohammed sketch but I guess that will never happen.
The segment set on the beach has to be seen to be believed - once again there are some gut wrenching effects that are simply hilarious like the football head and most of the effects are quite simply amazing for such a low budget - i would say that some of them even beat z-nation and many other high end zombie films - simply superb!
Contrary to some reviews I found the inter-segment "how to survive a zombie apocalypse" skits quite amusing - I think the stabbing a zombie in the back of the head with a bicycle seat raised the biggest laugh - very unorthodox but effective! lol I have actually learned some very effective zombie survival secrets now for when the impending zombie apocalypse does happen so the movie is practical as well as funny! >;o)
Most of the movie is stitched together shorts - some good, some bad. Yeah its low budget, yeah its full of mistakes but yeah it is actually quite funny if you aren't an anal film reviewer with no sense of humour. Just open a beer , lie back and laugh (or not).