Jensen Ackles credited as playing...
Dean Winchester
- David Lassiter: Violet's not picking up.
- Sam Winchester: Wait, so this girl, she's a shifter, too?
- David Lassiter: Werewolf.
- Dean Winchester, Ennis Ross: [simultaneously] Awesome.
- [They give each other a look]
- Ennis Ross: If she has her cell, we could trace the signal.
- Sam Winchester: Yeah, you might be right. Alright, what's her number?
- David Lassiter: Take me with you, it's all yours.
- Ennis Ross: No.
- [Sam and Dean look at each other]
- Ennis Ross: Oh, Hell no!
- [to Dean]
- Ennis Ross: Dude, he's a frickin' transformer!
- Dean Winchester: And sometimes you gotta work with the bad guys to get to the worse guys.
- David Lassiter: Dude. I'm right here.
- Dean Winchester: [Muttering, uncaring] Yeah, I see ya.
- Dean Winchester: Agents Bonham and Peart, FBI. We will take it from here.
- Freddie Costa: Like Hell you will. Since when do the Feebs start working stabbings?
- Dean Winchester: Listen, uh, Detective.
- [Dean puts his hand on the Detective's shoulder like they're buddies and steers him to the door]
- Dean Winchester: Your, uh, perp fits a certain profile.
- [Deans walks him out the door]
- Dean Winchester: Now, I could go into detail. But, I'm- I'm not going to.
- [Deans smacks him on the arm, walks into the interrogation room and closes the door on him]
- Dean Winchester: [to Sam, after chopping off a vampire's head] Looks better with a little off the top, don't ya think?
- [chuckles]
- Ennis Ross: So you're, what, monster cops?
- Dean Winchester: Hunters.
- Ennis Ross: Then what killed my girlfriend?
- Dean Winchester: We're working on it, okay? And from what you told us, uh, the thing sounds new or Freddy Krueger.
- Dean Winchester: So you're tellin' me there are five monster families that run Chicago? What is this, "The Godfather" with fangs?
- Ennis Ross: Well, if it is, I'm gonna need all the help I can get.
- Dean Winchester: Well, he doesn't quit, I'll give him that.
- Dean Winchester: [Going through the cupboards at the monster club] This is full of blood and meat. A lot of meat.
- [Takes out baggie]
- Dean Winchester: This one's labeled "Susan".