My mom and sister were big BZ fans, I liked the odd song.but they were just one of many pop bands around that time but feeling nostalgic I thought I'd watch and first think I'd say is this is arguably twice as long as needed, there was one very important section and then the rest was very similar, I'd argue only 2 came out of this looking fine which was Stephen and Mikey, I don't buy for a minute much of Ronans chat, I feel he's the victim in his own world but also did a lot of selfish stuff that he neglected to mention on here. I don't care what the agreement is, Ronans whole thing with Westlife was bizarre.
Keith and Shayne just acted like kids, who wouldn't behave towards the end, I can see why their behaviour lead to the band just giving way, to have to do that so many time with people who irritate you, no chance. I don't believe they're mates and have seen each other since the forced ending. It breaks your heart about Stephen but really none or the 3 really feel that sympathetic, Keith and Shayne were worried because they're only in a band for Louis choice and couldn't do much else musically, luckily Keith found corrie and the other guy driving. It just droned on and on, shady manipulation of the media etc, all predictable not shocking stuff.
You then see Mikey who looks really different but by the end you just feel a sense of ease with him line he's judged it the most accurately and has dealt with it properly, it's easy to mock his appearance which is cruel but if he's happy and healthy like he claims then power to him, I felt most comfortable believing his story and how he is over any of the rest.
Lastly Louis looked insane and unhinged, cheek fillers made his jowls look awful and some of his interactions made him look very unwell, I'd like to be sympathetic but with his behaviour in this, he can get whatever and it be tough, vile guy, immoral, delusional and disrespectful. He boiled my blood and I'm not even a fan, to do what he did and say what he did hear about Stephens journey out, considering the obvious hypocrisy of Louis! Whose private life will likely be its own documentary, the guy is horrendous here. Also he's too pathetic to have the power he had.