Detective Juliet Dumon returns from Brussels to her native village of De Haan. She starts looking for a foster family for her teenage niece Chloë and can temporarily work for a team from the local police department.
The gruesome murder of teenage girl Amber continues to deeply disturb the coastal town. Juliet throws herself completely into the investigation of the murderer, but neglects her grieving teenage niece.
Meyrem, a well-known face from a local television channel, is found battered in her home. She had been stalked for some time, leading Juliet and Jamal to investigate possible perpetrators.
Someone from Juliet's private life turns out to be one of the main suspects in the Meyrem case. Juliet has to distance herself from the case. Chloë, in turn distances herself from her aunt, convinced that the police are on the wrong track.
The investigation into the murder of Jeffrey Bauwens is gaining momentum. Hoping to uncover the definitive truth, Juliet makes a mistake and threatens to jeopardizes the entire investigation.