Is it your standard "Will he or won't he come out" story? Or is it more about the "other man's" fear of commitment? Or his struggle with his black identity amidst a sea of affluent white people. Even the starving artist is affluent to a certain extent.
And then there's the "Where do we stand on monogamy?" Even though most of the male characters are promiscuous. And at one point, they even touch on the crystal meth epidemic in the gay community.
That's too much to unpack. It could be made into at least three different movies.
I would love to see one centered around the black man and the potential complex intersections of his fear of commitment and how that might be related to his growing up as an affluent African American. Directed by a black director, please!
I'll leave you with one of my biggest pet peeves in movies like this. As a New Yorker who visits Philadelphia frequently, I can assure you a magazine copywriter could never afford a quaint apartment.t in Rittenhouse Square - much less move to the newly gentrified meat packing district adjacent to the West Village. Decorated with a Noguchi coffee table and a Barcelona chair!