Watched two Farooki movies back to back in a while. This one is on a contemporary topic- monogamy. Is monogamy not working today? That was the theme of the movie. And it had humor, kinda comedy style. But also some serious notes.
Shafkat is the boss of an advertising company and Lamiya is an intern who is also a singer and very modern. The contrast between them instills a kind of attraction but Shafkat also can't ignore the fact that he has a family. So, the love affair gets as peculiar as it can be. And funny.
I liked how Farooki showcased Dhaka's newly installed metro through the lens of a camera. He uses whatever tools he can get, like the metro, the local cuisines that can enhance the charm of a film, but he also keeps it real-doesn't add too many filters for the sake of beautifying.
As my husband says, Bangla movies tend to have less substance. I nodded with him. Even though Farooki didn't lack substance in Bachelor and Television, I felt his last two movies "Something like an autobiography" and "Last Defenders of Monogamy" could have some more substance. In this movie, you can count there were basically three characters. Oh and the child part of a 7/8 years old daughter was very bad. I don't think a small girl can talk so maturely and who dubbed her voice? Sounds like someone much older.
I would say it's a very mellow watch. You can chill out for 90 minutes and watch this. Spending 90 minutes on the same topic is also not something many people like. So, a bit more substance wouldn't hurt.