15 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 70The Hollywood ReporterDavid RooneyThe Hollywood ReporterDavid RooneyBill Condon sets himself a tough assignment trying to transform the tricky material into a great movie musical, but thanks in part to laudable work from his three leads, he occasionally comes close.
- 70VarietyPeter DebrugeVarietyPeter DebrugeThe musical finds rare shards of light — and an unlikely connection — in the most despairing of places.
- 70Screen RantMae AbdulbakiScreen RantMae AbdulbakiKiss of the Spider Woman is entertaining and invites us into its fantasy in a bid to forget reality for a while. And for the two hours I was watching, I did.
- 60ColliderRoss BonaimeColliderRoss BonaimeKiss of the Spider Woman is yet another decent adaptation, but even Condon's visual panache and scale can’t quite elevate this story to greatness.
- 60The GuardianBenjamin LeeThe GuardianBenjamin LeeWe’re in safest hands with Lopez and Condon when he’s playing in that sandbox as the cell-based scenes can be a little stagey and rushed in comparison.
- 60New York Magazine (Vulture)Bilge EbiriNew York Magazine (Vulture)Bilge EbiriThis Kiss of the Spider Woman might be wildly uneven, but it’s hard not to be moved by the sight of a great new talent emerging into the world.
- 58IndieWireRyan LattanzioIndieWireRyan LattanzioKiss of the Spider Woman is a flashy ode to the fairies and the radicals, the maricóns who’ve repurposed their oppression and media literacy into an outsize, fuck-if-I-care-what-you-think political identity. Yet there’s nothing revolutionary about the movie that contains them.
- 50New York PostJohnny OleksinskiNew York PostJohnny OleksinskiDreamgirls director Bill Condon’s off-putting movie is a visual and narrative mess: polished where it should be gritty and ugly where it must be glamorous. Bland, almost always.
- 50Vanity FairRichard LawsonVanity FairRichard LawsonHere is an opportunity for a wild and sorrowful confluence of gay dream and national nightmare. Alas, this Kiss of the Spider Woman gives us a competent but glancing rendering of the easier, more palatable aspects of a story that should be anything but.
- 40Screen DailyFionnuala HalliganScreen DailyFionnuala HalliganThe effort is strenuous; all 128 minutes of it. But it’s almost as exhausting to watch as it must have been to make.